Fubar II
Fubar II
R | 19 April 2011 (USA)
Fubar II Trailers

Terry and Dean head north to make sweet cash in the oil patch.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Alright, just having seen "Fubar II", I wasn't aware of it being a sequel, as the DVD I got hold of was titled "Fubar: Balls to the Wall". So I am not sure how badly you needed to have seen the first one in order to fully appreciate the sequel.I must say that this particular movie is somewhat of an acquired taste. I had initially expected more comedy from it, but that wasn't to be. The movie did, however, have lots of irony, sarcasm and witty dialogue. Plus the quirky characters really helped the movie along as well.I actually don't think I laughed a single time throughout this entire movie, which is why I am only giving it a 4/10 rating.The story itself was actually decent enough, though bordering on being a bit too extreme. However, what helped make the movie bearable to watch was the quirky extremes of the characters in the movie. The two main characters Terry (played by David Lawrence) and Dean (played by Paul Spence) were like live-action-rendering of Beavis and Butthead. Most funny was the likeness they had to some of the people that I actually know.The movie was nicely shot, great camera work and some really good places and locations used for filming.However, labeled as comedy, but being unable to even bring a smirk to my lips, this movie was somewhat of a disappointment to me. Or as I said earlier, something of an acquired taste - which wasn't particularly my taste, though. I assume you have to have a particular mentality in order to fully appreciate this movie, and I am sure that there is an audience out there for it somewhere, I just am not part of that particular audience.
wolvesguardmycoffin If you have been watching this movie, I assume that you saw the first Fubar as well. Otherwise you would probably miss out on a lot of details that are useful for the entertainment of this sequel.The main thing about this movie, in contrast to the first Fubar, is that the concept has changed. This is no longer a mockumentary of the decadent Headbangers Dean and Terry, but instead it evolves into a regular acting-movie. Which is an idea that I absolutely can cope with. Too often you see the sequels of various films just copying the concept right off (The Paranormal Activity-series is a perfect example of just that) and rarely leaving any space for innovation and fresh ideas.Fubar II is just the opposite of the average half-ass sequel! By turning the concept of Fubar into a sort of regular movie (with some moments of documentary-like filming) they automatically gained room for more than just the perspective of one persons eyes. We can follow the plot through multiple angles and everything melts together perfectly! The head actors David Lawrence and Paul Spence are keeping the cemented picture of Dean and Terry true to it's origin, and these two characters fits perfect for the plot in this film.Basically, the story begins with a house party that goes out of control in every way. Everything except for Dean and Terry has changed in the past ten years, they are still the same decadent Headbangers that love to party and sees no need for a life better than the one they already have... Until their house burns down. Their old friend "Tron", in his drunken haze, offers them employment at an oil-plant in Fort McMurray, also referred to as "The Mac", in northern Canada.The two Headbangers immediately set off to work at 'The Mac' the morning after and there they meet a not-very-happy to see them 'Tron'. Either way, they manage to find themselves working and finally making the big bucks.I feel no need to further guide you through the story, as this is a review and not the back of a DVD-box.Great acting, many laughable moments and in general a great movie, enjoyable for most people blessed with a sense of humor. It's original, ironic and at times emotional. If you liked the first Fubar, you will definitely enjoy this sequel.
Bitoque I'm a big fan of the original, so naturally i was quite sceptical going into this film.In a lot of sequels the characters are being exploited for the sake of gags and to disguise a lack of story. in this case it was the opposite, because the story here feels much more prominent and thought through than in part 1, which is a good thing. it took a while to get into at first, but as soon as the 2 start their new job, i really started to enjoy this film. the characters (especially "Tron"), atmosphere, development and especially the finale really drew me in and made me laugh out loud. it also pulls it off to be really funny and a feel-good movie at the same time, without ever feeling forced or cheesy.the "more than a feeling" scene had me in tears (of laughter).not even sure, which one part i like better now - maybe because i've seen the first one too many times already. good job - i give it 7,5 out of 10.
turdymac I admit, I was very much looking forward to this sequel as I was a fan of the first. I will admit that although I did enjoy this film, it did feel a bit lacking. Perhaps I was hoping for more of a documentary approach as its predecessor had. That aside however, the movie did deliver some laughs and enjoyment and it was nice to see the duo of Terry and Deaner back together again. It's also note worthy that a lot of the dialogue was improvised which adds to the genuine feel of the characters which in turn gives the film a more natural and fluid feel.Another thing I found quite interesting was the footage of the Oil Sands where the two secured employment. Now, I am far from being an environmentalist but, even in the few shot, you could see how disgusting that area is. I realize that this place keeps a lot of Canadians employed but the environmental impact (just by seeing all the emissions from the area) has to be severely negative.Bottom Line: This film is recommended to those of you with a silly sense of humour, viewers who are simply looking for some light hearted laughter.