| 23 August 1971 (USA)
Exposed Trailers

Lena is a young woman in need of excitement and sexual satisfaction. Torn between her meek and innocent boyfriend Jan and the sadistic partygoer Helge, Lena‘s life is turned upside down when Helge take some nude photographs of her. These photos could destroy her life.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
wrv-16858 'Exponerad' (= Swedish for 'Exposed') above all evokes the mood of the early 1970-s. Complete with the then current idealistic touch about 'free love', for which Sweden was famous at the time (AIDS wasn't there yet).Add to this the picturing of some nice Swedish countryside scenery, all bedded in a credible down-to-earth story.Supported by a number of nudity shots, female lead Christina Lindberg performs your girl-next-door reasonably well. She convincingly manages to carry this film to its end.Those around in the early Seventies will surely warm up watching 'Exponerad'. For those who weren't, I guess this film must be pretty mediocre.
BA_Harrison 17-year-old Lena (Christine Lindberg) is prone to flights of fancy, most of which involve her being sexually abused or killed. Torn between two lovers, boyfriend Jan and hedonistic pig Helge (who is blackmailing her with naked photos), Lena decides to run away, but after a few days on the road, during which she imagines herself raped, murdered and killed in a car crash, she returns home to confront her problems, all of which might only be inside her head anyway.The subtitles for my copy of Exponerad lagged a couple of minutes behind the film, meaning that I found matters really hard to follow—not that I care that much, because the story was dreadfully dull from what I could gather and isn't what drew me to the film in the first place. No, I sought this one out for the same reason that I imagine most men do: the presence of beautiful exploitation sexpot Lindberg, who being a liberal-minded Swede in the early 70s, frequently disrobes and indulges in soft-core hanky-panky for the pleasure of the viewer.Apart from the regular nudity from the star, there isn't much else to recommend about Exponerad: Lena's violent daydreams are fairly jarring I suppose, and certainly make the viewer wonder what the hell is going, as does a trip to the cinema in which we are treated to several minutes of a Johnny Weismuller Tarzan classic, but everything pales in comparison to the other Lindberg films I have seen so far (my other Lindberg viewings being revenge flick Thriller: A Cruel picture and pinku Journey To Japan).Without Christina, this would probably only be a 3/10 tops; with her, It's got to be worth a 5.
Michael_Elliott Exposed (1971) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Christina Lindberg fans can rejoice because another one of her films has been released to DVD. In this film she plays a 17-year-old girl who gets taken advantage of by an older man. He took some nude photos of her and is now blackmailing her, which doesn't sit well with a mama's boy that she's currently dating. There are about two other plot lines that could be brought up but, as the director states in the featurette, the story really isn't that important when you've got the beautiful Lindberg running around nude for 60% of the running time. The movie actually manages to be more than just your typical sexploitation film because the story itself isn't too bad and we get some decent performances. The entire subplot of Lindberg's character imagining bad things happening to her might have been a homage to Bunuel's BELLE DE JOUR but it works. These fantasy sequences range from her being raped, to her death with some nudist and various others. Lindberg turns in a good, if certainly not great performance, which is more than enough. She certainly makes us care for her character even though we really don't learn too much about her. The biggest issue with this film and many other sexploitation movies is that there's just not enough going on for a running time over seventy-five minutes. Clocking in at 91-minutes this film runs out of steam towards the final half-hour and there's just way too much added stuff. There's a five-minute sequence, which shows us the movie TARZAN TRIUMPHS but it's not just a clip but an entire five-minute sequence! The print has the Swedish subtitles as well, which was strange to see and I'm curious if Warner knows about it. There are other sequences that could have used some editing as well. With that said, most people are coming to this film to see Lindberg and you get plenty to look out, which is good enough for the film to work.
Spectrocon Cristina Lindberg starred in a few Swedish movies in the 70's and also in some German porn movies for those who didn't know.A lot of these exploitation movies she starred in were OK but not greater than that. Although almost all of the movies she was in sucked big time including this film, Thriller - A cruel picture is worth seeing. Quentin Tarantino was inspired by some of her movies but most of all Thriller.This movie however is very weird. Cristina plays a character named Lena, a 17 year old girl who seems lost and keeps daydreaming all the time. She goes on a very short road trip and gets in some trouble and from there the story gets duller and duller. Although this movie has a lot of nudity in it and Cristina was somewhat of hotty, this movie isn't worth seeing at all. For the Swedish crowd it could be of some interest considering that you'll see Sweden in 70's and the film itself is considered to be a classic.Conclusion: If you like Cristina Lindberg and those types of movies you should perhaps see it if you don't like those types of movies, watch something else.