| 11 January 2006 (USA)
Gag Trailers

A simple burglary spirals violently out of control when two professional thieves break into a Hollywood Hills mansion in search of riches and instead find a man who has been bound, gagged and imprisoned in the massive estate. Upon making their grim discovery the morally conflicted pair makes a series of poor decisions that leads to a bloody battle for survival against a killer with no conscience and no remorse! A nightmare of greed, deceit, gut-wrenching violence and friendship put to the ultimate test, Gag is cutting-edge suspense horror at its spine-tingling best.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
e_barker My friends and I rented this movie to make fun of it. Well first off I don't get into films that useless torture people for no real reason or for the stupid "you have to have regard for life" reason. That is just a bunch or crap. The truth is this film was poorly written and poorly directed, this film would have been better as a porn. If the movie was just a chick giving head to her brother, at least we could be masturbating. But instead we are stuck with a movie that just has no point. The whole idea that two people would so want the money that they would stay in a house with a dude tied up on a mattress. So yea I just wish there was more oral pleasuring and less of everything else.
wrytune Jeeze people, you would think this is a debate over which Godfather was the best (Part 1 is by the way).It's a freakin' indie horror movie. I rented it from Netflix this weekend and guess what: It isn't Halloween and it isn't your cousin Roger's backyard snuff film. It's was what I kinda figured it would be -- a very low budget horror film with some good gore, a few twists and a shock here and there.There's nobody famous in it. No big names wrote or produced it. They clearly didn't have a top-end budget to make it. Would I have expected to see it headlining at a Googleplex near me? No. It was on Netflix in the new releases section; it was almost Halloween and it sounded interesting so I rented it. Did it change my life. No. Was it the biggest waste of 85 minutes I've ever spent? Not by a long shot (I watch lots of movies).I think people expect too much sometimes, esp with horror movies. Great acting and dialog are not exactly the standard for most horror movies, let alone cheap ones (yes there are some great exceptions but mostly it is about having some good scares, some gore and maybe some skin. How much logical plot exists in even the really good ones -- ie: how many times have you screamed at your screen "Don't open that door you stupid idiot!"). Gag had its moments and as a rental or a cheap DVD buy, I don't think the average slasher fan is going to have too much to complain about. It's at least as good as 95% of the Troma movies I've seen over the years.
rpannier This movie wasn't bad enough to be funny. It was just incredibly painful to watch. But, it did hit the trifecta: 1) The actors CAN'T act to save their souls. 2) The script is just miserably awful. 3) The directing is just sad. Let's start with the set up for the film, two professional burglars break into a house and finding a guy tied up in a basement. The guy tied-up has obviously been beaten and/or tortured and may be dead. One of the burglars wants to leave thinking the guy tied might be dead, the other one refuses to leave until he has cracked open the safe and gotten the money that may be inside. WTF!!! If the police show, we all know who they'd blame. But, there's moron insisting they stay to get the money first and risk lethal injection. The movie goes downhill from there. The characters become infinitely more lame. The story goes from inane to irritating. And the pathetic script, combined with the inadequacies of the actors and director drag this movie down further. (Yes, it's possible for this movie to get worse). I'm convinced the high marks and lauding this movie is receiving is from people who are closely associated with the making of this film, or they are close friends of the people involved. Because this movie just sucked.
dschmeding Its really a shame that so many of the comments here are unbelievable. Again a movie gets 8-10 star comments although the DVD packaging already says it all. So don't trust any of the comments... "Gag" is far from being scary or a classic. It basically is a cheap take on the "Saw" (Three letter titles everywhere!) torture genre. OK, you got a setting of a devastated house where some psycho killer tortures his victims. Two pretty stupid robbers break in searching for something very special and end up in the middle of the action when finding a bound and gagged guy (Actually I know I have seen exactly this before, but I can't remember the name of the movie). So they get gagged too, 5 victims get several things stuffed into mouths and back end and the movie even has an unexpected twist. Wow... Production values are low on this dimly lit underground movie which tries to shock with some sick torture inventions but fails miserably. The visuals just don't hold up to the sick ideas and while the acting is in parts OK the story is just plain stupid. Some examples... you get captured by an obviously sick pervert with corpses and blood everywhere in his house. He tells you to stick a needle in your arm or he will kill your friend. Sure... you do it, maybe something nice is awaiting both of you (like the trippy drug visions... nice idea but badly executed). 4 people bound and gagged, tortured in a dark cellar and chained to the wall. What does Mr. Psycho do... putting a hood above the one persons head that is just about to break free (sure... he knew, he's super psycho). And the most idiotic thing of all... when you are a psycho who just beat down a captive on the run happy to torture him again and the doorbell is ringing. What do you do?? Right... open up quick with some blood on your face and then have a ridiculous dialog with a cliché cop through a half opened door. You can see that "Gag" tries to be a shocker but nothing here really works. Honestly since there was a decent twist in the middle I expected some real twist in the end (the safe thing was way to obscure for me). But you better be in for a real surprise. "Gag" ends in the most stupid and cheap way I have seen in a long time ... by all means. Editing, Acting, Story development... it just falls apart to nothing. You can multiply the doorbell-idiocy by ten. Even if you are into cheap thrills "Gag" won't do it... the Gore is not that strong as the comments here make you think. Except for the impalement scene which works without showing anything most of the movie just made me yawn... or laugh. In that way "Gag" is a classic ... for some of the most absurd behavior of horror movie victims. I give this one 3 stars for at least some good ideas in the script. Other than that just stay away... the DVD cover says it all.