Fat Choi Spirit
Fat Choi Spirit
| 08 February 2002 (USA)
Fat Choi Spirit Trailers

Follows the adventures of a compulsive Mahjong player named Andy and his aging mother, estranged brother, loyal ex-girlfriend, and a local gang.

Brightlyme i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
atravaglini Like the previous commenter, I too had no idea what I was getting when I saw this film. However, I am a huge fan of Lau Ching Wan's and wanted to see what this character on the cover was about. This movie is lighthearted, Highly enjoyable and a grabber. Twice since I have had it on when a friend dropped by and they always stay to see the whole film. The films story revolves around the game of mah-jong and even if you don't understand the game, don't worry, there's no need. Try it if you can. Not serious at all, just a good lighthearted film. One you might even pass on to someone else.
Harry T. Yung A mahjong player will have full empathy, but a player of any game requiring a combination of luck and skill will also recognize the feeling: When you get a lousy hand, you play on, fairly, attentively, with full respect to the game. This is called sportsmanship, in any language. This is what this movie is about.Extending this, sportsmanship in the larger game of life is just as important. We all hope for our ship to come in but before that happens, a good sportsman will carry on cheerfully even when nothing seems right. This is what this movie is about.If this is preaching, it is preaching in a most entertaining manner. Andy Lau is hero as ever, but hero of a different kind, a perfect sportsman, and very convincingly so. Gigi Leung continues her exploration for variety in roles since Xin Dong (Tempting Heart) and hits a roaring success here, proving that she can do two things: be very funny and play a foul-tempered eccentric. Lau Ching-Wan's wicked attempt at a spoilt brat is deliciously hilarious. Even the supports of the not-yet-too-hot Louis Koo and new screen face Cherrie Ying are impressive.Altogether a wonderful movie, but a veteran mahjong player will be the one who gets the most out of it.
Venus8 This movie may not contain a great, powerful story, but it is comprised of great actors, facetious characters. If you are looking for drama, go elsewhere, because there isn't any here. All the movie contains is laughter, smiles and all the elements necessary for a good light hearted movie.I didn't know what to expect when I got the movie, but was hoping for it to be worth while. As it turns out, I've stumbled upon a good movie, for it was worth my while and I'd definitely watch it again. Perhaps again and again!!
Lester Mak (leekandham) FantasticThere is hardly any other way for me to describe this film. It is indeed fantastic and hilarious.Andy Lau plays the Mahjong Warrior, who seem not to be able to lose. Rich as he may be, life is not so simple: by chance he finds his lost mother who now has Alzheimer's, a brother who lost his riches in the dot com bubble, and a girlfriend intent on getting back with him. Add this to a gangster rap of a underground mahjong circle (as underground as the local comedy burger bar, mind you), mix thoroughly and you have a kaleidoscope of humour that will tickle you for an hour and a half.The characters are beautifully developed. Andy, the cool chap with a temperament that can freeze a volcano, Gigi, who is obsessive and has a fiery temperament whenever she loses a game, and Lau Ching Wan, a gang leader as sissy as Barney the Dinosaur.It is always difficult for a comedy writer to make a full of humour as Fat Choi Spirit, but it has happened and all I can say is even if you don't know the rules of mahjong, go out and see it, because it is definitely worth it!