NR | 19 January 2008 (USA)
Fearmakers Trailers

Two old friends team up with a woman to solve her sister's murder - and stop a vengeful, murderous ghost.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
stevewrightwright I can't believe how bad this movie was...i had heard that timo rose was some kind of indie horror genius. No way! Everything about this movie was rubbish.The story is barely there and more than half the running time seems to be padding.The acting is some of the worst i've ever seen. The whole film looks so cheap...the effects were horrible. Films that are given away on youtube have better effects than this.Depressingly this isn't the worse film that I've ever seen but that's more damning of the others than praising of this trash.Seriously, stay away from this crap. I sometimes feel that a movie that gets slated might be worth a watch, just to laugh at.This one isn't.
jktemp I was very disappointed in this film- It is one of the most amateurish of Timo Rose's career. And only seems to have been made because the actress he obviously admires was in town at the time!! Lame Lame story and acting!! Very limited and thrown together quickly gore effects- After the enjoyable BARRICADE i thought Timo Rose was moving ahead with his directing- And maybe becoming close to the superior Olaf Ittenbach (who has definitely progressed as a director) But after seeing (and sadly buying!!) this film it appears Timo isn't the talent that i hoped he was. I hope the upcoming 'Beast' movie is better - because this is an insult to his fans! It should have been an extra on a DVD- it's like an after thought- a home movie done with drunk friends- I will definitely be more wary about buying / viewing Timo films from now on.
lastliberal OK, to truly appreciate this movie you have to consider the work that Tom (Joe Davison) and Sammy (Timo Rose) do to be logical in the first place.If you do, then it is a sure bet that you are a fan of "Ghost Hunters." If not, then the characters of Tom and Sammy are just out there and a couple of ridiculous nerds. Funny? Not really, just strange.All this about a "revenge spirit" and dreams is just a frame for a good old fashioned mystery about the death of Sarah's (Debbie Rochon) sister. Debbie was, of course, her usual great self, even if she had a horrible script to work with. She did her best, man.Blood and gore was good, and, of course, there is the gratuitous flash of Debbie as she steps out of the shower. That alone is worth watching the flick for, in my humble opinion.
Geminate Terrible, unwatchable and ridiculous comes to mind when describing whatever Fearmakers was supposed to be.The editing was a catastrophe. Half of the 'effects' seem to be done in Microsoft (TM) Paint...I kid you not. However they managed the rest was just as awful.There are seemingly unending minutes of filming just for the sake of filling the time. Scenes that are pointless, repetitive flashbacks, over and over.They should have just released this on YouTube (TM), even if abandoned there, it is still unable to be classified as a 'movie'. If you pay money to see this, you would have been more fulfilled buying a package of toilet paper.This isn't a movie, it's simply garbage and the ending sentiments echo what you might say to everyone involved in Fearmakers.