Gen 13
Gen 13
NR | 30 October 2000 (USA)
Gen 13 Trailers

Caitlin Fairchild, a teenager offered a place in an institute for gifted children. She soon learns that the school isn't really a school, but rather a military project to turn children with a special genetic structure into super soldiers. After developing incredibly enhanced abilities, Caitlin rebels against the program that created her.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
wildpeace10 i was a fan of the comic back way back and was excited to hear that an animated film was being made.And then,i heard nothing about it for years until i recently found a bootleg copy.This film is not your children's Saturday morning cartoon since it's got scenes of bloody violence,about two dozen bad words(mostly religious related words but no f words) and characters who either smoke or talk about wanting to's sexy in some parts but don't expect any nudity or you'll be really disappointed.The story is somewhat interesting but the animation didn't match my high expectations.Maybe there will be a really great GEN 13 animated film done one day but this simply isn't it!
k19272649 Great adaptation of the comic book. Spent years looking for it & it was well worth the wait. The animation was very well done. Fans of the book will appreciate that it stays pretty true to the book (except the very end had a bit of a surprise).
TVkid With a little polishing, this could have been a really good film. At first glance, Gen 13 seems to have all the right ingredients: Quality voice talent from Alicia Witt (Twin Peaks), John de Lancie (Q from "Star Trek: Next Generation"), Mark Hamill (duh!) and even Cloris Leachman. It also has a good plot, taken almost verbatim from the pages of Jim Lee and J. Scott Campbell's "Gen 13" comic book mini-series.Kevin Altieri's past experience with the "Batman" animated series is obvious, mostly keeping the story moving at a good clip.But this movie views as though the money behind it suddenly lost interest during the final stages. Although there are several good lines, "We're like... the 'Justice League,' man", the voices are not well mixed and, at times, need additional coaching. Background noises mix in and out at random. The "Grunge" character is poorly scripted as the well-meaning dope and Flea fails to give him any personality.The music weighs everything down. It sounds more like the soundtrack for a Saturday morning cartoon than an 82-minute feature film.Despite all that, the visuals are really pretty good. Fairchild is still the busty titan and Freefall the good-hearted bad girl. And they are still fun to look at.Like I said, it seems unfinished.
Skyrcket This movie does stay very close to the comics. There is one major change involving Fairchild, but under the circumstances it's an understandable one. It's really great when you're watching the movie and thinking, "I remember this scene from the comics!"The voices are mostly pretty good. Mark Hamil is awesome as Threshold! My only complaints are that Flea makes Grunge sound way to dumb and Bobby only gets a cameo. Oh well, at least Rainmaker got a few lines...