Foreign Student
Foreign Student
R | 29 July 1994 (USA)
Foreign Student Trailers

A French football playing exchange student falls in love.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
brooksduane54 The theatrical picture "Foreign Student" is, looked at on its own, a sensitive and often moving film. The atmosphere of 1950s Virginia is skillfully re-created, the performances, are for the most part, incisive and stirring, and the script is tender and refreshingly non- melodramatic, allowing the proceedings to evolve in a mature and realistic way. Yet for all that, all this, the greatest plus, the most positive element is--drum roll, please--Robin Givens. As April, the local schoolteacher who also works as a domestic, she deftly creates a soulful and sexual woman. We immediately see why French exchange student Phillipe is drawn to her, why he falls in love with her. Indeed, we rather envy the young Parisian for being able to hook up with such a sexy and mature and quietly passionate girl. And when, at the end, they part and April leaves him a warm and loving good-bye note ("To Phillipe. All my love. Always. April"), we genuinely feel Phillipe's satisfaction at having had such a gorgeous and caring and fully-rounded lover. It is Robin's graceful beauty, her smoldering sexiness, and her classy intelligence that make her such an admirable love object and cause her to be the high point of the picture. When People Magazine did a story on her during the 1980s, it quoted her as contending that her long-range plans included more parts for "wholesome black girls--we don't have many female heroes in that vein." Robin Givens's character in "Foreign Student" may not be "wholesome," but through her smooth good looks and stylish sex appeal, she is certainly, definitely a "female hero" for black girls and, in fact, for girls of all races.
imukasa Foreign student is a beautiful film. It's been a long time since i've come away from watching a film feeling 'high' on romance, or with my head in the cloud!! I love watching romantic movies involving interracial's so refreshing, new, and interesting! I also loved the song played in Foreign student, called 'you turn my life around' but i can't find it anywhere on the internet. Marco looked absolutely handsome and Givens looked beautiful...such a sweet couple...aaaaaaaaaah if i could find a man alike marco's character in Foreign student, or more precisely if he finds me and chases me i would me one happy girl!!! I need a man to sweep me of my feet, to really want me....i think all girls do. I recommend anyone go and see this film because it truly is beautiful and inspires you to find your true love and not to give up hope in finding it because it's out there for everyone!!!!
aaronclemens A slightly above average film, watchable for the entire time (I saw it a lazy Sunday afternoon). It never got too slow, the plot moved along regularly, with sufficient evolving narrative to evoke interest throughout.The tale centers on a young man who leaves Paris, France to study as a freshman in college in rural Virginia. The movie heralds his attempts at acceptance, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, politically charged with one main issue of the day (race relations).The four main characters, and several supporters, were well developed. A pre-Tyson Robin Givens (as April) did a fine job, she was smoldering hot. Marco Hofschneider (Philippe) was not at his most emotional, but although some might call his performance wooden, his range of emotion seemed appropriate for me. Heck, it's not as if all actors must seem as if they're hamming it up during an audition for All My Children.Rick Johnson (Cal) and Charlotte Ross (Sue Ann) more than make up for any perceived lack of emotion by Marco with their satisfying efforts.
Libretio FOREIGN STUDENTAspect ratio: 1.85:1Sound format: Dolby StereoBased on Philippe Labro's bestselling memoirs, Eva Sereny's film FOREIGN STUDENT strives valiantly for a sense of lyrical beauty, exemplified by cinematographer Franco Di Giacomo's evocative vision of rural Virginia in 1956, and by the sparse poetic voice-over, much of it presumably lifted from the book. But the narrative suffers from the vacuum of Marco Hofschneider's decidedly uncharismatic performance in the crucial leading role. The central romance lacks passion.