Executive Suite
Executive Suite
NR | 30 April 1954 (USA)
Executive Suite Trailers

When the head of a large manufacturing firm dies suddenly from a stroke, his vice-presidents vie to see who will replace him.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
HotToastyRag When the head of a very successful company dies without naming his successor, those in contention fight amongst themselves to claim the Executive Suite. I don't really want to tell you any more about the plot, because it's so wonderful when the twists and turns unfold by themselves. Needless to say, this is a fantastic and exciting dramatic film with lots of tension, lots of scandal, lots of arguments, and lots of deception. With an all-star cast Barbara Stanwyck, Fredric March, William Holden, Shelley Winters, Paul Douglas, June Allyson, Walter Pidgeon, Louis Calhern, Dean Jagger, and Nina Foch, this is one classic you're not going to want to miss. Barbara Stanwyck gives a particularly great performance, so fans of hers will definitely want to check this out. With never a dull moment, and tons of characters and plot turns for you to root for and against, there's something for everyone to love in Executive Suite!
ellenirishellen-62962 Had the pleasure of watching today on a day long salute to Barbara Stanwyck,a very fine actress.She didn't have many lines or much action,but was a very important part of the Board.Surprised George Macready wasn't in the role played by Paul Douglas.In my opinion,he would've been the better choice,but Douglas was a good actor,although not what I consider in Macready's class (he plays a marvelous villain,and a decent good guy,too).Holden had me rooting for him.Pidgeon turns in his usual good acting job,and March is tip top here.Nina Foch does a great job,deserving an Oscar nomination,but Shelley Winters is a pain and is another drag.
movie-viking Just enjoy this movie. And/or use it for a great teaching lesson. On great drama, On great classic actors, On maybe moral concerns facing all corporations!All fine actors... The devious guys can out Gecko - Gecko (of "Wall Street" fame).The good guy speaks at the meeting...better watch out for flying furniture...as he makes his point.Let's see ...Insider trading (not even sure if it was illegal back then) will destroy someone...Corporate Backstabbing...Power Plays...Lobbying Committee Votes... Trying to sway the company heiress...Quality products made versus...bigger profits. The business suit-clad vultures start circling minutes after the Big Exec is dead!!!Executive Suite could be a good film for your high school (or home school) business class. But if you just want a quality drama...just watch and enjoy!
nomoons11 You talk about an All-Star cast. This casting was right out of the former and present day stars of it's time. An absolute home run all the way.A president of a moderately successful furniture company dies and his minion's all scramble to see who's gonna be the new president. With this happening we realize that 2 main people up for the job are on 2 different wavelength's. One wants to keep the stockholders happy and trim the fat. Keep churning out crappy, poorly made but profitable products. The other wants to return back to the days when they're product line was innovative and was quality by industry standard. The penny pincher is a Night school educated book worm who's more interested in controlling people than anything else. He knows everyone's personal business and he tries to use it against them to gain their vote at the end of the day. He's a weaselly little guy. You know the type, picked on in school and would like to get back at anyone the best way...worming his way to the top. The other is a chemist at their plant that creates new finishes/varnishes for their products. He wants quality products and wants to return to the old way the company was run but at that day and time...is it the bottom line that matters most?I don't think I've seen a better film with this kinda star power. From Walter Pidgeon to Barbara Stanwyck to William Holden to Fredric March. If you don't know your film history, these people are towering figures in acting and they all shine in this ruthless look at the back-biting that goes on behind closed doors at corporations. Fredric March is dead perfect at playing the weaselly little controller/comptroller of the company. William Holden plays the perfect hero with the perfect speech at the end. Walter Pidgeon plays the elder statesman like he always does. Barbara Stanwyck plays the "hidden" love interest of the previous president who died. She doesn't have a lot of scenes or lines but she's effective.Just watch this and see how relevant it is today. If you've seen this and then read this review you'll think, "this is about 2 guys vying for the presidency". Think about it. It's really about 2 different ways of thinking in the corporate world. How much quality do we actually put out in today's world? How many pieces of electronics do you return because of shoddy quality control? See this film and see why so many CEO jobs change hands these days. It's about the bottom line... and not the product.