Fairy Tail: Phoenix Priestess
Fairy Tail: Phoenix Priestess
PG-13 | 10 December 2013 (USA)
Fairy Tail: Phoenix Priestess Trailers

The film revolves around a mysterious girl named Éclair who appears before Fairy Tail, the world's most notorious wizard's guild. She lost all of her memories, except for the imperative that she must deliver two Phoenix Stones somewhere. The stones may spell the collapse of the magical world, and Natsu, Lucy, and the rest of the Fairy Tail guild are caught up in the intrigue.

Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Alex Nichiporuk Back when I liked Fairy Tail, I stumbled across this movie...and oh my God, it was absolutely terrible. It basically makes the series look worse by comparison. So where do I start:The silent context-less prologue: The beginning of the movie has no dialogue, meaning you have to assume you know what's going on. Not a good way to start a story.The story in general: The story felt so formulaic and predictable that if you watch the series, you know how it will all end.The characters: My biggest beef against this film ere the characters. You have cookie cutter one-dimensional villains shouting the most generic villain dialogue ever...and then you have Lucy. Lucy does ABSOLUTELY nothing in this film, unless you count crying like a stupid baby for most of the film as something. The fact that this film centers around her and her relationship with Eclair, she doesn't add anything to the plot. She is also portrayed to a degree as useless, when I remember that she has keys to summon celestial spirits to aid her.Overall, this movie is not worth watching at all.
hayashimegumi As a long time fan of Hiro Mashima's works such as Rave Masters and Fairy Tail, I won't deny that I am really fond of the characters and this one easily becomes one of my favorite but honestly that doesn't mean I'll only write praises for the movie because I can be quite critical.Let's begin with what I don't like about Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess (2012). There is not much really, but I prefer to be honest; I am not comfortable with some of the character's design, particularly or rather, especially the designs of some of the female Fairy Tail guild members. It's really mean if I say they look not as pretty as in the manga and anime series but it is quite noticeable that they look different.Sometimes in the movie, I find them weird. It's a little like plastic surgery done to their faces. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with alterations, it's their choice but the point is, it is like an unsuccessful plastic surgery which makes people feel uncomfortable looking at them. So whose fault? In this case, maybe the "surgeon"?! :/(Seriously, what have you done to my favorite Erza and Mira-nee!! Luckily my favorite exceed Carla still as adorable!!) T-TEnough with whining. Good news is, despite that flaw, this movie is still one of the nicest anime adaptation I have ever seen! Truly, I am not exaggerating. It has a completely new story arc that has never appeared before in the manga or the anime itself, with new characters and setting or location introduced. It is truly a pleasure unlike some of the other animated features which are usually just a summary version of the anime, which is boring or a major let down.That reason alone is already good enough to why you should watch this Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess (2012). Besides, it also have a great story which is also touching. If you are easily moved, you may find yourself crying at least twice. No joke.To those who are new to Fairy Tail universe, it is not a fairy tale. It sets in a magical world called Earth Land, featuring not one or two or three but tens to hundreds of different characters with unique backstory from time to time. Most times it is funny and at times it is mysterious but most significantly, it has plenty of valuable life lessons which are always uplifting!Therefore, I would say Fairy Tail is an exceptional and sensible work of art. If I have to rank my favorite manga and anime of all time, it would be certainly my #3 favorite, just right behind the Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama and Rave Master by the same mangaka who also create Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima. In brief, true, I may appear to be a little biased as it easily becomes one of my favorite but no, I won't simply list any movie without reasons into my favorite list, alright? If you need some anime movie suggestion, this would certainly be one of it! ^_^
calbum_garrick Hello, (This is a negative review, but no spoilers contained other than spoling your expectations) Well I'm a big fan of Anime's and have enjoyed quite a few anime films, out of that lot I do enjoy Fairy Tail the series and so watched the film as any fan would, I was not expecting a lot as this is their first film (And the anime series show they are still learning) But gave it a try, and they disappointed my low expectations.Generally I would give this film around 3/10, maybe 4/10 as it is a watchable film, it gives screen time to the whole guild and they will all pull off some moves to keep ya happy (And Happy happy) during the film.But i'm giving it 1/10, my worste rating ever, this is because of a few reasons which I would apply to any film so i'm not being biast:Darkness - The film is VERY VERY dark, half of the film you will just see a black screen with faces moving around and the occasional fireball or something, this goes for all the battles and chases and bits inbetween, this point ruins any film, the other thing I enjoy about Anime's is the amazing worlds people create, and beautiful scenery, this film looks like it decided to skip background imagery and just make it all dark, they will have light scenes, but they will lack my next point.Script - You will notice this issue within around 10 seconds of the film starting and this will continue to the end, lack of dialogue, lack of explanation, the film starts with a 'silent movie'(With music), so unless you've read multiple descriptions of the storyline you will have no idea what is going on, this will not get any better during the rest of the film, I didn't actually laugh once during the film :S (If you leave the sound on but look away from the screen, you won't be missing much)Storyline - Weak, I won't go into this for spoiler sake, but it is weak. If you wanted to, there is a short 20ish min episode which explains a little more into the film's main characters, but again lacking (Plus not part of the film?!?!).If they took this film, cut it into 5 parts and released it as episodes within the series (Labled as fillers) a lot of people would be complaining and skipping it :P I feel cheated :P And they didn't even do much fan sub... tho lucy is always a winner ;)
peter-mackie284 As a youth ,I very much enjoyed anime. Many a night I stayed up late to catch shows such as "Bleach" "Naruto" "Blood+" "Dragon Ball Z (and GT to a lesser extent)". However in the mid to late 2000s, I grew weary of anime. Some of the shows (some being the previously stated) had more than overstayed their welcome and many of the new additions to the anime medium were either more of the same story rehashed with different characters, or downright perverted. On top of that a new wave of "anti heroes" had come into play, not that there's anything wrong with that, I enjoy a good dark hero every once in a while but at that point the medium was plagued by unrelatable and sometimes downright unlikable characters. So naturally I moved on to other story telling mediums to fill the gap that anime had created.But then, fairly recently, this little story caught my eye on the Funimation channel.I decided, despite my previous experience, to give this one a fair chance, and it surely did not disappoint! The characters are three dimensional and likable, the story (while containing some elements from animes past) was original and interesting. That being said the show is certainly not perfect, suffering from an abundance of clichés that sometimes detract from an otherwise wonderful plot, and the featuring of the occasional villain that you've sworn you've seen at least thirty times before in other shows. But that by no means does a bad anime make, and to the shows credit, the jokes are actually very clever and funny, which due to the cultural barrier that is often difficult to translate in anime, is a rarity.What makes this a good anime id simply this, you like the characters. You want to see them succeed and you can often relate to the feelings that they have during their struggles. The characters in the Fairy Tail guild look out for each other, you actually believe that they would be friends in any given scenario. The rivalries are believable and the villains (while sometimes cheesy) have sufficient motivation at all times. To conclude, I would recommend this show to current and prior anime fans, there's something in it for everyone.