Flatland²: Sphereland
Flatland²: Sphereland
| 10 October 2012 (USA)
Flatland²: Sphereland Trailers

Set on the eve of Flatland's first mission into their 'outer-space,' the story presents the intriguing mysteries of triangles with angle sums greater than 180 degrees and flipping into dimensions that are literally out of this world.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
geekytoo Coffee is an acquired taste because it is inherently bitter. But Starbucks has made a fortune by sweetening and spicing it up. The makers of Flatland and its sequel, Flatland2:Sphereland, have done something similar by adding the spices of colorful animation and a good story to transform otherwise dry math and physics concepts into a more palatable form. These two films are entertaining educational tools that can grab the attention of students and invite them to ask questions about the nature of space and how math can help us understand our physical reality. These animated films feature characters that are physically and emotionally colorful and the plot has enough drama and humor to guide the viewer through various math concepts without breaking a pencil. The math/physics concepts presented are spatial dimensions zero to four and beyond, including the multiverse. The non-mathematical theme of these films is to keep an open mind and follow your convictions. Even the kiss between two Flatlanders in Sphereland will give the viewers something to think about. Teachers will love it and some of the students will be asking for a refill.
shana_merlin This series does a great job of making complex mathematics beautiful and compelling. By using story and imaginative characters and scenery, the movie draws you in. Plus they have top notch voice talent like Martin Sheen and Kristen Bell. There's also a few really funny moments as well. A great piece for all ages and great for the classroom. They even sell a package with both movies and a teaching kit for kids. This stuff was all hand crafted by animators, writers, and directors right here in America. You would never guess they had a shoestring budget with all the fancy animation, computer generated images, celebrity voice actors, and tightly edited story. I hope to see this on PBS some day with my kids.
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