| 08 September 2000 (USA)
Fiza Trailers

In 1993 Fiza's brother disappears during the riots in Mumbai. In 1999 Fiza is tired of waiting and goes looking for him.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Micransix Crappy film
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Khalid Jahangier Fiza is the best Indian Movie I ever saw.. I love everything of that movie, especially the song Baba Haji Ali and Mehboob Mere with Susmita Sen, she was wonderful. I saw the movie 20 times. Its a Family movie you can watch it with your hole family (issat). Karisma and Jaya Bachan did also a great job she was so fantastic, the role of Fiza suite Karisme Kapoor very well. Keep go on Mister Khalid Mohamed..I cant wait to see your next movie..Greets from Holland..Mohammed Khalid Jahangier Ashrfi
vlulla Fiza is definitely one of the better movies churned out by Bollywood in recent times. It carries a message that every religion is good but it is the politicians who are using religion as a weapon and destroying innocent families for ulterior motives. It deals with the problems being faced in India currently which have been repeatedly erupting and causing a huge dent in the economy. Since the past 50 years, every time India has got back on its feet a new politician created calamity has dragged it back down preventing it from being a power to reckon with and doing away with national problems like poverty and illiteracy which prevents people from leading a normal existence. And every time the roots of these calamities can be traced to religion. Everything is not fair in the name of religion. The film has good music and both Karisma & Hrithik have rendered superb award winning performances. Some people may feel that Hrithik's character is not very strong but looking at it from a perspective of what he is subjected to and circumstances which he cannot control make him the person portrayed in the movie. The silent scene of him in the train says it all.
Rash Being a Muslim living in Britain I didn't want my religious tendencies to affect my view of this film. However, time and again 'Muslim' films made either in England, Hollywood or Bollywood constantly and deliberately show aspects of the religion that are incorrect and mislead the non-Muslim public about the religion. I'm not talking about the Hindu-Muslim fighting or political games being played in Fiza, I'm talking about simple things like Muslims DO NOT go to someone's grave to pray to God, they go to a mosque!!! The painful thing was, this film was screenplayed and directed by a 'Muslim' who could have shown some accuracies but chose not to.Anyway, rant aside, the film itself started off promisingly and could have led to a satisfactory ending. Hritik Roshan is a great actor in my view and could become the next Amir Khan. He certainly has the looks and ability. Karishma turned in another fine performance but Jaya Bachan was the best of the lot. Her humour and style of acting will never age, even though she appears to have.Half way through I was thinking, inaccuracies aside, this film is quite good. However, that is when the director must have reached a cul de sac as his message was becoming blurred and the film took on too many angles at once:****SPOILERS BEGINWhy the mother had to commit suicide after seeing her son shoot the two ghundas no one could understand. She had lived for 6 years without him, the focus of her love being Fiza, but all of a sudden she ups and kills herself. What the f*ck was that all about? Suicide for a Muslim is one of THE BIGGEST sins which you cannot repent from. She would have been better taking up drinking or something.Why did Murad want Aman killed after Aman shot the two politicians? Surely Aman had shown enough loyalty and courage to continue his work under Murad?Finally, how is dying at the hands of your sister considered noble? That too amounts to suicide, i.e cowardice. If he wanted a noble death then its in a war (with the police, other ghundas, Murad) but not at the hands of his sister.*** SPOILERS ENDThe second part of the film was the downfall and even the most brilliant soundtrack could not save this sinking ship. I recommend this film if you're bored with nothing to watch but I only gave it a 5 out of 10 IMHO. By the way, try to watch this film on DVD for the songs alone.
islamzd Although still had a taste of Indian commercial films, Fiza was a different kind of movie. The story line and direction were good and the actings were super.Herithik is obviously made for films. His look and talent is all what is needed to become a movie star. It's amazing that despite being his second film, he perform so powerfully. Unlike Shah Rukh, whose acting is artificial (one can tell he is perforimg for the camera), Herithik performnce is very natural. Shah Rukh has lost the rank.Krishma did a great job and Jeya bachchan showed she has the ability to perform, and perform so powerfully.Fiza has its flaws. A lot of things are unclear, it still has unneeded scenes and songs.It also had flaws like most indian flims