Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla
Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla
PG | 02 November 2002 (USA)
Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla Trailers

JSDF pilot Akane has a fateful encounter when a new Godzilla emerges in Tateyama. As a countermeasure, a cyborg named Kiryu is constructed from the remains of the original. The machine is discovered to harbor the restless soul of the original monster as Akane must learn to find value in her own life as well.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
kevinxirau Now this is definitely cool. At this time, Toho is once again reviving some of their classic creatures to costar with the King of the Monsters, this time the mechanical doppleganger Mechagodzilla. Like the other films of the Millennium series, this one is a direct sequel to the 1954 classic, but it also makes references to other classic Toho films. Get ready to crumble because this is Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla!Plot: Nearly fifty years after the attack on Tokyo back in 1954, a second Godzilla creature has risen from the depths to challenge mankind. Desperate, the government assembles the greatest minds of Japan to create a weapon to defeat the beast: the cyborg monster Mechagodzilla (also called Kiryu for some reason). Piloting the massive mech is Akane Yashiro, a fairly complicated woman struggling to find her place in the world. But when Mechagodzilla starts to have a few nasty glitches, can the government find a way to bring it under control? It all leads up to the thrilling building-smashing showdown between Godzilla and his mechanical double.This is a fine entry to the giant-sized series. The Godzilla suit is fantastic, one of the best ever and Godzilla himself is an awesome force of destruction. Mechagodzilla has an impressive design, a cool set of weaponry, and is actually given something of a personality. Most of the effects and miniatures are excellent and the action scenes are a true delight to watch.The human characters are actually pretty interesting, which is something one hardly gets in the Godzilla films. Akane is surprisingly complex and has lots of good emotional qualities. She's kind, sympathetic, tough, and level-headed, which makes her far more superior to the arrogant and vengeful female lead of "Godzilla vs Megaguirus." The other characters are good to like Dr. Yuhara and his daughter who befriend Akane. Dialog between the characters is fairly top-notch, hardly any exaggeration even in the English dubbing. I just wish that they'd stop calling Mechagodzilla "Kiryu." While this movie may leave you wishing for a little more, Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla is a satisfying entry in the classic Toho film series. At least it has a sequel (Godzilla Tokyo S.O.S.) unlike the other Millennium films. Overall, not bad so check it out. All hail the King of the Monsters.
m123036 First, I would like to point out Im not a die hard Godzilla fan, and I was only watching this movie with the hope that it would be utterly insane/hilarious...and it instead provided feminist propaganda. Now, I understand that most movies today try to make some deeper and/or political statement hidden (or blatantly obvious, which is the case with this masterpiece) within the film. However, this is GODZILLA. This movie should consist of nothing more than Godzilla rampaging through Tokyo, while crazed Japanese flee for their lives. Not today my friends...not today. We instead are met with a tough, "I can do anything" girl who is permenantly stuck on her menstrual cycle, and she some how ends up piloting MechaGodzilla. Hooray for women! They can do anything! Im not a misogynist, but I hate when a movie portrays men as bumbling idiots compared to the magical gender known as female. Now, we come to the issue of acting. Firstly, I do not expect top notch acting from "Godzilla Vs. MechaGodzilla"; however, I would prefer not to be bashed in the face with a 2 by 4 of the most horrible performance the world has ever seen. Im not even going to provide examples because I could say "Godzilla Vs. MechaGodzilla" and I have covered everything. Basically, skip to the battle scenes, and you might have a little hope left in the world...As for me, its too late.
gigan-92 I must admit, I had my worries. So many good and bad reviews. First off, I just want to say both Godzilla and MechaGodzilla, or Kiryu as he's called, looked incredible. This has to be one of the fiercest looking Godzilla suits since the Heisei era. My favorite of the Shinsei era. Plus his heat ray was remarkable, the way it charges up. Kiryu looks cool as hell and has some of the most impressive weapons yet seen in a robot monster.Anyways, Mazakki Tezuka returns to direct and he did an excellent job. Wataru Mimura provides a great screenplay, as usual. Akira Nakao returns, one of my favorite G-actors. Akane is played by Yumiko Shaku, a beautiful actor that gave a very emotional performance. The love story is awkward because there's a huge age difference between her and Dr. Yahara ( Shin Takuma), but it still works. Sara, his daughter, was a bit annoying at times but it helps the story along greatly. Godzilla, despite this being the shortest G-film since the Showa era, gets a lot of screen time. The many battles against JSDF are incredibly well done and I love the Maser Tanks!! The battle in the rain looked awesome and I would love to see a monster battle in the rain in the future. Prior to rumor, you don't have to wait that long for the title monsters to meet. Unfortunately, when they do Godzilla just sits there like a statue, not even flinching. Only the hit from the Maser rays in Kiryu's mouth make him wake up and react to what's going on. This was PATHETIC and I don't know what the staff was thinking but they must have been high to think it looked good.Moving on, then Kiryu goes on a fantastic rampage that looks bad-ass as hell. The drive of Michuru Oshima's music and sound of explosions combine to make a very cool scene. I love that part of the story, Kiryu being part Godzilla, part man's machine to destroy him. How he turns evil, it's just great. In the end, the two meet again, after some nicely done rampage scenes. The first battle makes you wonder, but Tezuka delivers and Yuichi Kikuchi's SFX really kick ass! The CGI is excellent and MechaG even engages in a physical battle with Godzilla. His best weapon is that electrocuting machete, nice. At the climax, we finally see a weapon that really wounds Godzilla. I love that scene, seeing that bloody crater in his chest.The movie is well done and could've been a ten star film, but a few things brought it down, all blasting a star off. First off, Godzilla being a statue when they first fought and secondly, Godzilla isn't exactly what I want him to be. Sure he gets screen time and all, but he's hardly ever mentioned in the dialogue. Plus he hardly interacts with the human characters, and he seems to be more of a afterthought if you ask me. The sequel, "Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S." , had the same problem. I don't know what went wrong here, because "Godzilla vs. Megaguirus" was a remarkable achievement, and yet I felt Tezuka lacked here. In actuality, Kiryu is the main monster, not Godzilla. This was kind of a bother to me. He's basically a villain without character. The film is still a very good one, but the story should've revolved more around Godzilla. The characters just don't talk about him enough.
Pitus I've read some of the comments on IMDb and thought, what the heck, let's give it a try ... What a big mistake that was! As much as I can understand that some 15yr old kid created a childish movie on his little PC (and it would have been better than this crap) ... I can't understand all the positive comments on IMDb - who are you people? 5 yr old? Mentally challenged? Blind? What the heck is wrong with you ... an amateur could produce a better movie with better effects in 1970ties!Even my little kids laughed when they saw the initial scene when Godawfulzilla comes out of the water ... and let me tell you, that wasn't supposed to be a funny scene ... they laughed because they thought it was a big joke, someone pretending it's a Godzilla by using a rubber toy - they were actually watching for a "Made in Taiwan" sign on the side of that "monster". Or maybe it had some kind of a food poisoning and was stiff from some muscle spasm? Yeah, right.Oh well, just thought I'll warn any other unsuspecting suckers from wasting their time on this one!