From Hell to Texas
From Hell to Texas
NR | 29 April 1958 (USA)
From Hell to Texas Trailers

The naive cowboy Tod Lohman accidentally kills the son of the powerful land baron Hunter Boyd. Tod runs for his life, pursued by the dead man's vengeful brothers. Tod shelters on the ranch of Amos Bradley and he falls in love with his daughter Juanita. However, Tod is concerned that he'll eventually have to leave when his pursuers catch up with him.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Micransix Crappy film
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Marlburian I found this not bad at all, and was a little surprised that it was made in 1958; somehow it had a late sixties' feel to it. The strong point was R G Armstrong's patriarchal father with a curious sense of justice; having caught up with the fugitive Murray, he gives him a horse to replace the one his son had shot and then gives him a headstart before renewing the chase. The worst part was the cloying, instant romance between Murray and tomboy Varsi.Incidentally, previous commentator edk313 reckons he spotted "Jack Elam's inimitable face with a look of horror on it because he is a cowboy in the path of the stampede! This is his only role in the film and he is not credited. I'd love to know the story on that scene." In the version I've just seen on British TV I didn't spot Elam, the only casualty of the stampede being one of Armstrong's sons. But it was quite common for film-makers of this period to borrow footage from another film for a battle or similar "big" scene; however, the footage of the pony stampede in FHTT does look as it was shot as part of the film.
wilhunteye It was a memorable film that i first saw on 'Saturday Night At the Movies" when I was 12 years old, (six years after it was released in 1958). Being raised on a diet of TV and movie westerns, 'From Hell to Texas' stood out from all of them; I identified with the lead and had a crush on Diane Varsi that lasted for years.I saw this feature only one more time when I was 21, just before shipping out to Nam. This time I identified with the scope of the film and the depth of the characters. Chill Will gave a memorable performance definitely a cut above his typical side-kick comic relief roll, and I thought it interesting for a father to actually help his daughter's suitor in such a unstinting fashion. Opposite Wills was R.G. Armstrong and his son Dennis Hopper, though the heavies one could not really hate them. It was through these characters that it was easy to understand that it is not the person who is evil it is the deed. This film has always been in the back of my head and deep in my heart, for it stood out as having both action and a message. I hope it will be transferred to DVD soon. On memory alone I give it an '8'out of 10.
joeygranma This western has all the elements that make it highly watchable. It is fast paced and full of action, has interesting characters you care about and romance but not too much and good plotting. The casting is excellent especially with Murray in the lead and one has to wonder why it is sitting on a shelf somewhere while lesser films are on video and TV and shown repeatedly. The unavailability of this film and other good films make me wonder what the selection process involves and who makes the decisions that govern what we ultimately view. There are not many votes for "From Hell To Texas" but in my opinion that is because many have never had the chance to view it in the first place. On the other hand many mediocre films have many votes probably because they are available rather than of quality. I can think of at least half a dozen films that fall in the same category. There should be some better method of resurrecting films like "From Hell To Texas" so that generations behind me can at least have the opportunity to know that a film like this even exists.
bux The story deals with the pursuit of a young man by a family of Cattlemen in the Southwest. There's plenty of action and the story moves along at a quick pace, however it cannot compare to the novel(The Hell Bent Kid)by Charles O. Locke. For some reason Hollywood always seems to shoot for the happy ending, whereas the conclusion in the book was gut-wrenching. Not shown on TV very often anymore, but is available on VHS if you look hard enough, and it is worth the effort.