Four Rode Out
Four Rode Out
R | 01 January 1969 (USA)

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In this western, a Mexican desperado tries to flee his partner, a determined girl friend, and a US Marshal.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
mrsolo1 Interesting film with a strong cast. Pernell Roberts is outstanding and should have had more starring roles. It is slow paced but keeps the viewer's interest. Only a weak script keeps this from being more memorable. Following the success of the spaghetti westerns some American companies took advantage of the Spanish locations and used mostly American casts. "Four Rode Out" has the look of a spaghetti western while avoiding the badly dubbed dialog that hurt the genre. The primary print currently circulating appears to be from a television movie package so some words get bleeped out here and there. Fortunately it is not a choppy as many were.
heybhc I kind of liked this slow-moving western, filmed in Spain's Almeria region. Technically this is a spaghetti western, a USA-Spain co-production, although only the location and one of the stars have any sort of Euro-Western pedigree. The music, by Janice Ian, is about as far from Ennio Morricone as you can get, although some of the banjo plunking is appropriate. Pernell Roberts is very good as the Marshal, after fugitive Julian Mateos (THE HELLBENDERS, RETURN OF THE SEVEN) who robbed a bank during which a teller was killed. Along for the ride are slimy Pinkerton man Brown played by Leslie Nielsen in a rare villainous role, and lovely Sue Lyon as Mateos' fiancé, who wants to see him brought in alive. They ride and ride, then ride some more, and finally pause for a brief action scene, then ride back the way they came, but now they're low on water. It takes patience to watch, but the actors keep our interest, and I was pleased by the ending. As half of a dollar DVD I felt my fifty cents was pretty well spent. Two puzzles though, all the listings for this flick say 1971 but the titles at the end claim 1968. I tend to believe the titles. Also, the version I saw bleeped the word whore when it was spoken, several times in the first few minutes. I wonder why?
hokeybutt FOUR RODE OUT (1 outta 5 stars) Kind of a pathetic excuse for a western starring Pernell Roberts who gave up his role in TV's "Bonanza" to star in this... a movie which isn't even as good as an average episode of that classic series. Sue Lyon (mostly known for starring in Stanley Kubrick's "Lolita") plays the loyal girlfriend of a Mexican bandit (Julian Mateos) being hunted for the murder of her father. It wasn't really murder... the father killed himself after discovering that his daughter was sleeping around with a Mexican. Regardless, Pernell is determined to bring the bandit in for a fair trial. Leslie Nielsen also appears as a nasty Pinkerton agent with dollar signs in his eyes. Somehow they all wind up in the middle of the desert with little water and not much hope of making it back to the nearest town. Still, they find time for plenty of bickering, an impromptu wedding and even a strip show by the curvy Ms. Lyon. Looks like the kind of movie that could have been shot over a long weekend.
boycehart Pernell Roberts plays a soon-to-retire lawman who rides into the desert on one last assignment - to capture a young Mexican bank robber. During the trek, Roberts is joined by a Pinkerton agent (Leslie Nielsen) and the bandit's girlfriend, both of whom have ulterior motives for ensuring the mission is a failure. Four Rode Out is a dull, boring western that just drags on and on... with sporadic action and long scenes of riding through the desert.BONANZA was better than this...and Nielsen's SWAMP FOX or his later comedy features are more enjoyable!