| 10 March 1975 (USA)
Exorcismo Trailers

A young woman participates (unknowingly) in a satanic ceremony and gets possessed by the spirit of her late father.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
slayrrr666 "Exorcism" is a rather interesting and at times really fun entry in the genre.**SPOILERS**Suffering a car accident, teenager Leila, (Grace Mills) suddenly begins acting very differently, much to the detriment of her family, her mother Patricia, (Maria Perschy) as well as step-siblings John, (Jorge Torras) and sister Deborah, (Maria Kosti) who sense something is wrong. Getting to the point where they call on Father Adrian Dunning, (Paul Naschy) to make a visit, he doesn't think it's that bad and down-plays the whole situation. Following a death in the family, the strange situations continue and soon more murders arrive to them. The more time he spends around the family, the more he becomes convinced that something has happened to her, eventually finding that she has been possessed by Demonic forces. Intent on trying to get her back to her normal self, he wages a powerful war against the forces inside her to release the evil inside.The Good News: For an exorcist film, this one isn't that bad. One of the nice things about this one is that it changes around the rules that had previously been used. There's the whole issue of whether the spirit is of demonic origin or of familiar descent, which is something new to the whole affair. It raises them nicely and uses some really clever clues to help them out, with each side of the argument getting a fair share of the proceedings and never being overlooked. It's a nice addition to be able to see this from such a film, and it's handled quite nicely. Once the film switches over and becomes an actual possession film, there's rarely little that it gets wrong. The make-up look here is simply outstanding, as the body becomes grossly discolored, full of bruises, sores and cuts as well as the single creepiest and most memorable set of eyes ever. They look remarkable and nearly impossible to describe, being completely otherworldly and inhuman. It even goes the extra mile to incorporate a transformation sequence showing the marks appearing on the body, which is a great touch and really helps to make it feel that much more terrifying. There isn't a whole lot of scenes showing the possessed doing anything, the few times there are do give some good scenes. The lone priest in the house tormented by supernatural forces as they're preparing for the final battle is pretty good, with the hallucinations taking place, the furniture levitating and attacking as well as the forces coming out in even more powerful effects, as the wind blowing and eerie voices are heard to great effect. The Satanic orgy that takes place towards the end is where the film gets it's quota of nudity and impressive imagery, using them all in a great sequence that's sleazy, fun and quite exciting. That there's a really nice amount of scenic shots on display is something to behold, especially early on with the family wandering around the house and a later sequence where one is attacked by a figure wearing a demonic mask and a black cape, giving this one some really nice visuals here and there. All in all, this one here isn't that bad.The Bad News: This one does have a couple of flaws present. Most of them relate to how dull it is. There's a large portion of the film in the very beginning where nothing at all happens, and it gets to a really weak point eventually. A lot of it is based on the fact that the priest here has to suspend a large amount of pretty convincing evidence merely to keep the plot going. The first visit is obvious, but by the second and third visits complaining of the same thing, only in larger doses. These are done for a long time in the beginning to make it seem longer than it really is, but all it does is grow on the viewer with how repetitive it is as well as feature nothing of real interest later on. The subplot about the police investigation does nothing of importance either, being just a way to get more into the story rather than doing nothing to explain it or featuring anything of substantial interest, only going so far as to provide more scenes of dullness that the other scenes already feature. The infamous dog scene as well will get a rise out of some, merely for the cruelty it exhibits as well as the fact that it occurs right at the end, breaking up the pivotal scene in the film somewhat slightly. It's not all that bad, but these here are what keep the film down.The Final Verdict: A halfway decent entry in the exorcism genre, this would be better had it not been as slow to start. There's far worse to be had in this genre, and is a must-watch for fans of European Horror, Naschy or Exorcism-film fans, while those who aren't into any of those won't find much with this one.Rated UN/R: Graphic Language, Full Nudity, Mild Violence and mild animal violence
The_Void While I certainly consider The Exorcist to be a horror classic, I have to admit that I don't hold it in quite as high regard as many other horror fans do. As a consequence of that, I haven't seen many of The Exorcist rip-offs, and if Exorcismo is anything to go by, I'll have to say that's a good thing as this film is boring as hell and certainly not worth spending ninety minutes on it! In fairness to the other Exorcist rip-offs, this is often considered one of the worst, and so maybe it wasn't the best place for me to start. It's not hard to guess what the plot will be: basically it's the same as the one in The Exorcist and sees a girl get possessed by a demonic spirit (which happens to be the spirit of her dead father). The village priest is then called in to perform the exorcism. Like many Spanish horror films, this one stars Paul Naschy, who is pretty much the best thing about the film. Exorcismo was directed by Juan Bosch, who previously directed the derivative Spanish Giallo 'The Killer Wore Gloves'. I haven't seen any of his other films, but on the basis of these two: I believe that originality wasn't one of his strong points. There's not a lot of good things I can say about the film itself; it mostly just plods along and the exorcism scene isn't worth waiting for. I certainly don't recommend it!
Gafke If this were not a very blatant rip-off of "The Exorcist" (which it very obviously is) it might be a halfway decent movie. Not a GREAT movie, but not too bad. Butinstead, we get some scenes that we've seen before and were better the firsttime around. A young, rich beauty (is there any other kind?) unknowinglyparticipates in a Satanic ritual and becomes possessed by the spirit of her late father, who died in an insane asylum. Things get moving with a head-turned- around-backwards murder (sound familiar?) and proceed onto the inevitabledemonic fried-egg eyeballs and scabby, vomit encrusted special effects make- up. There's nothing very new or original here. That said, it's still not the worst movie I've ever seen. It suffers from bad dubbing and a lame ending, but there's a few genuine scares, some groovy hippie coolness and lots of naked girlsdancing around, if you're into that sort of thing. Fans of the demonic possession genre may enjoy it, but die-hard fans of The Exorcist may be somewhatdisgusted. Four stars out of ten.
Zarathos-5 A cheap, bad Exorcist-rip off, and absolutely one of Paul Naschy's (alias Jacinto Molina) worst movies. The script is very...very...um, bad, and the plot is really bad. Naschy of course denied that the movie is an Exorcist-rip off, but we all know the truth. Watch out for the final exorcism-scene, which is so ridiculous as possible (the evil spirit goes to a DOG!). Naschy as a priest is of course ok, but the other actors are something from a summer theatre school...