Gimme an 'F'
Gimme an 'F'
| 16 November 1984 (USA)
Gimme an 'F' Trailers

Can a squad of misfit cheerleaders with an over-age trainer possibly win the big cheerleading competition.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Varkalas Maybe you'd have to be a person who was born in the early 80's or late 70's, but this film is classic. So many comedic elements that are funny either because they're blatantly intended or just unintended. Any of the bad acting that occurs that have been mentioned in previous reviews is fantastic. If you're the type of person that can laugh at certain specific bad acting, timing, scripts, etc. then believe me, this is one of those movies that entails such humours. I can't believe I haven't seen this 80's flick yet. Most of them are so great, but this one tops the cake :P. I highly recommend watching it drunk when you're more likely to be more open and accepting, as the way humans should be. =D Enjoy.
Herbert Cuntwinkle WOW! What a fantastic movie. I recently have seen this movie for the first time and I cant believe I missed it in the 80s. There is just so much that makes this movie fantastic. First of all the acting is spectacular. The range of emotion shown by these actors (who went on to become superstars) goes from happiness to love to anger to passion. Wow. The plot has you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Will she make her cartwheel at the end? OH MAN! I need to find out. The shower scene really makes this movie stand out from the crap movies of the 80s. Move over Sixteen Candles. Lastly, I found the lack of bare breasts to be refreshing. I wish more movies would including hip choreography instead of displaying bare breasts. I give this movie a 10/10. If you ask me, when they say Gimme an F.. the F stand for Fantastic!
William A This is on my TV right now... but only long enough for me to finish panning it in this comment. The previous comment let me know that this movie will not get any better, no matter how much I hope and pray. I will concur this movie is a colossal waste of my time, and would be of your is not going to get any better! I can't believe this screenwriter is doing Atlas Shrugged! I hope he has improved a million-fold! I see some other credits on his resume that have had good reviews, but I'm still not convinced. If you are familiar with his work, please post something here, because I really want to see Atlas Shrugged, and would hate it if this guy turned it into the garbage that this movie turned out to be.
Mike K. I only wish there was a grade lower than F to give it! i scored it a 1 in the vote tally.I am grading this not even as a regular film,but as a T&A film,and this is the worst,lamest,crappiest and most awful movie i've seen.the acting,story and music are all terrible,not to mention there isn't even any nudity for the T&A's about a male cheerleader and the viewer is made to sit through many painful scenes of him doing cheers.avoid this piece of trash at all cost! this is the worst of bad 80's teen cinema.
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