For My Brother
For My Brother
| 08 December 2014 (USA)
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The two brothers Aske and Bastian live with their father, Lasse, in a world of fear, violence and alcohol but the brothers' strong and close relationship means everything. Aske must serve his father's sexual needs, as well as paying customers and his father's friend, Hans. Aske tries everything to keep his little brother out of it all so that he won't experience the same as himself. But one day Bastian is abused by their father. The brothers choose to move to Norway, far away in the beautiful mountains. Their friendship outshines everything! They are together and far away from their evil father...

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Ricardo This movie is not the best in terms of acting, cinematography, editing, etc, but the subject matter is so intense and it is presented in such raw form that I could not help but feel like the story swallowed me into it. It was like standing in the eye of a hurricane and watching all the destruction happening around me. This is not the kind of movie you want to watch if you just feel like passing the time or being entertained. It's the kind of movie that leaves you thinking, the kind that makes you cry tears of anger and sympathy, the kind that makes you question why some humans behave like subhumans, the kind without a happy ending because sometimes in life a happy ending is just not possible.
Reno Rangan Just remember that this is not a film to entertain you, but it is here to open your eyes on the child abuse issue. This is one of the major problems today we're facing around the world. All the governments had taken the strict actions on the matter, yet somewhere without being noticed domestically these things keeps happening. Such a theme was this film, which is not easy to digest the ugly truth it reveals.Looks like a B movie from the Denmark, the production quality was decent, but the topic of the film was very strong and that makes it a must see even if you think you're not made for the micro- budget, not-so-popular films.I've seen films like 'Trade', 'Taken', 'Eden' et cetera, but this is something a new angle about when parents are directly involved in the such dirty affairs. This story was about two brothers and their miserable childhood. After their mother died of an accident, they end up in the custody of their abusive father. Life won't be the same as it was before to them, but the eldest takes all the measures to protect his little brother. Unfortunately, it looks the fate is not on their side when a terrible thing unfolds after one bad evening, which leads to a chain of events before concluding the narration with a twist."When I grow up I won't hit my kids."I am really lucky to find this film, which is yet to open its wings to reach the wider audience globally. I know this is not a film to have some good time, but might disturb you with its strong contents. Yes, the film has some of the bold scenes which strongly restricts for the adult's viewing. The film was shot in some of the beautiful locations, but what the story was dealing makes us to focus only on the cruelty the two minors are encountering.Just watch it to believe what's actually happening in the families of child abuse history. If this is what the fate of innocent children in the first world nation's lower class families, then imagine what about the second and the third world. If you had seen 'Trade of Innocents' and 'Graceland', you will get a clear picture.The director and actors are all the fresh faces, but given a one good product as the theme wise. One of the few things I did not feel comfortable was the camera work. It was very shaky and in the initial part it had given me a hard time to get used to it. Because of that kind of screenplay, it looked like it was shot with a camcorder.The others were the nude parts which were a bit unnecessary for a little film like this, but they went for a bold statement and I appreciate that effort. And finally the story, in some segments it did not convince me, as they were way too off from real like the accident in the beginning and dragging climax. If you won't mind these things considering it is a B movie, this film is definitely worth seeing. So here it goes my recommendation for the grown ups only.8/10
Peter Pan This is one of the most heartbreaking movies of child abuse I ever saw. Aske the 17 yo main actor is playing a great role between desperation and hope. He is abused by his father to please all customers he is presented - male or female. He lived this ordeal only to safe his brother from the same destiny - is raped by a gang - but can't protect him. Only one little luck he wishes for himself - to go to a parts - turns into a big mess - his brother is forced instead of himself. He tries to escape with the help from his best friend. But in the end his brother and his best friend are killed by his father. I had to cry more than once on this movie. It is really heartbreaking.
FromDecatur This is a riveting film that I had difficulty tearing myself away from and am having difficulty forgetting. It starts with a young boy being rented to his father's brother to be abused and doesn't get any brighter, except for a couple of episodes where the brothers are interacting. The actors are all excellent, particularly the young man playing Aske, at the center of the film.The whole film has a sense of inevitability, as though Aske has no way to change his circumstances. The change that does come is fleeting. The world of the film is unforgiving with only small moments of kindness and love.
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