For My Daughter's Honor
For My Daughter's Honor
| 20 November 1996 (USA)
For My Daughter's Honor Trailers

Fourteen-year-old high school student, Amy Dustin, becomes an object of romantic affection to the school's biology teacher and football coach, Pete Nash. They take a sudden interest in each other, sending each other notes and talking on the telephone. Although Pete has a family, the two begin a secret relationship. People then begin to suspect that Pete and Amy are having an affair.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
caa821 Any adult male who preys on minors should be - literally - whipped to within the proverbial "inch" of his life. And if this individual also is a teacher doing so with a student, salt and iodine should be added liberally to the resulting wounds.However, I don't think we have to praise what we feel is a mediocre presentation simply because it addresses a serious problem. I couldn't disagree more with those who have proclaimed this a strong movie about this important situation.The parents here, along with their victimized daughter, all moved more slowly than postal workers on Valium for the first 1 hour and 50 minutes -- then screamed like Banshees on "Speed" for the final 10. Gary Cole, as the villainous - and thoroughly vacuous and unctuous - teacher, is a very credible actor. But here his performance and character sounded like Jethro from "The Beverly Hillbillies" displaying a "dark side." Even though this film was made a few years ago, and this problem is perhaps a little more evident today, the principal's speeches about teachers and school officials hugging and touching students to make them feel good, etc., was incredibly stupid and naive on the part of the writers. Anybody with even minimal intelligence knows that in the workplace, school - or anywhere else, males should avoid even the most cursory of physical contact. There are many, many scenarios where even the most innocent physical contact can be misrepresented by one of parties involved, or by someone observing. And even the most tentative addressing by one of the parties will find attorneys gathered as if there were a chemical plant explosion or a group of ambulances (to "chase") at a massive freeway pileup.All-in-all, this is a serious subject deserving of a much better approach than this flick provided.
selenawannabe2 I saw this movie last night on Lifetime movies and it is getting ready to come on again in a hour or so. The movie kind of reminded me of my crush I had on a coach, although I was in college and nothing like that happened. I can honestly feel the frustrations on the "feelings" she had and even his. Although it was all together wrong. I am married to an older man, but I was already in my late 20s when it started. One thing if this guy was "in love" with her, he should of divorced his wife and waited until she was of age. However he was just sick minded and wanted a young piece and needed help. He should of backed away when she said she wanted it over. He, being an adult and a teacher should of been the mature one and not let this crush get to him. Crushes happen all the time with students towards their teachers. I had crushes on teachers in Jr. High (and then later to a coach but like I said, in college), but thank God none of them took advantage of me like that. Teachers and coaches and other adults should expect this, and know where the line is drawn. Great movie and the actors did a great job!
emenon A School teacher isn't suppose to get personally involved with students. This Football coach crossed the line. Having sex with a minor is a serious offense. Not only that buying her beer. Drinking underage is against the law. The School Principal didn't want to do anything about it, when it was reported. All because the coach was a popular teacher. This doesn't make any difference. He did wrong and was aware of it. Also Amy the abuse painting slut on her car. Even vandalizing her parents house. Not to mention hanging a dead rat on her rear view mirror. This movie would be a good educational movie for High school students especially girls. If a teacher is doing something that isn't right. This would be a good teaching tool. Nobody has the right to touch anyone inappropriately.
Ferry Rudolph This is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE of Nicholle Tom's movies. Nicholle was the perfect choice to play Amy Dustin and her acting is superior! I think Nicholle should have won an Academy Award for her performance in this movie. When Amy is forced to by Pete have sex with him you can clearly see the fear in her eyes. I have seen this movie several time and I am still impressed and deeply touched by the way the movie tells the story of Amy Dustin. It is a tragic tale of how a young girl can be abused by a older man. I think everyone (and not just Nicholle fans) should see this movie.