R | 17 August 1988 (USA)
FleshEater Trailers

A group of teenagers, taking a nocturnal hayride come across the grave of a man. Little did they know that this deceased man is a zombie. One by one, the actual living are falling victim and becoming zombies. Eventually there are zombies everywhere, and someone needs to stop them, but who?

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
loomis78-815-989034 A group of teenagers head to the woods to spend a chilly Halloween night partying and having sex. One fool unearths a grave that somehow triggers the dead in the area to come back to life. This first zombie out of the casket is none other than the original graveyard ghoul from "Night of the Living Dead" played by Bill Hinzman. Hinzman is also the Producer, Director, Co-Writer (along with Bill Randolph) and Editor of this film. He quickly pulls the heart out of the fool who woke him and infects others in gory fashion. The kids eventually catch on as their Halloween Hayride goes south. They scramble from farm to farm with the zombies taking them easily. I want to start by saying how much I love Bill Hinzman and everyone involved with George A. Romero's classic "Night of the Living Dead". With that said this movie is really awful. What might have been a fun low budget outing is sunk by lousy production values, non actors butchering poorly written lines, and bad scene after bad scene. Sure it's a kick seeing Hinzman reprise his role as the graveyard zombie and having this set on Halloween was a good idea. But the poor execution makes this seem like a video shot on a weekend with some friends. There is some cheesy gore but no scares or atmosphere to be found. Quite dismal to say the least.
Bezenby This one can hurt. A lot. For instance, the credit sequence gives quite a bit away. For one, count how many times that name Bill Hinzman appears. Also, notice that insistent piano score. Get used to it, because it's near enough constantly playing for ninety minutes. Also, if you've watched Night of The Living Dead, then you've already seen this film.You know that zombie in Night of the Living Dead? The one at the start? That's Bill Hinzman, and he's here making Zombie Nosh, acting, filming, producing, making soup, darning, fondling nudie actresses, saying 'yaargh', ripping off better films, editing, employing chronic thespians, wearing make-up, and staggering. He would do so again with the acute angina causing 30th Anniversary Edition of Night of the Living Dead, and Children of the Living Dead. Here, however, he manages to redeem himself (slightly) by realising that zombie films need loads of gore and violence, and thankfully Zombie Nosh manages not to be the hideous pile of goat ordure that it initially reveals itself to be.A group of 'teenagers' are on a hay ride and end up in the country. After establishing that they are all a bunch of chugnuts, and ugly too, Bill Hinzman rise up from a grave and starts killing everyone, turning them into badly acting zombies. In normal films, the 'teenagers' would be the focus of the film, but here 90% of them are wiped out and the film just moves on to the next bunch of new characters, wastes them, then moves on again, etc etc.That's about the gist of it, really. However, there's loads of gore, acting so bad it has to been seen to be believed (especially the 'aoh! moi gawd! bit), ineptitude all over the shot, plagiarism ahoy, and an ending that'll have you non-chalantly switching off the DVD player and going to bed, like most nights (?). I dunno. It's worth buying, to be honest. It's never boring.
geminiredblue 1968, America was in upheaval. The Vietnam War was, sadly, in full swing. Atrocities were shown on nightly news. Riots were taking place in the streets. Crazed, lone gunmen were killing people from towers. Given the time and situation that our country was going through, perhaps it was inevitable that Romero's classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD is thought to be a product of that era. Not only that, but it was made entirely independent from any major studio, in Pittsburgh of all places! Not in California or New York! Nonetheless, the groundbreaker changed the face of horror as we know it. 1988, the Vietnam War has ended but trouble brews in the Middle East. The Cold War is winding down. Dead teen flicks were all the rage during the late 70s and 80s. Perhaps it was inevitable that someone would come along and try to remake Romero's classic. While a remake would come several years later, I believe this was a first attempt. The basic story is the same, and even features a few of the same cast members, S. William Hinzman as the lead zombie (again.) What's different is the sensibility. Where the original worked by building up the suspense to a near claustrophobic pitch, this movie wants to achieve it, but never quite reaches that level of terror. In fact, most of the movie isn't terrifying at all. Good make-up and special effects can't make up for paper-thin characterization, poor acting, and bad dialogue (not to mention ill-timed humor.) The movie's main focus seems to fluctuate between young actresses uncomfortably taking their clothes off and over-the-top gore. Halfway through, the movie seems to repeat itself. The movie opens with a party of young people (college age I think, though they act like high-schoolers) and halfway through, the survivors of the first party stumble upon another party of young people. Oh, and the music is SO DAMN ANNOYING! You're not even given a single second where the music isn't played over and over and over again! The same music played over and over and over again! Can you sense my annoyance?! Nice try guys, but we've seen it all before. As a remake or a sequel, it sucks. For a better remake, please refer to NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1990.) As an unintended comedy, it's wonderful!
gorefan82 I usually love 80's flicks. They are so cheesy but so much fun to watch. Especially a good zombie flick. Right off the bat, I liked the atmosphere of this movie. You could easily tell it was creepy. It's definitely a B movie but the quality was shot well. This was no doubt a 'campy' movie. The acting wasn't great by any means, but it was tolerable. Typical 80's acting. The plot was no different than any other zombie movie but that's what I love about it. Stupid teens getting attacked by the undead or the living dead rather. The action started right off the bat which is a great thing. The music was spooky and quite creepy at times. I was also impressed with the makeup effects. Fairly realistic for the time it was made. High body count with nice gore. Overall I really enjoyed this. A classic gore fest with gratuitous nudity for anyone who loves gore, high body count, boobs, zombies and horror. A very good underground zombie film. A must see for horror hounds.