Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams
Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams
| 16 February 2007 (USA)
Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams Trailers

A woman and her daughter struggle to make their way through the aftermath of the Balkan war.

Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mangorytm1 Almost every scene depicting the life of Esma and her 12- year old daughter, Sara carefully shows human emotions. Grbavica is an intensely gripping drama about discovering the truth. The story is set in former Yugoslavia; Zbanic doesn't simplify post-Balkan war Sarajevo. The landscape is marked by war; Sara and her boyfriend spend their time in demolished and abandoned buildings. War trauma intertwines with everyday life. Esma and a bodyguard she befriends, discover they have met at exhumations, and both share the experience of loosing their loved ones. Esma works the night shift as a waitress in a night club run by a gangster, she is intent on giving her daughter what she can. It's clear that she is struggling to earn money for her daughters' school trip, but I wasn't so sure about the idea that a woman with such a past would work in the specific environment of gangsters and prostitutes. Since Esma doesn't confront her problems the chasm between mother and daughter widens. The government ensures psychotherapy and welfare for women imprisoned Chetniks. I found the therapy scenes lacked psychological probability; it's hard to believe in sessions with such a number of women, and a seemingly incompetent and slightly short on empathy psychologist. Esma comes to terms with her own past, not because of the meeting, but thanks to Sara. When finally, she reveals the long concealed truth. When Sara discovers she is not the child of a war hero, she loses her illusions, but gains inner strength. Luna Mijowic was moving in her portrayal of Sara, a child at the threshold of becoming an adult.
Charles_LePoje 'Grbavica' is yet another superlative film coming from Bosnia. Firmly walking in the footsteps of Bosnian Best Foreign Language Film winner 'No Man's Land', the film trails a promising future for the fledging Bosnian film industry. This small, understated production is the proof-positive of the vibrancy of the Eastern European Cinema. A pioneering feature effort by the writer/director Jasmila Zbanic, the film has already been accoladed the prestigious Golden Bear at this year's Berlin International Film Festival and is sure to be a strong contender when it hits International festival circuit.Ms Zbanic has created a quiet, sentimental and feminine picture of the war's aftermath and the emotional toll the war inflicts on a mother/daughter relationship. She assuredly, with a hand of a born film-maker, creates a small but potent film which is a startling reminder of cinema's transcendental powers.'Grbavica' is sure to snuggle in the same underrated niche of anti-war movies that deal with lasting trauma on the psyche of war survivors. Movies like Hal Ashby's unforgettable 'Coming Home' or Russian 1959's classic 'Balad of a Soldier'.The picture's lasting impact owes much to the haunting performance of Mirjana Karanovic, a consummate artist who has, for over a decade, been the most decorated and awarded actress coming from war-torn former Yugoslavia. In Esma, Mirjana has entered the body and soul of a tormented war victim with a dark secret, and thus given us yet another performance to talk about. Her daughter Sara is expertly played by the little Luna Mijovic in a film debut reminiscent of Natalie Portman's career-launching role in Luc Besson's 'The Professional'.Variety's Russell Edwards pinpointed film's main shortcoming: '...the film is all set up and little pay off'. Indeed, although well-rounded and balanced, 'Grbavica' lacks complexity and dramatic density. A story thread is missing, a counterpoint of sorts, that would have enriched its thematic appeal and elevated its dramatic tension. Even the best of war movies, intentionally or not, on some level or another could be seen as one-sided and propagandist. It took more than a hundred years of cinema for a film-maker to come along who realized this inherent danger in making war movies. 'Flags Of Our Fathers' is a solid war movie with a strong anti-war message. But who could blame some Japanese for seeing it as anti-Japanese. That's why the old man Clint, creating cinematic history, has given us 'Letters of Iwo Jima', the version of the same battle seen through the Japanese point-of-view. Unspeakable atrocities are committed in any war. It would be idealistic if not idiotic to expect that a humane war could ever be waged. Both sides commit them, the stronger always more than the weaker. Had Ms. Zbanic weaved a story thread that would have touched upon this unfortunate reality, her subtle and soulful feature debut would have radiated universality of a true masterpiece.
momisan Highly recommended.Sarajevo is a raped city, Bosnia is a raped country and the culprit, although known, has never been convicted. How a person, and a nation, finds a strength to overcome the injustice? Very difficult, sometimes impossible.I hoped and prayed that Sarajevo has that strength, and still do, however, this movie showed me how heavy the burden is. It is personal, a message to each one of the viewers to try to put themselves in victim's shoes and see how they would cope. Hard core stuff. The film tries to put on a positive spin at the end, however, it wasn't that convincing, I am afraid.Mira Karanovic is absolutely stunning!
kors2003 i have seen GRBAVICA at the berlinale in Germany and this is one of the best movies i ever seen. without any violent scenes this pictures burns the whole frightening war in former Yugoslavia in your head - without to accuse somebody directly. it is a film about accomplishment of the war, the state of the country now, the relationship between mother and daughter, the puberty and a love story too. very good actors and calmly produced. very earned won the golden bear in berlin! if you have the chance to see this movie, please use it... hopefully this movie will be internationally known, not only in Europe.(excuse, my English is not so good)
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