| 08 November 1998 (USA)
Exiled Trailers

NYPD Detective Mike Logan, who was reassigned to Staten Island after punching a corrupt politician, takes on a grisly murder case. When the investigation leads him back to the 27th Precinct, Logan sees a chance to resurrect his flailing career and be reinstated as a homicide detective.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
sol ***SPOILERS*** Having been exiled to far off and low crime Staten Island for slugging, in front of TV cameras no less, a New York City councilman Det. Mike Logan, Chris Noth, has been dying to get back where the action is. Logan want's to be transferred back to his old precinct the 27th, the Two Seven in police lingo, in midtown and high crime ridden Manhattan.Finagling a murder victim found floating in New York Bay Logan makes it look like the victim was dropped, or deep sixth, off Statan Island to get on the case. Back in the good old Two Seven, on a temporary basis, Logan soon finds out that the murder victim was an exotic dancer and part-time hooker named Suzan Taylor, Nicole Ari Parker. Checking the dead hooker out Logan not only finds that Suzan was working for Mafia Godfather Don Giancarlo Uzielli, Tony Musante, young hot-headed and a bit obnoxious son Glanni, Costas Mandylor, at his strip joint "The Catwalk" but that she had a twin sister Georgeanne, also played by Miss. Parker. Det. Logan finds Georganne studying ballet at an uptown Harlem dance school.Tracking the late Suzan Parkers movements before her brutal murder Det. Logan together with his partner woman detective Frankie Silvera, Dana Eskelson, finds that she was last seen alive at this hotel run by young Galanni Uzielli. Det. Logan also tracks down Suzan's pimp Seymour "Kingston" Stckton, Ice-T, who was at the hotel the night that she was murdered!As both Det. Logan and Silvera follow up the leads from the murder scene it becomes apparent that Suzan's murder was either covered up or in fact committed by a police officer at the Two Seven! The crooked cop it turned out was in the pocket of the Uzielli Mob who had him planted in the Two Seven to keep them updated to what's going on there. It's then that Det. Logan realized that his being transferred back to the Two Seven wasn't the Nirvana, or fun and games, that he thought that it at first would be. Det. Logan is now in danger of breaching the never talked about, by policemen, "Blue Wall of Silence" in arresting someone whom he works with. A cop who that in fact was Det. Logan's partner before he was sent into exile to Statan Island!Made for TV movie version of the top TV crime series "Law and Order" with it's top stars, besides Chris Noth, Jerry Orbach and Sam Waterston, as Det. Lennie Brisco and D.A Jack McCoy, making cameo appearances in the film. Nothing really that different from the series the film is based on but spicier language and a number of violent, that you'll never see on commercial TV, scenes. P.S There's also very prominent in the film the now gone forever two World Trade Center Towers that give you a chill, in knowing what happened to them on the morning of September 11, 2001, every time that they pop up in the movie.
joystar I've been a Chris Noth Fan for a long time, and was very upset when he left LAW & ORDER. Mike Logan was a quirky, individualistic character who always left you wanting more. What a treat that Mr. Noth and co-writer Charles Kipps finally told us what happened to Logan after he was banished to Staten Island. In addition to being an enjoyable, fast moving mystery, there was always the underlying angst of Logan's boredom. I'm reminded of the phrase "Be Careful What You Wish For...You May Get It." Logan got what he wished for: He returned to the 2-7, and the Homicide work that he loved, only to find out that you can't go back again.I'd enjoy seeing a sequel, to find out how the character resolves this.Good Work, Chris Noth!
Luca-23 For those of you who are offended that this movie insinuates nothing happens on Staten Island--get over it-nothing does. I'm a NYC paramedic and I know of what I speak. Chris Noth played this character very realistically. I think Dick Wolf made good use of a great character and an excellent actor. I would also like to give kudos to the 34th Avenue Bowl in my old neighborhood. Chris, why didn't you tell me? We could have hung out! Jeanine
Pepito-5 I found the movie to be a total farce. In the first place the movie makes it seem that there are no homicide or other serious crime committed in Staten Island,and so Detective Logan is bored and homesick for Manhattan. Give me a break.... In the second place when he goes back to his old command investigating the murder that was committed in the precinct's vicinity,they leave behind the only so called Spanish speaking detective that had taken Logan's place when he was so called, "Exiled" to Staten Island, and go to the crime scene, [the rundown hotel],to investigate. All together there are about five or six detectives, and not one speaks nor understands Spanish. Now we get to a crucial scene where Detective Logan asks the maid, "This is a new mattress. Where is the old one?" The maid answers, "No comprendo. No hablo Engles." Logan bends his head to the right, puts both hands to the right of his head, making a sleeping gesture, and says, "Sleep. Donde el matre old?" "Oh, el matre viejo", says the maid. "El matre viejo esta en la basura. Tenia mucha sangre." It takes the hotel keeper to tell Logan that apparently what she is saying is that the mattress had a lot of blood on it, and it's outside by the garbage. You mean to tell me that Chris Noth, working all those years in the area of New York City, could not tell the Producer Dick Wolf, that in this scene he wanted a Spanish speaking officer, in order to make the movie more realistic. All New York City precincts, have Spanish speaking patrolmen as well as detectives. We are in the '90s. I enjoy watching a good movie whether it's fiction or not, but I don't like a movie that tries to pretend that what it is showing is the way it is. If Chris Noth is to continue to write for the movie industry, I suggest he take a little initiative in trying to give credit, where credit is deserved.