Farewell to the King
Farewell to the King
PG-13 | 03 March 1989 (USA)
Farewell to the King Trailers

An American soldier who escapes the execution of his comrades by Japanese soldiers in Borneo during WWII becomes the leader of a personal empire among the headhunters in this war story told in the style of Joseph Conrad and Rudyard Kipling. The American is reluctant to rejoin the fight against the Japanese on the urging of a British commando team but conducts a war of vengeance when the Japanese attack his adopted people.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
vincentlynch-moonoi There was a time when Nick Nolte was a powerhouse actor. Before his personal problems took their toll. This film is one of several Nolte performances before the real troubles began, and along with films such as "Cape Fear", "The Prince Of Tides", and "Jefferson In Paris", showed that Nolte had a wide acting range that was sometimes downright surprising.Before watching this film it is important to understand that it is anti-British colonialism (which is fine by me) and it has a romantic notion of life in Borneo. Having been in Southeast Asia a fair amount -- although not in Borneo -- the picture of life depicted here is not as wonderful as it appears. But, it is always interesting. Part of the film was shot in Malaysia, substituting for Borneo.Another thing you know before going in is that the ending is not going to be a happy one, although the very conclusion is a tad upbeat, but not until a great deal of sorrow had occurred.The 3 primary actors are Nick Nolte, who is superb as an American who has washed ashore in Borneo and become a king of a local tribe...a life he sees as paradise. Nigel Havers is excellent as the British officer to interrupts paradise, with good intentions (of course), but who brings about an end to paradise. James Fox, an excellent British actor, has a rule that is, perhaps, the most thankless in his career..This film was a disaster at the box office, and I'm not sure why. It's well done. All I can think is that time timing was wrong.Recommended.
dunsuls-1 One fabulous movie !!! OK it's not Lawrence of Arabia but its a movie based on a novel by Pierre Schoendoerffer so we know it's fiction and nothing more.Ah but what fiction !! Director:John Milius crafts a fine tale that makes you think as I once heard somewhere else,IF that story isn't true it should have been (film - the cowboys)There was a time Nick Nolte could really act and this film released in 1989 proves it.At 115 minutes I wanted MORE.There is NOTHING not to like about this film.The story of a third party being caught up in the dispute of others is timeless and when that dispute is war and the third party are savages or really just not civilized in the western sense,they only collect heads and live in the jungle,rather than live in comfort based on the exploitation of others,like colonial powers involved in such war,that you have a set up for a Don Quixote story as played by Nolte. So don't look for Lawrence but rather a violent but principled Sancho Panza and you will enjoy the film.British,Japanese and Borneo as a battleground works as well as any other setting from WW11 and less done to boot.Fine acting by Nigel Havers as a Lawrence type,Capt. Fairbourne really complements Nolte as this American deserter from Corregidor survivors after being beached on Borneo and seeing the soldiers he escaped with die.He then survives in the jungle only to be captured by headhunters,and here's the romance,is loved by a native and he thus learns there way and becomes "free"to lead his "comanches"as KING !!!Great stuff if not for that damned old war !!! The darker issue of re-colonizing after the war is also delved into although not as much as one might wish.Do yourself a favor and see it,for they really don't make um like this anymore.
trojans7 this is a little seen but worth finding war movie about one mans journey from deserter to king.nick nolte giving another fine performance and john milus directing a more personel film with incite in the way he think and feels about mans time on earth. if you like solid war movie that are not all action or all talk this has the right blend. beautiful shot so that you feel the heat and sweat of the jungle.this is old school film making so if your into michael bay stay away. but if your into history, ww2 or just a good yarn find it buy it and tell your mates about it.it may not be a classic but it should be.
sonofhades It is a war movie so original I felt my heart ache when I saw the pain shown on Nick Nolte's character's face when he realizes what he must do in order to save some of his regime.Go watch this movie, the role of Nick Nolte excels anything he has done on his lifetime.