Full Eclipse
Full Eclipse
| 27 November 1993 (USA)
Full Eclipse Trailers

The LA police department have a special team of officers with a talent for reducing big-time crime. The team leader has an excellent track record for crime reduction in other big cities, but his methods are unconventional, and so is he - he's a werewolf.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
lost-in-limbo Anthony Hickox at this time of his career could have been seen as a horror journeyman with such films behind him like; ""Sundown: the Vampire in Retreat", "Hellraiser III", the first two "Warlock" features and the two "Waxwork" films. Also he acted in some other features around this time too. So "Full Eclipse" was another addition to the cycle.Los Angeles is filled with crime, as detective Max Dire sees his partner brutally gunned down and to make matters worse his girlfriend left him. Soon he's invited to join an elite police group, who would do anything to cut down on crime. Their leader Adam Garou has a serum which he injects into his team that gives them the ability to take on criminals. However Max is hesitant about it, but soon he is seduced into joining them.After a tough, cracking opening half-hour, from then on it becomes a brooding cop melodrama with a supernatural edge that harboured character conflicts, bemused performances and plenty of posturing. It's a formulaic cop feature with a werewolf twist, but while the pulpy b-grade premise is thoughtfully laid out it's not as rocking as it could have been. More so it gradually gets silly and then lumbers along. While the first half-hour consists of vigorous, but ultra slow-motion action. And boy did director Hickox go mad with his glorious slow-mo. At least the energy levels were high and the violence quite bloody. However when the werewolf angle kicks in (an elite group of cops are dosing up on a serum that gives them superhuman abilities to tackle crooks), it can get sidetracked (you know the stress of the job) and becomes a little preachy (with some sort of parallel to drug addiction -- "At least try it" and "Just watch, then decide."). Where you just wished it would pump out the action. Sure it still stays quite graphic, but then some things happen off screen and its climax pretty much ends on a whimper to only cement its obvious low-budget. Even with these restrictions, Hickox's handling remains crisp with some flashy techniques, slick decors and smooth camera-work. The stunt-work also has a lot of people rev up and jumping around, especially through things and these werewolves leave plenty of destruction ("He's Acting like Dirty Harry on crack"). As for the make-up effects… it's quite standard and minor. The usual sharp teeth, pointy ears, morphed facials and long claws. Nothing special, but acceptable. Although in the latter stages we do get some guy dressed up in a werewolf costume. Someone says "You want to see something really scary." and then there we go. Even though for me it looked like a fury bear at times. Also these werewolves like to growl… like a panther. Yeah it sounds like something out of those old jungle movies. The performances are agreeable, notwithstanding the stereotypical character arches. Mario Van Pebbles gets by, that is because of that powerful name "Max Dire". Bruce Payne camps it up in a very cold, but lethal manner and Patsy Kensit simply sizzles.Junky, but mildly satisfying."Sometimes its good to know your not alone."
SmokeyTee Let's face it this is a bad movie. It has a TV-movie average budget and an average b-list cast. But it keeps the pace up throughout most of the movie, yes a bit slow in places but if you like cheesy aging actions you will probably go in for Full Eclipse.If you want something just a little better try *One tough Bastard*. It doesn't have werewolves, the main actor is torture and the child's character is dumb as a fence post but Bruce Paine as the villain saves it with some of the best one liners you are likely to get in an action movie - much better than any of the Die-hard sequels anyway! Plus it scores about .4 points better than Full Eclipse. You can't lose!
squelcho I just borrowed this on VHS and I'm regretting the effort of carrying it home. I still have to return it, although the lender seemed suspiciously keen to see it leave his house. Hmmmmmmmm. Van Peebles is no Chow Yun Fat, and his lame attempts at flying two gun action had me in hysterics. I was hoping a truck would hit him when he did a totally unnecessary barrel roll in the middle of a busy street. Patsy Kensit is her usual minging talentless redfaced self, but with an American accent straight out of the Doris Day school of gangsterism. Harrrrrrrrd! The rip and shred action in the drug lab was OK, despite the lack of any convincing slashing or arterial spray. Everything else seemed to be a bit half-hearted. The long distance night vision massacre was lameness on a stick. The full on giant hairy wolfman only showed up for about a minute in total, and it struck me as a bit cheap to assume that some rubber fangs and pointy knuckle extrusions were somehow indicative of extreme lupine behaviour. For its day, it might have seemed like a clever way to burn a few million dollars, but Troma do it gorier, funnier, and more knowingly for a fraction of that. The white wolf in the zoo effortlessly outperforms the entire cast. I'm sure I heard it begging to be put down.
BrandonHamilton This is a great movie!!! Quite possibly one of the coolest werewolf movies I've ever seen. First off the action sequences are incredible, John Woo had a major influence on the style of this film. There's jumping with guns'a'blazing, cool slow motion shots, and to top it off...WEREWOLVES!!! The performances couldn't be better, Mario Van Peebles is extremely underrated and Bruce Payne is the quintessential bad guy. The only thing that holds this movie back from true cinematic greatness is probably the fact that is a made for T.V. movie and had to be edited and the budget was not as high as the concept...great concept though!!! This movie is Shaft meets The Howling, throw in Hong Kong-flavored action and you've got Full Eclipse. Coolest Werewolf movie around.