Goodbye Uncle Tom
Goodbye Uncle Tom
| 27 October 1972 (USA)
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Two documentary filmmakers go back in time to the pre-Civil War American South, to film the slave trade.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Regg Mac This film is raw, real, honest and scary. Films aren't made like this because it causes people to look deep within themselves and consider the part all have played in such a horrible event. Many don't want to look at events this morbid. Yet its truthful.The film tells the truth, but I think it goes too far. The amount of gross nudity, and the enjoyment of such was just disturbing. While I know it may be the truth, a truth that does need to be addressed it is still very uncomfortable, and yet I think it is a discomfort that some people need to visit. For me I already knew these stories that covered slavery so I didn't necessarily need the added imagery. But still this film is a powerful telling of harsh truth.I am polarized by how to score this film. disturbingly truthful and honest is all I can think of....
marchsteve The following brief critique of "Farewell Uncle Tom" is meant only to inspire you to see it based not on it's greatness as a film (which it was not) but it's greatness as an experiment. This film succeeded in its attempt to portray the truth about the slave trade in the States. Do not be surprised if it leaves you speechless. Once you gather your thoughts and sift through the realizations that this film will wake up within you, will you be more aware of your social environment?This Italian-made film is an enigma. It will open your mind by horrifying you. It will leave you questioning your taste in film and your sense of values. At the end, the film's flaws show through in violence meant only as artificial shock value. Considering the attempt at realism of this fake documentary, unnecessary nudity and violence is an understatement. This is typical of Mondo cinema.When taking American History into account, nothing is black or white. We all know who wrote it, yet we depend on a learned sense to guide us to what is right. How do we prove how bad the slave trade was if we only acknowledge that it was bad. Before accepting something as bad, shouldn't we ask "How bad?" Imagine the not so distant past brought to life. The truth is that it was bad enough that we should still be enraged by it (regardless of our external skin color).Color was such an important factor in determining social rank. This point is something we must constantly remind ourselves of. It made the difference between being treated like a human or an animal. Expect to see repetitive examples of this. To illustrate another point about social rank we can consider using the colors Green and Blue: If we assign Green to the wealthy slave owners and Blue to the enslaved people, let's follow with the assumption that those Green people wouldn't give up power just because they wake up to a realization one day. But what if both Greens and Blues simultaneously realized how wrong it was to forbid a human's free will. In that time and place, the thought if confronted by either color (on a personal level) would have been dismissed almost immediately. Our ultimate human flaw must be our inability to confront the truth effectively. Conceptually though, most of us today are slaves (economically speaking). The separating factor is not color as much as it was. But now what do we do with our limited freedom together? How long will the invisible chains hold us back? Even if a socio-political change happens over night, wouldn't a power struggle exist on a personal level generations beyond initial independence? If history is flawed then perhaps it's not just the history books, but also the people who interpret them. This film should be viewed by anyone with a strong stomach seeking the truth. There is no tasteful coating, glossy package, or nastiness filter by the filmmakers. Be prepared.
julian kennedy Addio Zio Tom: 7/10: Well they don't make them like this anymore and lets face it they never really did. This is really three separate films brought together in a blender set on random. The first film is a highly effective expose on slave treatment and the slave trade in the old south (the slave ship scenes blows Hollywood fare like Armistad out of the water). Using a cast of thousands and exposing practices such as selective breeding that are politely not discussed on American shores (just ask Jimmy the Greek) it simply is one of the most realistic display's of 18th and 19th century slave life ever shown on film. Then there is a second film which is a dated, and looking back rather silly collection, of news footage from the late sixties and early seventies that documents race riots with all the participants speaking in Italian creating an almost Woody Allen feel to the dub (It gives What's up Tiger Lilly a run for its money complete with ragtime music cementing the silliness of what should be serious proceedings.) The last movie is a sexploitation film dealing largely with Mandingo fantasies and containing a copious amount of child porn. (I guess National Geographic rules apply when showing thirteen year old black children naked). Needless to say tasteful does not enter into the conversation. Political correctness is shattered so badly one must feel for those sensitive souls that can't laugh at ridiculousness of the manipulation.Making matters worse the three films are intertwined together seemingly at random with comic buffoonery breaking out during serious scenes (A slave auction is apt to turn into a Benny Hill episode for no apparent reason) and poorly done black revenge fantasies coming, narratively at least, out of nowhere. Anti-white, anti-black and for the sake of inclusion anti-Semitic they once again simply don't make them like this anymore. (It's highly illegal for one thing) Overlong by at least an hour and very poorly thought out in places Addio Zio Tom wears out its welcome but for a short while at least it exposes the truth and makes one think.
Reggie_Charan Anyone thinking of checking this film out: be warned, words can not express what an awesomely brutal experience it is to sit through. I'm a big fan of horror films, but nothing I ever saw came close to the feeling of revulsion this 30 plus year old film gave me. Trust me, you will have to use the fast forward button on your remote control several times sitting through this one.A group of Italian journalists goes back in time to America during the time of slavery and documents what they see. The viewer is spared no amount of detail as we are shown what it was like to travel aboard a slave ship, be sold in market as common livestock, be raped, tortured hunted and killed, and basically denied even the slightest bit of human empathy or compassion at every turn. While Roots covered the same subject matter a whole lot better, it came nowhere near delivering the visceral reaction of this film. For that reason, I recommend people watch Goodbye Uncle Tom. While by no means a great film, if society is truly never to forget the injustices and wrongs of the past, work like this is necessary viewing.