PG-13 | 25 February 2002 (USA)
Fangs Trailers

Scottsville is a sleepy town, where the yearly apple blossom festival is usually the only 'memorable' event, so Police Chief Sam Taylor is furious when young cop Ally Parks -who comes from the big city- insists on investigating the death and mutilation of prof. Fuller, who experimented on bats, and soon several other victims, as unnatural bat attacks. She finds a helpful 'expert' in animal controller Dr. John Winslow, and the couple gets help from his inquisitive daughter Genny and her practically in-living high school-friend Logan to unravel how it all ties in with local real estate mogul Carl Hart's dishonest and corrupt practices.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
charlenelv Alright, so this isn't the scariest movie I've ever watched, and the acting isn't anything that would win an Oscar, but it was enjoyable, fun, and a good wholesome family movie. The violence was minimal, no sex, no foul language, and no blood and gore.Corbin Bernstein played his role perfectly - by overacting, just what the role demanded. I enjoyed this movie so much, watching it every time it came on TV, that I finally purchased the DVD. I don't think that a movie has to have violence, or sex, or gore just to be a 10.It is nice to have a movie that I can comfortably watch with my 12 year old granddaughter, that both of us enjoy. Tracy Nelson & Whip Hubley had great chemistry. This is certainly one DVD which won't get dusty from being watched once and put away.
Pigalina Basically some genetically modified bats get loose and go round biting people (and a dog, which was most uncalled for) to death. My first gripe with this movie is that Heather and Diane remained alive. Oh my goodness, they were like so annoying and I was all like won't they just die already, I mean like they were just so irritating. How I laughed to see such fun when one of them got attacked by a bat. Sadly it only messed up her hair.The teenage daughter in this film of course wanted to be a reporter, ah yes, ALL teenage girls want to be investigative journalists. She of course was on the case and had a video camera with her at all times - not that it helped the storyline any, she didn't solve the mystery with it. The dad though may I say was very smart, no sooner had he seen an odd looking device he'd solved the whole thing and they all raced off to save the day. And what a lovely ending, the Dad married the police lady and they went on honeymoon with his daughter AND her boyfriend. Though, in its defense, I didn't actually get bored watching this, and it was mildly amusing when it was supposed to be.
uds3 What am I saying? RPM was a classic piece of quality entertainment besides this. Billed as a horror film - the reality is, this piece of juvenile tripe is a fright-fest ONLY from the script, direction and acting viewpoint! Horror - Sesame Street style! To be honest, Bert is more terrifying!How the hell did they get Whip Hubley and worse, Corbin Bernsen (LA LAW??) roped into this? Not professional enough to be even called a "student film," this lamer than lame tale of a few genetically altered and frenetically digitised bats terrorising Bernsen's housing estate is so pathetic it defies serious critique.Has anyone in the history of cinema looked and acted LESS like a cop than Tracey Nelson? The only thing worth watching is spunky Katie Stuart as Hubley's sexy daughter Genny! That's sexy, as opposed to intelligent!As someone mentioned, yeah it is very clear and colorful however - just like a child's finger painting. On DVD even more so, I can't believe I wasted $6.95 on this offal!
Michael O'Keefe Here we go again. Pretty predictable and no matter how cheesy this movie gets...something keeps you hanging in there for the finale. Is it the blood thirsty bats? An unlikely detective(Tracy Nelson)teams with an animal control officer(Whip Hubley)to uncover the mystery behind a small town being terrorized by genetically-created bats. Nelson is so wrong for the role it is pathetic. Corbin Bersen and Nicole Clendenen are more than a tad over-the-top. Redeeming is the cute Katie Stuart. There is an interesting solution to jamming the bat's radar. If you expect horror...prepare for a headache from the negative shake of your head.