Final Mission
Final Mission
| 25 July 1984 (USA)
Final Mission Trailers

When his family are murdered Vietnam War veteran, Vince Deacon, tracks down the man responsible for the murders and to get his revenge.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Richard Roma I found this VHS in a 99 cent bin in 2002 and have loved it ever since. This is one of the most awesomely stupid movies ever made about the Vietnam war, and the pinnacle of Cirio Santiago's illustrious career. Hard boiled LAPD cop Vince Deacon has his family in Los Angeles killed by a gang called the Main Street Men, who work for a traitor Deacon had put in jail during the Nam, so he goes AWOL on a quest for revenge, killing several thousand random men in khaki uniforms in the process. Who really cares who they are or why they're fighting - the entire film is just scene after scene of anonymous men with guns running onto the screen and getting machine gunned by Deacon, throwing up their arms and yelling "AAH!" as they die. In the meantime, he dunks a man's head in a urine filled toilet, stabs a steroid addict to death, and drives around at night while the incredible "Always on my mind" theme song by Steve Butler plays, again and again. Not long after, a man runs around on fire, screaming in pain. At some point a black guy makes his way into the movie, brandishes a gun and says some cool tough stuff. I think there was also a woman at one point, but she's not important. All that matters is the belt fed machine gun Deacon finds in the display window of a suburban boutique store, with about 200,000 rounds of ammo conveniently stored with it.It's a Z grade Cirio Santiago film with barely competent actors and cheap effects, what do you expect? Perfect blend of dumb action and laughable dialogue. Would have been a great candidate for "Mystery Science Theater 3000" treatment. Best news: If you like this movie, Cirio Santiago made at least 400 other films exactly like it, all of which are either about post apocalyptic motorcycle gangs, the Vietnam war, or some combination of both (Nam Angels).
Steve W Scott I did enjoy this movie even though it was almost a duplicate of Sylvester Stallone's 'FIRST BLOOD'.I do think that if a higher budget had have been given the movie could well have been a block buster. It carries the undertones of a damn good story line and the need for higher rated actors. Released in 1984, it is very much the basis of 'FIRST BLOOD' although the off set for revenge is based on rape and murder. Acted very well with depth at times and the need to push the boat out this movie in my opinion should be watched to help bring fourth the true critic with an understanding of low budget and where we would be without the low budget movies. I own a copy and would not depart with it for any amount of money. Like I said previously, it's low budget, average acting and a copy cat story but a great, great movie.
Joseph P. Ulibas Final Mission (1984) is one of those cheesy, no budget First Blood rip-offs. Unlike the other Rambo wannabes, this movie's great. The director has no shame, he blatantly copies scene-for-scene and shot-for-shot from First Blood. Others may see this as a rip-off, I see it as a funny, horribly acted, badly written and cheesy as hell action picture. There are many scenes from this movie that still boggle my mind. Even today I still wonder if a Gun shop would have an M-60 machine gun (with a full cartridge box) in a storefront window display or is it really sanitary to use a dirty knife to pop out a bullet? I highly recommend this movie, it plays like a comedy instead of a serious action/revenge film. A word of advice, stay away from open motor boats. They always seem to explode in these type of movie.Highly recommended.A (for the cheese factor) F (as a straight movie)
sunny-2 Of all the "First Blood" ripoffs that hit the screen in the eighties this filipino-made movie is clearly one of the better ones. Acting is pretty lousy (with the notable exception of Kaz Garas as the sheriff) but the movie has its good moments.