PG-13 | 12 February 1999 (USA)
Gorgeous Trailers

When Ah Bu, a girl from a small fishing town in Taiwan, finds a glass bottle with a romantic message, she travels to Hong Kong to find her prince charming. As it turns out, her prince charming, Albert, happens to be gay. But all is not lost when Ah Bu meets the dashing Chi Wu. Meanwhile, Ah Bu's boyfriend from Taiwan comes looking for her, as the action and romance follow Ah Bu back to Taiwan.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Bezenby Jackie Chan does romantic comedy! A Taiwanese girl named Boo, living in a fishing village, is asked by her boyfriend if she wants to marry, but she doesn't really love him. While talking to her dolphin friend, she finds a message in a bottle that says 'I'm waiting for you in Hong Kong' and heads off for that city, only to find that the guy who sent the message (Tony Leung) bats for the other team and the message was intended for a guy. Crestfallen, she teams up with him while he's doing a photo shoot and meets (following a kung fu fight) CN Chan (our Jackie). They both get stranded in a boat and start to fall in love, or do they? CN's a bit emotionally stunted. He's a killer businessman but can he be romantic to boot? CN's got other troubles. His ex-friend and business rival is out to humiliate him, and keeps setting up fights with a martial arts champion. So not only does Jackie have a complicated love life, but he's now got to get in shape to fight this guy (who has just beat him up in a car park).Gorgeous doesn't feature over the top stunts or your usual Jackie mannerisms, but those looking for a bit of action may do well to stay to the end, when Jackie fights the tiny (but deadly) Brad Allan. This is truly one of the great fights of Jackie's career, moving at breakneck speed with both opponents flying through the air. Brad Allan also does a triple kick in mid-air which is bound to impress. So, add that into the mix with soon to be mega star Tony Leung, literally gorgeous cinematography, a nice light hearted tone, and you've got one of Jackie's most enjoyable films. It's my wife's personal favourite so does that mean it's a Jackie Chan chick flick?
David Loonie I have always loved watching Jackie Chan movies. Seeing the title & cover it didn't look to be pleasing. But oh my god It is so funny & nice in many ways. Jackie has always made good movies. I never seen or heard of this until the past couple days & checked it out.I don't laugh much in comedies but This is funny I like it.Hopes everyone else enjoys this twisted plot. I give it 10Stars This is most worthy.Who is the girl as she is very cute. And plays the part very well I will be checking out more movies of Jackie to check out. Hopefully there will be more with this girl or other movies I could see.
sendoh15 I love it when Chan goes back to his roots of hong Kong action, comedy flicks. There's more rawness and freedom of doing amazing and stylistic action sequences. This one's no different, apart from a little bit more of romance going on. The fight scenes are orchestrated brilliantly, specially a one on one clean but ass kicking match with a smaller opponent.Expect no less from the master himself. Definitely one of the rare stars that has lasted and hope to last even more. Jackie's proved himself over and over and he deserves every bit of respect and credit. For the movie itself, just enjoy,
MauraLou I watched this film this afternoon and I believe I've just wasted several hours of my life. It was rated a comedy yet I was laughing for all of the wrong reasons. First off, it shows you the life of a girl who has the amazing ability to speak without moving her mouth [ like the rest of the cast ] and gives you some basic information which I completely missed because the awful lip synching was distracting me. Next thing I know, she's talking to this dolphin finds a bottle and boombabadoom, she's on a plane. The link from those two scenes seems to be non-existent. Or one of those subtle things people who actually concentrate and take notes during films notice. The movie just seems to go bad to worse as it goes through with the girl making many friends and pretending to be loads of people other than herself, for reasons not clear to me, and then falling in love. The portrayal of the gay person was so stereotypical, it was appalling and after about an hour of the terrible lip-synching, equally bad acting, confusing plot lines and awful fight scenes, I gave up and did something more interesting like watching paint dry. All in all, the best thing about this film has to be the pink converse the gay guy wore.