Frozen Scream
Frozen Scream
| 01 January 1975 (USA)
Frozen Scream Trailers

Mad scientists turn people into frozen zombies and the zombies wreak havoc and kill people.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
adriangr This wretched excuse for a horror movie stinks from opening to final frame. I can be generous on low budget films if they have some kind of atmosphere or at least make me laugh, but no such luck with this one. Right from the opening you know you're in for a rough ride...murky photography, awful acting, indecipherable dialogue...only a serious masochist could pay attention to this for the full 80 minutes.For the record, the plot seems to involve experiments on living people by two doctors searching for immortality. The wife of one of their victims/volunteers starts asking too many questions and there are various chases by the doctors band of zombie-like subjects, plus some lame murders and lots of dull talking. The acting is truly dire. The main doctor, a female actress with an accent like Zsa Zsa Gabor, absolutely crucifies every line of dialogue she speaks with the most stilted and lifeless delivery you could ever dream up. But things get even worse...In what I presume is normal procedure for film-making, the camera start rolling just before the actors take their cues to start acting, which I understand, but in this movie none of that was trimmed out, meaning many scenes start with people standing lifeless before suddenly launching into action. At least once there was a close up of the heroine's bored face before she suddenly broke into an animated scream of terror. Several times things approach Doris Wishman levels of badness, especially in a scene when the heroine tries to hold a door closed with her weight to keep a baddie from barging it in, yet the outside shot shows him trying the door which obviously opens outwards! But the biggest dose of madness hit me about 10 minutes into the film, when suddenly a (very boring, it must be said) conversation between two people was suddenly over-dubbed by a male voice narrating some blurb explaining the plot!! At first I thought the sound had gone wrong! Seemingly this was added to make the film make more sense and fill in motivation or extra detail about the main male character, namely a detective who is trying to work out what is happening. This hopelessly mis-judged narration crops up over and over again, usually starting right in the middle of an on-screen conversation between other characters. Both dialogue tracks can be heard at the same time, so you don't know what to listen to! God knows who thought this was a good idea.I don't know if it's possible to defend this film in any way. Usually such audacious cruddiness would have me laughing and cheering them on, but Frozen Scream just bored me into doing the ironing while waiting for the thing to reach it's end. And to think this was once considered a "video nasty" in the UK!! Unbelievably bad – even worse than "Unhinged", which at least had decent lighting, and an editor who actually understood what "editing" means. So bad it should never have been released. View at your peril.
lovecraft231 Mad Scientists (including late minor cult movie icon Renee Harmon) discover a new technology that turns people into remote controlled/frozen zombies (with terrible 70's porn mustaches) that kill."Frozen Scream" isn't just a bad movie-it's a frustrating one at that. The premise (though campy) is at least original, yet it fails. Why? Well for starters, the acting (save Harmon, who's icy, emotionless performance is sort of interesting, and whose thick Germanic accent is amusing) is dreadful. Harmon is clearly the only person in the movie with any acting experience, as everybody else obviously has little to no experience in the field. The only things that break the tedium are the loud (and weird) electronic score (half of the movies cues are from the notably awful backwoods slasher flick "Don't Go In The Woods"-which H. Kingsley Thurber also scored) and the (unconvincing) gore effects, both of which have a weird low budget charm.The biggest problems though, are the inability to do anything with the interesting premise, and the general uneventful nature of the whole thing. The movie has a goofy but original premise, but it never realizes the potential that it has. Instead, people just babble on incessantly about immortality. It's a movie where you keep waiting for something-ANYTHING-to happen, and while a few things do happen (eyeball violence is always welcome), not enough does happen.Still, it's at least better than Shot On Camcorder zombie movies, though that isn't saying much.
The_Void I have to say that my decision to see every film on the DPP Video Nasty list has largely been a good one, as I've discovered many films; films such Possession and House on Straw Hill, that I otherwise might not have seen. But when I see a film like this, it really does make me wonder why I ever bothered. If there ever was a film to make the works of Edward D. Wood Jnr look like masterpieces, this one certainly is it; as poor production values, combined with a hideously unlikely plot line and a rather suspect script ensure that Frozen Scream is one for the 'must not see' list. The film takes in the idea of cryogenic freezing, and attempts to make a zombie movie out of it. The main plot point focuses on the soul and how it is lost through freezing. This idea is never explained, and perhaps even worse than that is the fact that there is very little in the way of zombie action, and overall; it just made me wonder exactly why this film got banned. I'm guessing that the helpful censors were simply in need of more films to ban and, with this being a zombie film, it got on the list regardless. The film does feature someone being injected in the eye; but it's not done very viscerally, and we're not allowed to see much. Overall, you'll miss absolutely nothing by not seeing this film. We thank the lord for small mercies, and the fact that it doesn't last long is one indeed. Therefore, this film comes highly NOT recommended.
UnratedX I've seen a lot of gore/horror movies in my day, and it doesn't take much of something to make a film of this genre any good. In Frozen Scream, the audience gets nothing in return but maybe a good nap. I really don't know where to start as far as the quality of the movie goes, taking into account that it is old and low-budget. From what I can gather (due to horrible character development), the film is about scientists who create some mind-altering chip that brings the dead back to life, presumably as zombies, but I've never seen zombies stalk people outside their homes, call people up on the phone and haunt them, or wearing hoods while running around chasing people. Overall, the ending is far from good, the acting is atrocious, the gore scenes are unbelievably phony, the sound effects can easily be imitated in your own home kitchen, and the music becomes very annoying (due to non-stop repetition). I'm sorry, but the only thing that could have saved this movie from being horrible was a lawnmower scene or something (if you true gore fans know what I'm talking about!). UnratedX