Freddie as F.R.O.7.
Freddie as F.R.O.7.
PG | 28 August 1992 (USA)
Freddie as F.R.O.7. Trailers

The story about a man-sized frog named Prince Frederic who is turned into a frog by his wicked aunt Messina and hired by British Intelligence to solve the mysterious disappearances of some of Britain's greatest monuments. Several hundred years later, Freddie is now living in modern day Paris -- a six-foot-tall amphibian with the moniker Secret Agent F.R.O.7. Messina, too, is still around causing mischief, joining forces with an arch-villain named El Supremo in a scheme to shrink Big Ben. Freddie, alerted to Messina's nefarious plans, gathers his fellow agents Daffers and Scottie together, planning to hide out in Big Ben and surprise the evil doers when they are set to strike at the much-loved British landmark.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
TheLittleSongbird I saw this movie on the shelf of the local charity shop, and was differing whether to get it. In the end I made up my mind not to buy it, but to look at the rating and reviews on IMDb and watch it on YouTube. In spite of the low IMDb rating and the negative reviews, I enjoyed this movie. As for people saying that this is the worst animated movie ever, sorry I cannot agree. Doogal, Titanic:The Animated Movie and Secret of NIMH 2:Timmy To The Rescue are much much worse.Freddie as F.R.0.7 isn't a perfect movie. The story about a prince turning into a frog and then an agent and having to investigate what happened to the disappearing monuments is predictable and sometimes uninvolving, some of the script is a little cheesy and there are one or two parts that drag. But there are a lot of things that compensate:Firstly the animation is great. As long as you are not expecting Disney, you'll be fine. Some of the backgrounds are gorgeous, like in the encounter of the Nessies, and the characters in general are well drawn particularly Freddie himself and Messina in snake form.Contrary to other reviews I liked the songs. True they are not perhaps Oscar worthy material, but they are memorable. The beginning song was excellent, and Messina's song was very well done if unusual. And the singing is actually good, in some animated films like the Secret of NIMH sequel the music sounds like it is being performed as part of a school end of year production but not here.The voice acting is top notch and add to the charm and quirkiness that the film does have. Ben Kingsley is absolutely charming as Freddie, and Phyllis Logan is excellent as Nessie in a truly charming scene. Brian Blessed relishes his role as the main villain El Supremo, while Billie Whitelaw is great as Messina particularly in the final climax. I love Jenny Agutter and she was lovely as Daffers. Sterling supporting voice work also from Nigel Hawthorne, Michal Hordern and Jonathan Pryce.All in all, this is a flawed but charming film, helped by the great animation and voice acting. 7/10 Bethany Cox
jcsmarchesi If you're a fan of animation from independent companies, you can stumble across anything far worse than Freddie as F.R.O.7. It's not a horrible movie, but sadly it isn't a great one, either. The main weakness of it is that the plot just isn't very believable, as the story of a young prince transformed into a frog saves England from disappearing buildings is just plain silly. If you can ignore the confusing silliness of the plot, you might find it a charming cartoon.And it helps that some have actually put some effort into the film. The animation isn't up to par with Disney, but like all indie company efforts, some shots are truly gorgeous. The nessies are particularly well animated, our first encounter with one of them is beautifully handled. The voices are topnotch, too, with Ben Kingsley pumping charm through Freddie.Other than that, it's pretty weak. While kids would love the characters and good intentions, it's not satisfying enough for the big screen. But at least it has its charm.
Nicholas Bellerophon I have seen this film a few times, and have always enjoyed it. It is a fairy-tale; it is for children; if you can allow yourself to see it in that light, it will be entertaining. Clearly the creators of this film have a lot more imagination than your average Hollywood hack, though perhaps a little more respect for contemporary audience's expectations would have gone a long way to making this more popular. I really love the songs, though. Especially "Lay Down Your Arms" by Asia. Nothing like a bit of moral 80's cheese-rock.
Cylex This is one of the strangest films I have ever seen, but I loved the idea & the Nessies.A prince is turned into a frog by his evil aunt & grows up to be a Bond-style detective. He makes friends with Nessie (excellently played by Phyllis Logan) & her extended family. Meanwhile landmarks such as Big Ben are disappearing. Freddie is on the case...If you feel like a change from the usual formula, then this won't disappoint. It's not that bad. Really. 7/10