R | 26 March 2010 (USA)
Greenberg Trailers

A New Yorker moves to Los Angeles in order to figure out his life while he housesits for his brother, and he soon sparks with his brother's assistant.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
jordi-92183 If you like art exhibitions with a chair as the main attraction, you may like this movie, and fins how it talks about the greatness of humanity as well ofits weirdness or whatever. Otherwise itay seem like me going to do shopping for two hours... Nothing happens.
SnoopyStyle Florence Marr (Greta Gerwig) is the Greenberg family nanny in L.A. The family goes on a trip while the brother Roger Greenberg (Ben Stiller) drops by to housesit. She's young trying to find her way. He's a New Yorker misanthrope just out of an insane asylum. He doesn't drive and writes complaint letters. His friend Ivan Schrank (Rhys Ifans) pushes him to go to Eric Beller (Mark Duplass)'s barbecue where he runs into ex-girlfriend Beth (Jennifer Jason Leigh) with her kids. Roger, Eric and Ivan were once in a band but Roger refused to sign a recording deal. Florence and Roger have an on-and-off relationship.Ben Stiller is going too dark. It's a matter of slight miscalibration. This could be a great indie rom-com but I can't find any likability to Roger. His dialog could have some sharp sarcastic jokes to take off the edge. I need to laugh with him but his dark depressed nature keeps getting into the way. Getting angry over his birthday is probably the only laughable moment although saying Florence's emotional story is pointless gets a small chuckle. His anger needs to have more comedy as an outlet and to balance his dark side. It has some good moments but it could have been better.
coulinjo How on earth people would put this together, look at it, and then say "Yes, let's release it with our name on it" is beyond me. Unlikable characters doing unbelievable things (what 25 year old would even look at an ugly-mannered, mean-spirited, nasty 41 year old? Self destructive is one thing, but this is just horrible to watch. I'm sick and tired of so- called indy movies following the Hollywood line of all the old guys get the young chicks, no question. Ivan and the main girl's friend are the only believable characters in the movie and I'm sad I wasted an evening on it. The cover said "Stunning" - sure, if they mean "to render senseless. There are much better movies covering the same themes.
darraghmurphy777 I am certainly what you would call an amateur movie lover, I never studied film so there are certainly several finer points of good film making that go over my head. I can however appreciate a wide variety of movies for many reasons such as good, likable characters, clever/witty writing and dialog, cinematography etc. Sadly, this film possessed none of these qualities.In a nut shell, it's listed and sold as a comedy yet I didn't so much as grin throughout. I quite dislike every character in it, especially that of Ben Stiller. If I actually knew any of these people I would quickly distance myself from them. Finally it has no redeeming features such as striking/beautiful imagery or an interesting story where things actually happen.Judging by other reviews this seems to be a movie one has to "get" in order to enjoy. I can accept that up to a certain extent but if that's the case at least try include a few things for those poor souls fooled into thinking it was a comedy. This is the only film that I have ever seen where I am literally left with nothing good to say about it.