Godzilla vs. Biollante
Godzilla vs. Biollante
PG | 16 December 1989 (USA)
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After the previous Godzilla attack, a miniature arms race ensues to collect his cells. Concerned over Godzilla's possible return, the Japanese government uses the cells to create a new bio-weapon, ANEB (Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria). They seeks the aid of geneticist Genshiro Shiragami, who's experiments result in a new mutation.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Micransix Crappy film
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Michael_Elliott Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989) ** (out of 4) After the huge success of THE RETURN OF GODZILLA, Toho waited a while before another film in the series hit the big screen. In this movie, Godzilla rises from out of the volcano and sure enough he heads towards Japan. The people there brace themselves for more destruction but then Biollante makes his stand.I'm not really sure what Toho was thinking but this movie clocks in at 104-minutes and I'm going to take a guess that Godzilla might appear in thirty-minutes of that. This film didn't do very well at the box office and the company blamed the fact that Godzilla was fighting someone new. I really don't think that was the reason this turkey failed at the box office. To me this here is one of the most boring films in the series as there's nothing but non-stop talk, talk, talk.I'm all for some great dialogue and a terrific story but we get neither of those here. We get endless scenes of people talking and the only thing we're wanting is to see Godzilla break stuff. He finally appears at around the forty-minute mark with awful looking fire sparklers going off behind him. The actual battle scenes between him and Biollante were actually good and especially the various green goo that comes out of Biollante. The special effects are actually above average for a Godzilla film and the destruction of the city was good. The ending was a letdown but it's too bad this thing ended up so boring.
gurubesar The movie about Godzilla has been remake with different "enemy" for so many years. The first Godzilla was made around 1950s. Since then Gojira (as the Japanese are calling it), has been fighting with all kind of "human protectors" and always on the loosing side, yet nothing seem to be able to kill it. After more than 50 years of trying to kill Gojira, the Japanese director are still using the traditional method of bombs, bullets, fire, laser. Of course all these are useless against the Gojira. The same thing happens again on this Gojira vs Biorrante. The Japanese army must be very dumb and stupid to attack the lizard with the weapon that has proved to be ineffective. Okay, a movie does not always follow the human logic, but let's think.... this is the sequel of the previous Gojira movie. If during the previous one the army can not kill or wound the lizard by using normal weapon, where is the logic for them to use similar weapon again on the next bout ?The acting on this kind of Gojira movies is always on the low quality. This is something which I can not understand. On other title, the Japanese can have a good performers, but for whatever reason, they do not seem to be able to improve the quality of the actors. The acting is so bad that it is almost like a play and not a movie. I would expect an improvement on the quality, but sadly I am very disappointed with this one, but maybe this is just for the kid's consumption.....
The_Depressed_Star_Wars_fan This is a good movie. It's no masterpiece, but it is a good film. The plot to this movie, although weird, is very original, especially compared to a few of the Godzilla that had come before and after this movie. Scientists find some of Godzilla's cells and combine them to that of a plant. Why you would want to do something like that is beyond me. Then these weird Venus fly trap like things start appearing and eating people, and then a giant rose/monster creature appearers in the middle of some lake, the creature then gets named Biolante. So sure enough Godzilla then comes out of the volcano that he fell into in the film GODZILLA 1985. Godzilla goes to lake and battles Biolante. He actually ends up wining, to no ones surprise, and moves on and destroys Osaka. But then on his way to the beach, Biolante comes back and takes on a new form. This time she, oh Right I forgot to mention that in this flick they say that Biolante is a female, so she takes on the form of a plant/crocodile/Venus fly trap thing. So there's the whole synopsis. The acting in this movie is good. The effects in this movie are great. Which is good because of the fact that a lot of times in a Godzilla movie the special effects seem rushed. But here, thankfully, you can see that a decent amount of effort got put into this movie. This is a decent addition to the series and I do recommend it.
jerekra The Hesei Series began with Godzilla 1985. Godzilla vs Biolante is the second film of the new Hesei Series of Godzilla Films and is truly a Phenomenal Film.Godzilla is still trapped inside of the volcano. A local scientist finds some of Godzilla's cells and starts to test with them. His daughter is killed when an explosion goes off in his lab. He then starts using his daughters cells, and mixes them with some Godzilla Cells and some rose cells. This starts to create a giant plant type monster with a rose bud for a head. Godzilla breaks free from the Volcano and starts to go on a rampage. Godzilla meets up with this giant plant monster, Biolante, and sets it on fire apparently killing it. Godzilla attacks japan and further attempts to destroy him are made.The fact that this film follows up Godzilla 1985 and shows that he escapes from his volcano prison is awesome. I was always sad at the end of Godzilla 1985 so Godzilla escaping in this one set this film off on a good note for me.Godzilla looks awesome. In fact for the rest of this series he looks pretty much the same and that is good. They did away with the fangs that he had in Godzilla 1985 and gave him a much more dinosaur looking head. Godzilla gets in a lot of action and proves how destructive he is. Nothing can stop him and nothing will slow him down. This is one of the best portrayals of Godzilla in any movie he is in and he gets in a lot more action than he did in Godzilla 1985. I am not saying that Godzilla 1985 is a bad film it is just that this film is much better.Godzilla gets an opponent for the first time in the Hesei Series. Biolante is his foe, a truly unique monster. First it shows up as a giant Rose headed monster with Venus Fly trap tentacles. This form does not do anything for me, it looks like a giant rose and that is kind of odd. Godzilla destroys this form pretty easy. Biolante then turns into another form, a much more impressive looking form. In this form Biolante gets a giant crocodile type head and a huge body covered with sharp spines and is able to shoot a glowing acid ray. In this form Biolante towers over Godzilla and is the largest monster that Godzilla has fought in a film. In this form Biolante is a very dangerous foe and very physically imposing. One of the most memorable of all of Godzilla's enemies.Also great in this film is the Super X 2, another vehicle designed to combat Godzilla. It is cool how it seems in each film a new vehicle is set up to fight Godzilla but none seem to work. Great scenes of Godzilla against the military in this film.Also great in this film is how they brought back the original Godzilla march song. The films that have this soundtrack just seem to be better than the ones that do not.So this is a phenomenal film, one of the best. Great special effects, a great foe for Godzilla, and awesome music. A must see.
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