Ghoulies IV
Ghoulies IV
R | 17 August 1994 (USA)
Ghoulies IV Trailers

While in pursuit of cop Johnathan Graves, his demonic nemesis, Faust, sends his disciple Alexandria to hunt down the amulet that will set him free. Meanwhile, the Ghoulies find their way through an open porthole and onto the streets of L.A., creating madness and mayhem as they search for a way to get back home. As the body count rises, it becomes an ultimate battle between a demonic killer, a rule-breaking cop, and our favorite creatures from the netherworld!

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Bezenby ...but it is pretty awful. A beefy (fat) cop is sent to investigate a break in at a warehouse unaware that a leather clad devil worshipper is trying to summon some demon or other using a red diamond, which she has lost due to her own stupidity. The cop has a similar diamond around his neck, for reasons that become brain-damagingly clear later, and is followed by two demon type things that appeared through a pentagram at the start of the film. Sprinkle in some footage from Ghoulies, some bad acting, daft optical effects and some comedy and you've got a film that you'll only watch when completely lost for anything else. It's bad, this one, but not totally worthless. The cheapness keeps it going and it's directed by the guy who made the great Chopping Mall and the not-bad 967-Evil 2. The leather clad chick eases the pain a lot, as well as the bad acting. Very little blood and gore for a film of this type though.
RTheManF89 Sixth (And last) movie in the boxset. Well, looks like I've saved the best one for last. Ghoulies IV. I originally did a review for this back in like February, but I decided to do a new one. The Ghoulies series is pretty awesome. I know there are some people who don't like them, and that's fine. This happens to be my favorite one in the series. Yeah, I know the actual Ghoulies don't appear and are replaced by 2 guys in costumes, one of them being Tony Cox from Bad Santa. Now, onto the movie.The movie centers around Jonathan Graves, the main character from the first movie, being played once again, by Peter Liapis, who is now a cop for the LAPD and has put his past of the occult behind him. During the first part of the movie, we encounter Alexandra (Played by the very hot Stacie Randall) communicating with a demon from beyond named Faust, who is the dark side of Jonathan. Faust asks Alexandra for a red jewel and something goes awry, therefore, unleashing the Ghoulies from the beyond.I think Jim Wynorski did a good job with the directing. And the music by Chuck Cirino is funny as well. (SPOILER AHEAD) At the end of this movie, the Ghoulies say that there will be a Ghoulies IV, Part 2, or Ghoulies V. I still hope that sequel gets made and I especially hope Jim Wynorski returns to direct. I agree with GimboTheGhoulies on that.
Woodyanders The lovely, yet lethal Alexandra (stunning statuesque blonde beauty Stacie Randall, who looks absolutely smashing in a tight black leather outfit) must find a magic amulet so her evil demonic master Faust can cross over into our dimension. It's up to fearless, rugged cop Jonathan Graves (likable Peter Liapis) to stop her. Meanwhile, two pitifully unfunny "comic relief" dwarf gnome creatures run amok in Los Angeles. Seasoned veteran schlock exploitation expert Jim Wynorski relates the supremely inane story at a brisk pace and takes none of this foolishness remotely seriously. The cast struggle gamely with the silly material: the adorable Barbara Alyn Woods as sassy, fetching police captain Kate, Raquel Krelle as tart, sexy hooker Jeanine, Bobby Di Cicco as Graves' bumbling, excitable partner Scotty, Peggy Trentini as alluring museum curator Monica, and Ace Mask as the jolly Dr. Rochelle. Mark Stevi's puerile cookie cutter script, an amusingly lowbrow sense of no-brainer humor, Chuck Cirino's bouncy cornball score, the two dwarf guys sporting obvious cheap rubber Halloween masks, J.E. Bash's plain cinematography, no tension or gratuitous female nudity to speak of, and the tacky (less than) special effects all further enhance the overall delicious cheesiness of this prime slice of celluloid Velveeta. An entertainingly brainless piece of lovably lousy dreck.
Backlash007 Ghoulies IV is one of the most terribly campy sequels ever made. Peter Liapis of the original returns but no Ghoulies are to be found (except in flashbacks to the older films). This really isn't a Ghoulies movie. What it is, is your usual Jim Wynorski flick chock full of stupid antics and half naked chicks. For instance, how did Liapis' character, who was a college student and warlock, become a police detective? It's just too ridiculous. Not that I expected anything else from director Wynorski. He consistently makes campy crap. This is a poor excuse for a Ghoulies film and they're not exactly prizes themselves. They should have just called the movie Little Demon Dudes. Stay far away."Look for us in the sequel: Ghoulies IV, Part 2."