Evolution vs. God
Evolution vs. God
G | 07 August 2013 (USA)
Evolution vs. God Trailers

Many believe that Darwinian evolution is a scientific fact. This movie shows it is unscientific by interviewing evolutionary scientists from UCLA and USC as well as biology majors.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Micitype Pretty Good
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
jackthebaxter Aside from flagrantly editing the interviews, Ray Comfort repeatedly demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge about both evolution and science in general. He uses the word 'kind' in reference to anything from species to domain, with six different definitions given. The one student he interviewed that was studying biology answered his questions very well, and was not heard from after the first ten minutes. The interviews with the scientists were cut into three second clips and involved Ray interrupting anyone when they went to give him an answer he wouldn't like. Altogether, those four interviews comprised just over four minutes of the 'documentary'.Examining the other people interviewed, the short clips of some people can be put together and clearly show one puzzled answer cut into four or five pieces and used in response to multiple questions.This 'documentary' is not just brain dead, but dishonest too.
irvinetustin The film brings another side to the issue of our origin that needs to be addressed. Most people that believe in evolution only believe in it because their school teachers or their college professors taught them that evolution is a fact even though it's only a theory. Very few people have done their own research on evolution. People who believe evolution is true are putting their faith in their college professors and school teachers. They never consider the possibility that the school teachers and college professors could be wrong, and as a result the notion that we evolved from ape-like creatures could be a myth. Many times people who believe in evolution have never heard any other explanation for our origin, nor have they heard the theory of evolution challenged. It's good to consider all of the possibilities of our origin so that an informed decision can be made. I encourage everyone to watch this film with an open mind.
shaolindo This movie has believers in evolution up in arms, and without anything to back up their claims except some ad hominem attacks. They seem to be under the delusion that calling people names equals good logical facts. They come on here and rate it with a low score because they know it shows how foolish they are and do not want others to see the truth.The film itself is fantastic. Everyone from the highest level of professors in evolution to the common college student has no evidence for their believe in darwin's foolish theory. Science is fantastic, but unfortunately throughout it's history, snake oil salesmen have taught many silly theories as fact and people who do not think very deeply buy into it.
Viv K Bunch of nonsense. An utter waste of your time. It is a load of God's lap dog nonsense. Very much unlike the famed The Banana is Evidence for the existence of God, this month movie is an extended load of... well...Let me just call it nonsense. Unless Comfort does not come out saying that this is work of pure fiction and has no connection with the real world, I am compelled to call it a bunch of misleading lies. Downright a dangerous influence on the minds of kids if you happen to be one that will take the chance of showing your child this movie. Wait a minute did I just call this badly piled clips of shoots a Movie. Beg pardon.