Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive
Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive
| 03 March 1992 (USA)
Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive Trailers

Jean and Shag Williams locate a newly built house and decide it's perfect for them to buy. One thing the developers forgot to tell them about was that it is built on a graveyard. Within days toilets start to flush by themselves and the garage door moves up and down by its own accord. Will Jean and Shag realize that the place may be haunted by ghosts before it's too late?

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Micransix Crappy film
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Leofwine_draca Pretty much what you would expect from a '90s television horror movie; a retread of plot themes already covered - in a far better way - in many other films. Bad acting, scenes of sentimental dross. And this film doesn't even give us any special effects to laugh at, which makes it very dull indeed.The acting is consistently poor, performed by low-level actors who fill out bland, uninteresting roles. I mean, one guy is called Shag, which pretty much sums up the awfulness of this film. The only actor of interest is a slumming David Soul but even he doesn't appear very much. The plot has generally been stolen from POLTERGEIST, with bits of THE AMITYVILLE HORROR and the odd scene from THE BIRDS thrown in for good measure. Except, forget any frightening phenomena...the ghost in this film delights in repeatedly flushing toilets and making the garage door go haywire. Yeah, really scary.The main trouble is that the plot just doesn't go anywhere. It briefly looks like it's going to get interesting with the family contacting a lawyer to start some kind of legal battle with the estate agents, but even this theme is not explored fully. At least they didn't opt for an overly sentimental ending, instead one of the main characters, who has a weak heart, drops dead, and the family moves out, defeated. This is probably about the only mildly interesting point of the entire film. It's long, it's boring and it doesn't go anywhere. So what if it's based on a true story, I want sensationalism in my films, not endless scenes of nothing happening! Forget this one at all costs.
disdressed12 for a "made for TV" movie,this offering isn't too bad.there are a few genuinely creepy moments for good thing is there are no cheap jump out of seat know,loud noises,or someone,or something appearing in a mirror,or a cat jumping out of a closet.that sort of thing.the acting seemed a bit suspect at first,but as the movie went on,it seemed to improve.i got involved enough in the story and cared enough about the characters that i really felt for them as they were going through their ordeal.this one has based on a true story tag on it,but you have to take that with a grain of salt.either way,i did find it much more compelling than the recently released The Haunting in Connecticut.for me,Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive is a 6/10
luckystar1982 I first saw GRAVE SECRETS about 10 years ago and recently bought the DVD here in the UK. I myself am a paranormal investigator and found this movie to be one of the best movies based on a factual ghost story I've ever seen, Yes it is a TV Movie, So if you are expecting Special effects galore and Hollywood-ised horror then you wont get it here.This is one of the most realistic movies based on ghosts and is mostly like how it really is. The story is based on actual events "the legacy of hilltop drive" and stars the amazing actress "Patty Duke" who is well known for all her excellent "based on real events" TV Movies.This movie has an excellent story, and what makes it even more gripping and interesting is that its based on real events that happened to the whole neighbourhood at hilltop drive. Every house hold had a ghost and eventually the whole neighbourhood was empty as everyone eventually moved away as they could no longer take living with the ghosts. It is fact that the real Hill top drive is now a abandoned neighbourhood and no one lives there.I highly recommend this movie to serious Patty Duke fans, and people who like a good ghost movie that doesn't have all the scary factor thrills that come from Hollywood movies. Although the movie IS SCARY, it just doesn't need special effects to make it scary!
Barry (manson21) Grave Secrets The Legacy Of Hilltop Drive is not a scary film with no depth not much of a story to it rubbish acting and i don't think much to this film. and one thing GHOST DON'T HAVE SHADOWS Just name some Haunted House films worth checking out Amityville horror 1979 Amityville 2 1982 The Haunted tv-film 1992 The Entity 1981Giving this film 2/10