Ghost Image
Ghost Image
| 23 July 2007 (USA)
Ghost Image Trailers

When a young female video editor loses her boyfriend in a car crash, she finds solace in watching video of him taken the night before he died. When he starts to communicate with her through that video, she must decide if he has broken through the barrier between this world and the next, or has she slipped off into madness.

Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
ourmenagerie I am at a loss for words. All I can say is I will never get the hour 45 minutes that it took to watch the "movie" back in my life. Don't waste your money on the movie, the theme song was kind of catchy in an irritating sort of way. I have read other posts and I have to ask, were you watching the same movie that I just watched? Bad Writing, Bad Acting, Bad Music composition, just BAD in general.I have to mention the Editor should be fired. He didn't catch the fact that in the scene where the Lead character "sees" her boyfriend in the party group setting. We were shown the video footage on the Monitor in the scene, that was supposed to be Shot with the boyfriend's video camera, but we could Clearly see the video camera on the tripod in the scene. What, did they add another camera at the party? Who was supposed to be holding it? The cinematographer really messed up on that one. There is no excuse for that stupidity.By the way none of the acting was good except maybe Stacy Dash, but just barely. This is only because she was the only that didn't seem like she was on some kind of sedative.Way too much time spent in needless conversation and when something "important" was mentioned, again the delivery made it so that it felt like it wasn't all that important. We guessed the ending to the movie about 30 minutes in and were correct. We didn't really need to watch the rest, but already had invested time. We felt we should let it play out to see if it got better. Spoiler it Didn't get better! Do Not Insult my intelligence by passing off the end of the movie as a resolution. It did not make any sense whatsoever, there was no cohesion. There was no Plot twist, for there to be a plot twist there has to be a plot. The plot was like warm Jello, don't bother touching it, you will only be disappointed, and it is messy.I guess I wasn't at so much a loss for words. All I have to say is do not make a post about a movie, if you really didn't "watch" the movie, if you know what I mean.
dbborroughs Elisabeth Röhm stars in a film that can be clumped together with recent films from directors Johnnie To (Linger) and Tsui Hark (Missing). It concerns a woman who's boyfriend is killed in a car crash and who seems to be communicating with the man via a tape that he made the night before he died. Is it real or is she becoming more mentally unbalanced? Things become more complicated when the police discover that someone tampered with the break line of the car that the boyfriend was driving. Okay crime film with a supernatural twist is fine for what it is, but it never really makes you believe a great deal of what is going on. Part of the problem is the video effects aren't that good and part of the problem is the plot seems to get needlessly messy and layered for no real reason (do we really need some of the flashbacks?). Like the two director's I mentioned at the top the director of this film doesn't really seem to be able to bring together the real, unreal and the supernatural into a truly believable package. Its the sort of thing that if I told you what was going on you'd be fine with it but at the same time actually seeing it on the screen is bound to disappoint. On the plus side this is a much better film than either the aforementioned Linger and Missing and is actually worth seeing if you should run across it. I wouldn't say you should spend money on it, but if you run across the film on cable you won't feel you've wasted your time.
ghigau After about 45 minutes of developing characters that we don't care about, the director, writer, and editor seem to run out of ideas. Lots of red herrings are set out. Then they tie it all together with some voice over and flashback. Rohm tries hard, and probably does what the director asks, but she comes out looking like a pretty bad actress. It is hard to tell if the problem is her or the outtakes. Each individual scene is decent, but linked together they are inconsistent and contradictory in tone and emotion. I finished with the feeling that this film could have been a lot better if the crew had worked a little harder.
edtaylor2000 I caught this a few days ago on Showtime while flipping through the cable guide. I'm a fan of Elisabeth Rohm from her Law and Order days and a huge fan of Roma Maffia from the first time I saw her in Disclosure with Michael Douglas. I'd never heard of this film so I didn't know what to expect, but the opening scene hooked me right in and I immediately found myself engrossed in the story.I thought all the characters were engaging and I became caught up in the various story lines and plot twists throughout. Elisabeth plays the main character, Jennifer, a complex woman both fragile and strong who's life is an endless series of tragedies. She's on psychiatric medication due to her feelings of guilt on being the only survivor of a car crash that killed the rest of her family when she was little. If that isn't bad enough, the morning after her and her boyfriend host a party she loses him in a car crash and then some really strange things start happening.As you watch, you question many things such as is her boyfriend really communicating with her through video footage from the party or is it all in her head? Is her dead, bloody little sister really appearing to her or is that also in her head? Was her boyfriend's death really an accident? And if not, was she the intended target? And who is stalking her? As the homicide detective, played by Roma, begins to wonder if Jennifer is responsible for her boyfriend's death, Jennifer starts to wonder too! Though I could tell this was a low-budget film due to the mostly TV-actor cast and the limited locations, I thought, for the most part, the acting was superb as was the writing and directing. And the cinematography and score were outstanding! As I watched the film I wondered how they were going to resolve the plot twists and, considering the setup and tragedies surrounding Jennifer's life, how it could possibly have a satisfying ending. But to my surprise I found the ending very satisfying and emotionally uplifting. Check it out, it'll be well worth it.