Golden Earrings
Golden Earrings
NR | 27 August 1947 (USA)
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A British colonel escapes from the Gestapo to the Black Forest and poses as a Gypsy's mate.

Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
john_p40 By now, if you're getting to my review, you already know the plot. Most of the interaction between excruciatingly handsome Milland (coming off his Oscar-winning triumph in "The Lost Weekend") and sexed-up, earthy Marlene is pretty darn funny. (Especially the scene when Marlene is scaling a fish where Ray has to sleep.) Then there's Murvyn Vye singing in his baritone voice the haunting title song is a show-stopper. There are two shocking scenes that remain in my memory: 1.) Milland pretending to tell someone's future by reading their palm, and suddenly realizing he actually can, for just an instant, foresee the person's upcoming death; 2.) Nazis torturing Milland's dying British colleague by holding a flame on the man's bare stomach. All-in-all a very watchable movie. However, ***SPOILER ALERT*** at the end, when Milland rejoins Marlene in Germany, there is an enormous suspension of disbelief, as the Nazis incarcerated and murdered all Gypsies (including children) they encountered in occupied Europe.
Syl Marlene Dietrich plays an European Gypsy woman in Pre-World War II Europe. Ray Milland played the British officer Denistoun who is on a mission. Ray Milland and Marlene Dietrich are excellent, entertaining, and enjoyable in the film. The story is fine and could have used more work but the Milland's British gentleman turned Gypsy in order to escape the Nazis does a fantastic job. It's interesting to see a character like Denistoun to transform into a Gypsy. The ending is worth watching the film. The film doesn't address the Nazi war crimes. European Gypsies were also targeted and persecuted by the Nazis during World War II. Still, this film is entertaining to watch and suspenseful. The cast is first rate in the Hollywood studio system factory where films were made faster even with mediocre scripts. Still, this film is one of my favorites with Marlene Dietrich.
srooks1 It is hard to picture a movie about a love story between a British spy and a gypsy. The plot is predictable. The characters are predictable; even my favorite Zoltan who seems to be playing in a different movie. Marlene Dietrich again is stuck in a formulaic romance where she plays the exotic female who drives men crazy.This is not Ray Miland's best role either. His British accent is at best inconsistent. He plays the heroic agent fighting the evil Nazis.Overall, this movie is really nothing but a WW II retread with a romance thrown into the mix for good(?) measure.This movie is mindless entertainment that will be quickly forgotten.
MartinHafer I am really surprised that this film only has a rating of 6.4 as of the time I did this review. While not exactly a great film, I do think it's one of the best films Dietrich did and it's a shame it isn't more highly regarded. I think a lot of the reason I liked the film so much is that the usual silly Dietrich persona as the "über-vamp" isn't present and her role required her to actually act. I just hate seeing film after film after film in the early days of her career where she seemed more like a caricature or cliché than a real woman. I don't necessarily blame Dietrich for the silly vampish films she made in the 1930s--audiences loved them and they did make her famous. But here, she showed she really could act. After all, just looking at her in films like MOROCCO, BLONDE VENUS and THE BLUE ANGEL, who would have guessed that she was well-cast to play a Gypsy! I was quite prepared to hate the film because of this casting decision, but it worked--she was pretty believable and a lot of fun to watch as well! The film is, essentially, a vehicle just for Ray Milland and Marlene Dietrich--the other supporting characters are very much secondary to the movie. Milland is a wanted spy in pre-WWII Germany and in his efforts to escape, he stumbles upon a rather frisky lone Gypsy (Dietrich) who instantly takes him to be a fulfillment of prophecy--in other words, her new lover! Milland is quite stuffy but reluctantly agrees to travel in her wagon--even putting on body paint and piercing his ears to make him look like a Gypsy (hence the title to the movie). Over time, he slowly starts to realize that underneath her very uncouth exterior is quite a woman and romance slowly blossoms.The film in a word is "charming". A nice romance with a good dose of comedy and fun--just the sort of picture you wish Hollywood still made. Also, please note the performance of Murvyn Vye as "Zoltan". He was very magnetic in the short time he was on film and I just loved his deep and beautiful voice.Finally, a sad note to consider. While the film is set in Germany, no mention is made of the upcoming Gypsy Holocaust. During the war, throughout German territory, the Nazis exterminated a huge percentage of Gypsies and so the final nice ending to the film is a tad far-fetched.
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