Five Moons Plaza
Five Moons Plaza
| 09 May 2003 (USA)
Five Moons Plaza Trailers

Just the night before his retirement District Attorney Saracini is given a film showing the kidnapping of Aldo Moro. As the District Attorney takes on the case he along with his team finds more compelling and secretive evidences. Too many secrets are found that should stayed as secrets.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Anatoliy Kravchun This film makes you wonder. The line between life and death is present throughout the film. Carelessness judge is not used to struggle - but his life becomes fatal. This film is about how much of the old is to die for a new beginning. People keep guns concealing the truth. People searching for the truth fall first. This film reviews the history as a priceless example. Murder is the easiest way. Death continues to bear fruit, and one proof means little for the truth. And the end of story will open your eyes. It's cinema style to reset a viewer for concentrating on the end. Every level of participating - is just a searching for a truth.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU That's just a film and it is not serious. It is ranting and raving about the cold war and its consequences. It is an attempt to clean up the plate of the Red Brigades in Italy by making them CIA agents. It is an attempt to clean up their crimes by making these a result of Yalta and indispensable actions to prevent the arrival of the Communists in the Italian government. It is well done but it is gross manure. The assassination of Aldo Moro was the blocking element on the road to power for the Italian Communists, but that had nothing to do with the CIA and Yalta. It was essentially a successful attempt at preventing Communists from having any influence in the political world of Italy which would have isolated and even neutralized the Red Brigades and other Trotskyite groups. The presence of Communists in the French government in the 80s was of no importance because they were second to the Socialists and the Socialists had been vastly infiltrated by Trotskyites and the Socialists were going to eat up the Communists like so many snails cooked in some juicy red tomato sauce. Quite different was Italy since the Communists were going to be in the government with the Christian Democrats and as the main party in Italy, not a second declining force. The Trotskyites would have been completely neutralized and annihilated. Later on they will even practically cooperate with the extreme fascist right to eliminate the general secretary of the Communist party to get rid of the danger. For the Trotskyites, and for the Anarchists as well, and even for the extreme fascists, the world has to remain brutal, capitalistically egoistic so that these extreme forces can go on criticizing this world and appearing as justified in their criticism. Why do you think Mitterrand protected them and accepted them in France in order for them to escape Italian justice? Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, CEGID
dbborroughs On the eve of retirement a respected and fair minded honest judge is given a film of the murder of Aldo Moro. Troubled by what he sees and by strange events around him the judge begins to investigate what really happened to Moro.This is a well acted but run of the mill thriller. Donald Sutherland as the judge is good, as always, but he is given very little to do other than move from place to place to reveal the next plot point (in more than one sense). The problem is that unless you know what happened to Moro and what that meant for Italy you're going to be left out in the cold for a good chunk of this film. I'm not saying that you can't enjoy the film not knowing what happened, you can, its just that the deeper implications will be lost. I myself was lost, since the Moro murder was so long ago and effected me very little here in the US. I wish they had taken a page out of Oliver Stone's JFK and constructed the film in such away that it brought you into the story and the events in such away that you didn't know you were being spoon fed. There is no effort to tell you anything, it just throws you in. Its disappointing.This should have been a good thriller and instead its just okay. If Aldo Moro and his death are well known to you you then odds are you'll find this a better movie. If Moro means nothing to you this is just another political thriller based on real events saved by good performances.
undomiel_ Good photography and visual effects don't save this movie from being really ugly. That's it.After decades, the kidnapping of Italian politician Aldo Moro still has mysterious sides. It would have been nice to see something like JFK by Oliver Stone, with an accurate reconstruction of facts, and the director guiding us toward the truth about it (or at least some believable hypothesis), in a clear and logical way, as to be understood even by those who are not familiar with the facts. But what comes out here is half a thriller, a low quality one that falls in every cliché of its genre but that is not exciting at all, and half a confused documentary, with the characters giving us a huge amount of hard to place details. And even though the theory exposed is absolutely believable, the characters' research is still based upon FICTIONAL proof, as the reel of footage they examine doesn't actually exist…So I think I still don't get this: what was the point of making such a movie? With all my respect for the very talented actors who played it, didn't they have better things to do??