Green River
Green River
| 08 May 2008 (USA)
Green River Trailers

There is no turning back. Whether we trust our friends, others or ourselves our decision determines the fate of the future. Green River's story deals with the agonizing truth of the actions we take in times of crisis.

StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Connianatu How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Calvin Price On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being Spielberg and 1 being a monkey throwing feces) I gladly rate this movie lower than 1. I collect low budget indie movies and can sit through pretty much anything, and every single time I think I've seen the worst, another comes along that tops it (or bottoms it in this case). No plot spoiling here because there is no plot. What you do have is 2 actresses who thought it would be a good idea to cut their teeth in the B movie world before moving onto bigger and better things. Only problem is, bigger and better for these two will mean working at an In-N-Out Burger joint for the rest of their lives because acting is now out of the question. In fact, I demand they reimburse me the 4 bucks I wasted on this movie..if you could call it that. I call it BS !!
mikemdp What was obviously meant to be an interesting twist on the psycho-killer-vs-girls-in-the-woods genre turned out to be an amateurish, hackneyed thriller that will likely leave you feeling guilty for having invested your time in it.Good-looking Charisma brings her whiny, mouse-faced friend Allison to her hometown of Green River, hoping to put to rest her trauma over having lost her sister to a cult that has caused the disappearance of many local women.The supposed cult is the MacGuffin here, as it really only serves as a motivator for what should have been a psychological character study, but is actually a dopey bore.Out on a nature hike, Allison loses a little tin of what apparently are anti-homicidal-maniac pills (they make those?), because just a few minutes later, she begins to act maniacally homicidal.Soon, she leaps to the conclusion that the local fish and game warden is actually the killer of all those missing women. So, she runs him down with his own truck, shoots him twice and sends him floating down what I would assume is the eponymous river before the two girls drag him back to his own cabin and tie him up.There, he remains taunted and tormented by Allison while Charisma goes for help. But Charisma gets lost in the woods. In what may be the most incoherent scene in an already confused and rambling movie, Charisma begins to hear the ghostly voices of children for no reason at all. The voices are never explained, or ever referred to again.Meanwhile, the punishment the old man takes at the hands of Allison is almost comical. She puts a gun to his head, insults him, teases him sexually, even threatens to cut his privates off.What was the director thinking? That the audience is at the edge of its seat at this moment, whispering breathlessly to themselves, "God, I wonder of the fish and game warden is going to make it? Please, let the fish and game warden make it!" In reality, the viewer won't give the schmutz between their ballsack and inner thigh if the fish and game warden makes it or not. We're never given reason to care about him as a character, or the girls either, for that matter.And in at least that area, that's not the writer's fault. Everything else is, but not that. Every actor in the film turns in such a uniformly bad and careless performance, it's like they were pulled straight from a college video project, handed the "Green River" script and told to get in front of the camera the same day. They don't care, so we don't care, either.Oh, and there's a twist ending. But it will come as a surprise only to those people who read the back of the Cocoa Puffs box and are surprised to learn it contains no actual cocoa.If you read my other reviews on this site you'll see I'm rather forgiving of even the worst direct-to-DVD nonsense, but "Green River" was a chore to sit through, even for me. Send this one down the river, folks.
krisanthi-1 I don't normally watch thrillers and this was incredible! I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see how it would all end up. The two lead actresses were intense and captivating. Some scenes were totally riveting. The camera work was also excellent. The actress playing Allison (Kristina Hughes) did an amazing job playing an emotionally unstable person. I especially loved her powerful scenes alone in the cabin with Jack. The actress playing Charisma (Danielle Franke) was also spectacular. I loved her scene in the woods when she was hearing the voices of a little girl. Her terror was infectious. If you like thrillers, this is a great one!
stevent444 I saw Green River over the weekend. One of my nieces had ordered it and it came in the mail.I'll admit I actually watched it twice over the weekend and I saw more the second time seeing it than I did the first especially the lurker Walker. Before returning it, I wanted to look up the actresses and the film online to see what else they have been in. Director Taybi I thank you for this compelling film.There are some great moves and shadows that Green River showed that did make it interesting, to some it might seem weird. I liked the location and seeing these two deep in the woods with that red car. I might have liked to learn more about the friends and the sister Grace story. I got some of that on the mountain. I did like Green River, I was entertained and heck I'm no spring chicken I was shocked at what Allison did. I don't want to spoil it but the other men here at my house believed Allison was out of her mind in more ways than we've seen on screen in a long time and usually with mean men so this was a twist from a girl in a convertible. I have seen people like her unravel, but not to that powerful intensity.The other actors, The local Green River people were natural. I believed that I would see them on that winding road if I had the guts to travel to Green River. Allison's friend was Charisma very sweet, I felt bad she had no parents, no sister and had to bring Allison with her. I thought Allison was going to get her in the woods too. There's a lot of violence you don't see in the end but you feel and I know my wife was cringing at that and the noises in the cabin. But We had a good laugh at that the next day and talked about the ending after I saw it the second time. If you don't pay attention here you might miss a lot like the shoveling. (Don't want to write too much more I was told people go here before renting) so just have fun, pay attention to the subtle things and be careful in Green River.