R | 03 April 1996 (USA)
Faithful Trailers

A depressed housewife whose husband is having an affair contemplates suicide, but changes her mind when she faces death by a killer hired to do her in.

TinsHeadline Touches You
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
ltlacey I do not understand why this movie is rated so low, and that so many people did not like it. But I guess you have to be in the right state of mind to see it. The premise is that after 20 years of marriage a lonely and depressed housewife, Margaret, and played by Cher, has had it, and rather than confront her hubby, decides to end her life. But before she can down the pills a hit-man, Tony, played by Palminteri, breaks in and ties her to a chair. I thought the dialogue between the two was witty, and the chemistry between Cher and Palminteri was great. They played off each other wonderfully. I also liked the parts with Tony's shrink. Absolutely hilarious. The low points were when O'Neal was around, but thankfully those were few, and when he was in a scene he did not do much more than stand there. Not a lot of dialogue out of him, which worked. There are a lot of movies made from plays, as this one is, and though some do not work out too well, this one worked, since we got more to see in a film than we would have from a play (visually). Not that it was needed. A few outside shots of how opulent Margaret lived, and that scene in the beginning with the Rolls, and that's all we needed. Check it out.
mrsastor I have to admit, I enjoyed this movie tremendously when I watched it alone, and later when a group of friends watched it in my house I was embarrassed by how much they hated it. You have to be in the mood for it.Cher must be commended, to carry off a movie when you spend exactly half of your screen time tied to a chair is pretty remarkable. The interplay between Tony and Margaret is much better when it is just the two of them, Ryan O'Neal doesn't bring much of anything to his part and the film declines somewhat when he enters the home.The only real annoyance is the HORRIFIC injections of Mazurski as some kind of freak shrink that is supposed to be funny; it may well be the single unfunniest and most unnecessary character in the history of film. You could totally fast forward through every second Masurski is on the screen and it would only improve the film.I think women will like this a lot better than men, but it's a good film and very underrated. For most of 1996 it was my favorite film.
jotix100 "Faithful" directed by Paul Mazurski doesn't add anything to his otherwise prestigious resume. As a comedy director, Mr. Mazurski has done better. Unfortunately, he doesn't appear to have been inspired, by the story or by his cast.In fact, one of the worst things in the film is the overbearing role of Chazz Palmentieri, whose Tony is one of the most obnoxious things he has played in the movies. Cher, as Margaret, the redheaded woman, married to a rat fink, doesn't bring anything new to the screen. She could do much better, but unfortunately, not here. Finally, Ryan O'Neal doesn't have much to do.The best thing about "Faithful" is its 91 minutes running time! Sorry Mr. Mazurski, you need to stay away from whoever told you Chass Palmentieri's screen play had possibilities.
bob_bear I agree with what Dianna Trent said below. Namely: "I also don't like the dangerous idea of 'loving' a man who comes into your home to murder you. That word "rape" needs to be replaced, too." Yes. And Yes. Both these "issues" made me uncomfortable.I think the biggest flaw in this film is its lack of logic. Like I know about the Stockholm syndrome but it just doesn't make sense that Margaret would really date Tony after the event. He's a HIT MAN!!!! He KILLS people for a living. Like she would really wanna cuddle up to that???? And the cutesie ending looks like it was tacked on because some preview audience weren't happy with the original. Schmaltzig. It doesn't work.The actors do their best. I think the casting could've been better but that doesn't mean those taking part didn't give 100%. No the problems lie with the script - despite some excellent dialogue. It's patchy and ill-conceived, that's what it is. 'A' for effort. 'C' for the finished product.