Final Flight of the Osiris
Final Flight of the Osiris
PG-13 | 21 March 2003 (USA)
Final Flight of the Osiris Trailers

Immediately before the events of The Matrix Reloaded, the crew of the hovercraft Osiris discovers a quarter of a million sentinels drilling through the surface of the earth towards the last human city of Zion. But can the Osiris survive long enough to warn Zion?

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Steineded How sad is this?
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews This is the first of the Animatrix shorts, found on the DVD of them. It is arguably the most entertaining. This maintains a rather fast pace throughout the entirety, without ever becoming overwhelming. It takes place a little before, and sets up, Reloaded(and also the Enter the Matrix). That doesn't mean it is a requirement to view this, however. The plot is well-written, and the story-telling is good. The CGI is stunning, incredibly naturalistic and quite close to being seamless. This was animated by the people who also made Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, and you can tell that their talent was applied to this. The visuals are amazing all the way. The music is fitting. The sound in general is great, and the voice acting is nice. The characters are well-written, but there is little time devoted to developing them, particularly beyond the two leads. This is 9 minutes long, and the focus here was on making it feel like one of the awesome action scenes from the films(this is definitely the one most true to that aspect of the trilogy). They succeed. This has strong sensuality, but not particularly anything objectionable beyond that. The disc also holds a making of, six and a half minutes, very worth watching, with the crew talking about it, clips of it, and we even get a glimpse at some of the short they created to prove they could pull this off. I recommend this to any fan of the concept and the movies. 8/10
guylkinggirl Overall the CGI was extremely realistic, especially in the real world. When the Osiris is attempting to escape the sentinels, it almost looked like it was cut out of the Matrix movies. Though the CGI looks very good during the scenes in which you see the entire ship and all the sentinels, when there are closeups of the characters faces you can tell that its obviously CGI. But the fight scene in the beginning with Thaedus and Jue was a pretty good piece of animation, and their movements were very realistic. It was engaging how gradually they showed more skin, but I have to admit that the CGI was so good that I was hoping that Jue got fully unclothed instead of Thaedus. Jue was hot!, it would have been interesting to see her in Reloaded wearing the outfit she wore during their fight scene. Anyways the plot is alright given that the whole movie is only like ten minutes, and its even better if you've seen the movies.
rbverhoef This is the first part of 'The Animatrix', a collection of animated short movies that tell us a little more about the world of 'The Matrix'. This one is very exciting with some beautiful animations and the action as spectacular as we saw it in 'The Matrix'. Very good.
whatdoes1know Awing the world with the graphics of SPIRITS WITHIN, OSIRIS bycomparison is a step back, or rather, it really is a job done on theside as all energy was being poured into FF. The clunkymovements of the characters, especially noticeable in the openingsimulation scene, are subpar those of the 2001 box-office flop.SPOILER: The actual sequences inside the Matrix involve anextended jump, flat jogging, and a casual conversation with an oldlady who decided for once that she should not turn into an Agentand stop Jue from informing Zionites about the attack of theSentinels. Maybe Jue wasn't such a hot face among the Agent'smost wanted list. Maybe it's a big PLOT HOLE. But, there ismouthfuls of butt, and that alone must make OSIRIS the topfavorite of pseudo fans of the Matrix.