Ghoulies II
Ghoulies II
PG-13 | 31 July 1987 (USA)
Ghoulies II Trailers

Ghoulies II picks up a short time after the first movie, a few of the little nasties stow away on an amusement park ride and bring big bucks to a dying fair. The creatures are mad after an attempt to kill them, so the creatures go on a rampage through the fairgrounds, ultimately leading to an explosive conclusion!

YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Michelle Ridley The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
utgard14 This is the rare case where a sequel is actually better than the original. Considering that original is the cheap and nasty Ghoulies, it's really not much of an accomplishment. Anyway the plot here is that the Ghoulies make their way to a carnival where business is poor. Their presence manages to help business pick up but of course they do what Ghoulies are meant to do and start killing people.What makes this a better movie than the first? Well for starters the carnival setting is more interesting. The special effects for the Ghoulies is improved over the first. The cast is better, helped in large part by veteran Royal Dano and "little person" Phil Fondacaro. But ultimately it's the camp humor that this movie has that elevates it above the previous movie.All this being said about how it's an improvement over the first Ghoulies, it's still not a very good movie. It's watchable enough for a movie of its kind. But let's not get carried away and say it's anything better than that. So, better than the first Ghoulies but still not very good.
Scott LeBrun Those hostile little beasts are at it again in this adequately entertaining sequel. It takes quite a while for it to really get started, but the final half hour is worth waiting for. It's actually played fairly straight for a while, with comedy elements getting introduced more and more as the movie goes on. The Ghoulies themselves are definitely cute in an ugly sort of way, and are a genuinely amusing bunch. Fortunately, some of the human characters manage to be almost as interesting.After an attempt to kill the Ghoulies fails, they hitch a ride with a truck carrying the contents of "Satans' Den", a house of horrors for a travelling carnival. They hide out inside Satans' Den for a while, intermittently killing people, until the big finale when they finally break out. The place has been hurting financially, but when patrons get a look at the Ghoulies and assume them to be part of the act, business starts booming.I have to be partial to any movie featuring the following elements: an appearance by old Hollywood pro Royal Dano, who's in fine form as drunken old Uncle Ned, a song by the metal band W.A.S.P. ("Scream Until You Like It"), old school effects (puppeteering, stop motion animation, etc.), a role for Italian exploitation veteran Romano Puppo ("2019: After the Fall of New York"), and a carnival atmosphere (even if done on a budget). Production design, by Giovanni Natalucci, and cinematography, by Sergio Salvati, are both well done.The enjoyable cast features familiar faces from other horror films: Kerry Remsen ("Pumpkinhead"), Sasha Jenson ("Halloween 4"), Starr Andreeff ("Dance of the Damned"), William Butler ("Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III"), and Donnie Jeffcoat ("Night of the Demons" '88). Damon Martin ("Pee-wee's Big Adventure") is our likable young lead, Phil Fondacaro (who played the title role in "Troll") the engaging Sir Nigel Penneyweight, and J. Downing the appropriately odious money man Mr. Hardin.Overall, agreeable entertainment for genre fans; produced and directed by Albert Band, veteran director and father of Charles Band of Empire Pictures and Full Moon fame.Six out of 10.
Wizard-8 I didn't like the first "Ghoulies" movies. I thought it was really cheap, really boring, and really lame. But apparently the movie struck a nerve during its theatrical release and subsequent video-cassette release, because a few years later we got this sequel (though it was released direct to video because of the bankruptcy of Empire Pictures). I was expecting the worst for this movie, but to my surprise I thought it was somewhat of an improvement over part one. While it is painfully obvious at times that this set-in-America movie was NOT filmed in America (it was filmed in Italy), otherwise this movie looks a lot better than the first one. It looks like more money was invested, which gives us things like better sets and better creature effects (including some stop-motion animation.) Also, the protagonists in this sequel are a lot more likable than the ones in the first film. While this sequel is an improvement, there are two big problems that hold this back from cheesy fun status. First, the pacing - I though the limited plot unfolded very slowly. The second problem is that with the PG-13 rating, the movie holds back on R-rated goodies like gore and sexual material, which might have really livened things up. Still, I'll admit I've seen plenty of horror movies that are much worse than this one.
Critters1986 I've got to say this is way better then the first one. The Ghoulies actually kill people and cause mayhem. And instead of the Ghoulies goofing around they kill people, good for ghoulies 2. Anyway Ghoulies 2 is about two people who are driving a truck called 'Satan's den' as the Ghoulies get stowed away. Later the Ghoulies turn up at a carnival place as they start killing people in Satan's den. Soon a guy summons a giant ghoulie to kill all the other Ghoulies. In the end there was one Ghoulie left as Ghoulies 3 come three years later. I think this movie is pretty good because its better then the first, they thought through this movie really well and they kill people. So I give Ghoulies 2 ***out of *****