Four of the Apocalypse
Four of the Apocalypse
| 12 August 1975 (USA)
Four of the Apocalypse Trailers

Four petty criminals, three men and a woman, wander through the trackless terrain of the Wild West Utah and are hounded by a sadistic bandit.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
MartinHafer I appreciate the DVD for this film very much. It seems that the original American version was not the same as the Italian release. So, in this restoration, the missing bits have been added. But, since it was so many years later that it was reassembled, the new portions have captions--not dubbed like the rest of the film. Some may dislike this, but I like that you can note what was and wasn't in the original release.The film begins with four small-time misfits sharing a jail cell--a gambler (Fabio Testi), a pregnant prostitute (Lynne Frederick), a drunk (Michael J. Pollard) and a crazy man (Harry Baird). They are eventually thrown out of town and find themselves in the inhospitable countryside. Considering how hot and dry it is, it seems that their troubles MAY be over when they meet up with a hippie-esque guy named Chaco (Tomas Milian). Chaco is amazing with the gun and soon they have plenty to eat and they have every reason to be happy. But the gambler seems to reserve his judgment here--and soon you learn it's for good reason. Chaco is a maniac--and he soon begins terrorizing them and quickly kills a posse looking for him. Now, all trussed up, the three friends can only sit back when Chaco rapes the lady. He then leaves them to die--without horses and in the middle of nowhere. What's next? Well, watch the film--as there's a lot more to follow in this odd little Italian western.Although I enjoyed this film, it had a very sloppy quality about the film. Continuity was often a problem. In one case, it's warm and they're in a desert when a woman goes into labor--suddenly they're in a snow-filled town! Also, the women appears through most of the film to be, at most, 4-5 months pregnant--then gives birth to a healthy baby. It's also NOT a film for kid--with lots of blood, rape, unintentional cannibalism and more! The thing that bothered me most, however, was the awful hippie-style music with the dreadful singing--very sappy and very 1970s.But there also was quite a bit to like. The film, at times, had some real heart. I liked the portion set in the mining town--the miners were great characters and offered a nice contrast to all the violence early in the film. Also, the character development of several in the film (such as the gambler and the drunk) was nice--very nice. An oddly moving film that, with a bit of editing and cleanup, could have been a classic.By the way, I did think it was odd that the western began in a lawless town in Utah. I am sure there were some, but considering Utah was mostly filled with Mormons at that time, this did seem a bit unlikely. Also, the prostitute (Lynne Frederick) was once married to Peter Sellers as well as David Frost. This beautiful lady died very, very young--apparently from the effects of drugs and alcohol.
Bezenby Like Keoma, this is basically an Italian movie director's ego draped across a threadbare story. Also like Keoma, this brings the particular director's idiom to the fore, with great results. What you have here is your basic Fulci principals based in a Western setting (albeit the usual Italian-skewed version of a Western).After an opening (and gory) massacre, four folks (a gambler, a hooker, a loony, and a chronic alcoholic) set off for pastures new, bonding as they travel through the endless Western landscape. Things are thrown off-kilter as the have Tomas Milian's Chacco forced upon them, a sinister bandit with designs on young Bonny, the pregnant hooker...I'll say no more. This is a dark, literally trippy film, like a road movie with no roads. It also cries out Fulci with every shot, what with drug taking, torture, cannibalism and that hazy cinematography that lends a dream like atmosphere to the proceedings. Testi and Milian are top notch actors in any film and here they play things to the full.Also worth noting, despite all the grimness, is the poignant scene set in a town from a broken men, hiding from the world. They are given a shot of redemption and hope in a scene that actually has some emotional resonance and sheds a little light on an otherwise heavy movie.Worth tracking down. If you're a Fulci fan, don't dismiss it, this is one of his greatest films.
Bjorn (ODDBear) Four unfortunate souls seek a better existence after narrowly escaping a town wipe out, each of them flawed in their own way. After a deadly encounter with a devil in human form they pursue their goal more scarred than before. The journey proves fateful and maturing for the only one left.I'm trying to be philosophical, although this is maybe not the best way to describe Lucio Fulci's "Four of the Apocalypse". Testi plays a card shark who gets saddled with a loony tune, a miserable drunk and a prostitute after being thrown out of a town that's just suffered some "righteous" massacre. On their way to another town they encounter Chaco, a vicious madman who leaves them for dead after looting them. What happens next is something I did not expect from Lucio Fulci.Although the dubbing here is pretty bad, the acting uneven at best (though I did think Testi did perform admirably) and the music score horrendous the film possesses a strange kind of charm with it's humane unexpected twists. I don't want to blow the ending but the film's philosophical tone really hits home. Ultimately this film is about Testi's maturing along the way, a lawless land that still possesses a good dose of humanity when it's required and a solid revenge/redemption theme as well. Again, not what I expected from Fulci, but then he continually surprises with each film I decide to check out.There are at least two somewhat horrific sequences that Fulci manages to squeeze in here but in the end that's not what stays with you after this film. I'm not a western freak at all but I really liked this film and those who are partial to Fulci will surely enjoy it as well.
The_Void I'm a big fan of Lucio Fulci; both for his blood-splattered gore flicks and for some of his non-horror movies, but this western was absolutely not what I was expecting. This is my second Fulci western; the first being the entertaining 'Massacre Time' from 1966 and the earlier one was much better. I usually go into westerns expecting plenty of gun fights, cool characters and the rest of it; and while this film does provide them, it doesn't sit properly because film tries to be more than just a Spaghetti Western with numerous 'points' and by focusing on the characters - but this actually just makes the film boring and I'd rather have had a Spaghetti Western in the classic style. The film takes place in 1873 Utah and as the title suggests, the film focuses on four people; gambler Stubby Preston, prostitute Bunny O'Neal, a drunkard named Clem and a weird guy with occult links named Bud. They are thrown together and have to try and survive in the Wild West. They struggle to find food and shelter and before long they are attacked by a Bandit.Aside from suggesting that there will be four lead characters, the title also suggests that there will be an apocalypse; and very disappointingly, there isn't - or not a proper one at least. Westerns were obviously not Fulci's main forte, but films like this would have given him a great chance to show the blood and gore like he does best but it's never taken. The disappointment of this film increases when you consider the talent involved; most notably, performances from two of Italy's most popular actors in Fabio Testi and Tomas Milian, who both deliver good performances alongside a decent supporting cast that includes Michael J Pollard and Lynne Frederick. To the film's credit, the cinematography is very good and while the film is not as expansive as some other Spaghetti Westerns; there's some nice location shots and the film is beautifully shot. I have to be honest and say that it didn't take very long for me to stop caring about what is going on and the plotting is rather boring in the way it plays out. Overall, I know this film has its fans but I'm not one of them, and this goes down as one of my least favourite Fulci films!
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