Fury at Showdown
Fury at Showdown
| 18 April 1957 (USA)
Fury at Showdown Trailers

After serving a year for a killing in self-defense, gunfighter Brock Mitchell tries to help his younger brother save his ranch but a crooked lawyer has other ideas.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Jozef Kafka The only reason I watched this super-obscure 1957 oater (allegedly shot in seven days) is because Philip Hardy, in his 1980s encyclopedia of westerns, called it a "masterpiece" (his word).I certainly wouldn't go that far, but the direction (Gerd Oswald) and camera-work (Joseph LaShelle, who IIRC shot Laura) are definitely eye- catching. Many angles include ceilings, and there are a number of striking shots of actor(s) in extreme FG with other(s) in extreme BG. Oswald and LaShelle even use the film noir technique of lining up actors in dialogue scenes at various depths so they can all be in the shot without cutting (or having to re-set up the camera).This second feature programmer is in fact far more interestingly made than A Kiss Before Dying, Oswald's A picture of the year before. Why Oswald went from that well-publicized production of a bestseller to this B- drive-in special is unknown to me. Too bad he didn't show the same level of creativity on that clever Ira Levin mystery that he does on this horse opera, which is quite routinely scripted aside from a few minor curiosities, such as Nick Adams homoerotically caressing the unconscious face of his big brother John Derek.
rooster_davis I've seen this movie rated as 1 1/2 stars on the 5-scale in some places but it's much, much better than that. True, it's a low budget film, but it doesn't take a big budget to come up with a good script and people who know how to play their roles with conviction. This movie has one of the best fistfight scenes I've seen in a long time, with the big mirror behind the bar as the first casualty - followed by chairs, the front window of the saloon, and a lot of wear and tear on Brock Mitchell and Miley Sutton (played by John Derek and John Smith respectively) who end up being dragged down the street beneath a wagon. This is a movie with good guys you like and bad guys you like to hate. It may be a low budget film, but I've seen some with much bigger budgets that I didn't like anywhere near as much. This one is well worth your time - get out the popcorn and enjoy a good Western.
mmtoucan Excellent collaboration between Oscar-winning cinematographer Joseph LaShelle and competent director Gerd Oswald tip the scales on the plus side for this B+ western. The big old Columbia western town set never looked more authentic. Dig the dogs harassing the stagecoach horses. The tracking shots and camera set-ups are all A picture quality. Note the use of the extras. Not the usual aimless wandering, but natural and with attitude. We often see the action from their point of view. Good stuff. The story needs it because their ostracizing of the young hero strains credulity. John Derek is a misunderstood hothead who wants to cool off but they won't let him. Very 50s. He and Nick Adams are very good and quite believable as brothers. The action (aka violence) is unpredictable, well-staged and bloody. The good musical score, played mainly by a lonesome harmonica and guitar, is by another Oscar winner, Harry Sukman. Was the last shot a happy accident or planned? It works.
Gregor Hauser (gregorhauser) This western has a very small budget.But the story and the actors are as powerful and motivated as it were a blockbuster.John Derek delivers a convincing portrait of a young man full of goodwill and also full of wrath. He is perfect for the leading part. His supporting cast - although not so well known - is a good one. Especially Nick Adams and the actor who plays the sheriff.Gerd Oswald directed a couple of movies with stories of high morality. This one is his best.The story is about a man who was in prison for manslaughter. He tries to come back to society and to his profession as a farmer but there is a man who wants revenge for the death of his brother...Village people are not very happy too...