Go Ask Alice
Go Ask Alice
| 24 January 1973 (USA)
Go Ask Alice Trailers

A 14-year-old girl in late 1960's America is inadvertently sucked into an odyssey of sex and drugs. She eventually seeks help.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
moonspinner55 Ordinary 15-year-old teenage girl, feeling like an outcast at a new high school, falls in with the stoner crowd after being offered hallucinogens at a party. Eventually, she's a runaway living on the streets and, after returning home to her well-meaning but naïve parents, is stuck with a bad reputation among her peers--and labeled a 'fink' when she turns in a fellow teen druggie. TV-made "message movie", adapted from the fictional cult book by Anonymous (Beatrice Sparks), purports to pack a punch, but instead seems tentative and a bit awkward (this mostly due to the inexperienced younger actors in the cast). William Shatner (as Alice's natty father) and Andy Griffith (as a priest who works with dopers and drunks) seem to be cast for their name value, although both do solid work in small roles. Jamie Smith Jackson handles the lead with sensitivity and sincerity, and the picture gets a solid B for effort.
Michael Donovan James Tiberius Kirk always has been and always shall be the One True Captain of the United Star Ship Enterprise. Andrew Taylor always has been and always shall be the One True Sheriff of Mayberry, North Carolina.It doesn't matter if they die, or haven't been born yet, or if the actors who play them die, or get recast. It doesn't even matter if they are fictional characters on fictional TV shows. Andy Taylor was Sheriff of Mayberry before "The Andy Griffith Show" was created, and will be after "The Andy Griffith Show" is forgotten. James Kirk was Captain of the Enterprise before "Star Trek was created, and will be after "Star Trek" and all its spinoffs and movie spinoffs are forgotten.
Theo Robertson This TVM is summed up by the title song . You're hearing White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane except it's not Jefferson Airplane . It's a very good try at a a cover version that embellishes the original song and yet it's not the original song . There's something about it that's different that you can't put your finger on and its the same with this television movie based on a true story And that's it - it's not a true story even though it purports to be . It tells the story of a high school student whose life is overcome by drugs . From the outset you're aware of Alice sounding a little bit too prosaic to be a teenage girl in real life but I've heard the same problem with THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK and no one except a Nazi apologist considers that to be fictional so that's by the by . It does seem strange that the protagonist has a name that ties in with a Jefferson Airplane song but then plenty of songs tie in with peoples name with Theodore being a notable exception . It does seem inconvenient that drugs ruin the life of the protagonist but I'm sure like me we can all give examples of people we've known who have taken drugs , become too involved with them and this had led to blighted lives I've got to stick to my instincts and a little bit of internet searching where anyone investigating the source book has quickly come to the conclusion this is an entirely made up story warning of the potential dangers of drugs . It's a TVM and while nobody in 2013 thinks of turning on the TV and watching a HBO series featuring graphic sex , violence and bad language there were very strict guidelines involving American television in the 1970s that were similar to a Walt Disney film . That said GO ASK ALICE does try its best trying to stay within the guidelines . Hey it's no REQUIEM FOR A DREAM but as family friendly fare middle class middle American screaming that drugs are bad kids it's not ineffective as propaganda
lazarillo This is an alarmist TV movie based on an alarmist young adult novel supposedly based on the diary of an actual fifteen-year-old girl who died of a drug overdose. The novel's origins were recently debunked, but anyone with a casual familiarity with drugs ought to realize both the book and the movie are mostly a lot of bunk. For instance, at one point in the book the character becomes a prostitute because she is addicted to LSD. Huh?! First off LSD, can create dangerous delusions and it might melt your mind, but it is NOT addictive. Moreover, it has always retailed for about $1 a hit and any "habit" could be financed by spare-changing for about a half an hourDrugs ARE dangerous, even alcohol and marijuana to some extent, but I don't why people who have obviously never experienced them feel they have to make up ridiculous lies about them to keep kids away. If you tell kids that LSD or marijuana are addictive when they're not, they're not going to believe you about crack or heroin. And while I wouldn't recommend drugs to anybody, I wouldn't recommend going through life being a total tool either.But getting to the movie (which actually leaves out some of the more absurd scenes of the book), I kind of liked it. It has a very groovy 70's feel to it. Being a TV movie it doesn't have nearly enough psychedelic freak out scenes, but it's better than most TV movies, definitely better than the kind they make today. It also feature Ayn Ruymen, a really pretty if obscure actress who appeared in Paul Bartel's "Private Parts" about the same time. Of course, it also was the debut of McKenzie Phillips the first of three completely untalented daughters of John Phillips of the "Mamas and Papas" fame, and if you know anything about THAT family, it's pretty ironic that any of them would have appeared in an anti-drug movie. Still it's good to finally this is available on (legitimate) DVD.