Generation Kill
Generation Kill
| 13 July 2008 (USA)
Generation Kill Trailers

Marines prepare to invade Iraq at the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom; while the soldiers wait to receive their orders, they learn a Rolling Stone columnist will be embedded with them

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
intermedx This is certainly no Band of Brothers and the drive to watch it is more out of a sense of morbid curiosity. But what is does reinforce is the concept of basic stupidity of the average Marine, and the lost reason and sanity of a few intelligent Marines in an otherwise testosterone laden landscape of illiteracy and limited vocabulary. I would like to think that this is a piece of fiction, but I fear this is , as others have said, true to life. It makes me sad to be an American if this is a true and actual depiction of what it is to be a Marine. if this is true it does not give one a sense that we will win anything based on intelligence, but rather by brute force. I suspect you could consider this a sanitized version of what the Defense Department didn't want you to see during the real war. None of thee men are heroes as you would find in Band of Brothers, where people rallied to a well defined enemy and the country made huge sacrifices to support the war effort.
Nick The 'war' series follows a reporter from rolling stones magazine while he joins the 1st marines in their road trip through Baghdad. They sing, they banter, they drink, they jack off and they shoot at terrorists (although this is very limited.) The majority of series doesn't even involve combat situations. It's just the marines driving through the Iraqi wilderness singing along to bad music and taking the mickey out of each other. Girls that I have talked to who have watched this show call this "a highlight" This is good for short stretches or for those in armed services who spend days on end doing this but it just got boring after a while and I was wondering when any sort of fighting would come to fruition...It never came.At the end of the series there's a football game where all the marines (bar one)is ripped with their shirts off exposing their muscles. This is to entice your moronic and unsatisfied girlfriend into thinking the series was 'good.' The small one then picks on the big one who retaliates, the small one then walks off and cries. Afterwards they watch a homemade video about their exploits in Iraq. All the marines leave before the video finishes to give an anti war propaganda feel.The whole series is just a tease, it seems like the writers were spending 10 episodes developing characters leading up to some big conflict which never came.
kingazuraz I don't know if this mini series is based on facts or not. If it is fictional then disregard my opinion.If this mini series is based on facts then I think it is despicable. I watched 17 minutes of the first one and it has just destroyed the credibility of the fighting men and women of the USA in the eyes of all the kids in schools who send them letters. The way the soldiers are talking about the kids and the disgusting comments towards the kids should warrant criminal charges.I truly hope that it is fictional because otherwise it has just lost my respectability for the US army.
mikeshandy I haven't been in the army before, and have little experience of front line fighting in Iraq but I'd suggest this was more entertainment HBO-Styley than any real representation of war. While it may have some passing references to " oh shi&! I did that!" or "Man, my buddy experienced the very same shi$£ dude!" It is not something that can capture the theatre of war and battle and life and death - and the psychological state experienced by individuals. Perhaps it is indeed difficult to depict "war" on the "silver screen" - because what we see are our own delusions and desires, and indeed the cinema space because a fetish-like space where we pour over without fear or reproach or resistance. We are watching with our popcorn, and there is little fear that we will have our throats cut open. Well, depends on what cinema one visits I suppose. Entertaining I guess, and let's remember that. =)