Frankenstein's Bloody Terror
Frankenstein's Bloody Terror
| 29 July 1968 (USA)
Frankenstein's Bloody Terror Trailers

A man suffers from the curse of lycanthrope and seeks help from doctor and wife team. They both turn out to be vampires and end up dueling it out with the werewolf star.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
jadavix This is the first movie in which Paul Naschy, born Jacinto Molina, donned the werewolf attire to play Waldemar Daninsky, a Pole afflicted with lycanthropy. Naschy wrote the screenplay but was actually not the first choice to play the role that would make him world famous - that would be the immortal Lon Chaney Jr.In this first outing a gypsy couple resurrect another lycanthrope - the werewolf Imre Wolfstein (not Frankenstein - in spite of the film's American title, there is no Frankenstein in this film) who begins killing with savagery. Daninsky is able to stop him, but not before becoming afflicted with lycanthropy himself, here represented in a mark the shape of a pentagram, whereas in other hombre lobo films it was a pentagon - perhaps because that shape is easier to draw?Daninsky seeks help to cure his condition from a pair of occultists who turn out to be vampires, and this is where the movie became confusing for me. What do vampires want with werewolves, anyway? And why do they resurrect Wolfstein (again) so that Daninsky and the other lobo can fight? The actor who plays the male vampire seems unsure of his role as well. He flaps his cape around a bit too much, perhaps looking for inspiration, or distraction for the audience noticing his uncertain eyes. There had to be a reason why the vampires were included aside from plotting. Did the producers or distributors demand it? Either way, el hombre lobo was pitted against the nosferatu in further Daninsky offerings that more than make up for the uneven spectacle we get here. Check out Werewolf Shadow and The Craving if you don't believe me.
lastliberal The last time I encountered Paul Naschy was in the video nasty The Werewolf and the Yeti. This is the film that started his career as Count Waldemar Daninsky. If you like good old campy horror with busty gypsies and vampires showing maximum cleavage, then this will fit the bill. Besides, wolf-man transformations are always fun to watch.Of course, the horror is accompanied by a juicy love triangle as Count Waldemar Daninsky seems to have stolen Countess Janice von Aarenberg (Dyanik Zurakowska) from her young beau Rudolph (Manuel Manzaneque).Count Daninsky joins a group of villagers after "wolves" when the gypsies mistakenly removed the silver cross from the wolf-man while robbing graves. He saves Rudolph's life, but is bitten in the process, thus starting the series of films where Nachy is a wolf-man.Seeking help, they come into contact with vampires. No, there is no Frankenstein; that was added for American markets.
Lee Eisenberg I think that Jacinto Molina - known as Paul Naschy in the English-speaking world - had appeared in a few movies before this one, but it was in "La marca del Hombre-lobo" (called "Frankenstein's Bloody Terror" in the US) where he played werewolf Waldemar Daninsky for the first time. And you gotta love it! Anyway, the story goes that he's helping hunt a werewolf on the loose, but it bites him before he kills it. Now stuck with the curse, he enlists the help of some doctors who turn out to be vampires. Needless to say, everything results in a final showdown.I get the feeling that these Euro-horror flicks from the '60s and '70s may have influenced some of the American slasher movie directors, what with gore and sexuality. One scene in particular shows some transients frolicking erotically and...guess what happens to them! A precursor to the scene in "Scream" where the guy notes that "sex=death" in horror movies.Overall, this is one of those movies that you just gotta see. I would assume that they named the character Waldemar Daninsky so as to give the film a more Gothic feeling (and it pretty much works). I wonder how the movie would have been had they set the movie in their native Spain and given the character a corresponding name.
vtcavuoto This is the film that made Paul Naschy a star. The title is misleading as there is no Frankenstein to be found. Don't let that stop you from enjoying a fine piece of horror. Waldemar Daninsky(Naschy)is bitten by a werewolf and you know what happens next. Two doctors arrive to seek a cure but they're only interested in drinking blood(yes, they're vampires). At the end, the vampires are eliminated and Waldemar is killed by a silver bullet.The werewolf make-up is pretty good and the sets are excellent-almost as good as the ones by Hammer studios. If you get the chance to see this, don't miss it! By the way, this film was very rare but it is now being released on DVD starting 10/25/05 by Media Blasters. The great thing is that they are improving the picture quality so it won't be like the faded transfers on hard to find VHS tapes.
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