Evil Things
Evil Things
R | 17 June 2009 (USA)
Evil Things Trailers

It's Miriam's 21st Birthday. As a birthday gift, Miriam's aunt Gail has decided to lend Miriam her beautiful country house for an entire weekend. Aunt Gail's country house is amazing. It's a four bedroom house surrounded by breathtaking mountains and miles and miles of woods. Miriam invites her young college friends Cassy, Mark, Tanya and Leo to join her at the country house for what looks to be the most amazing weekend ever. Of course they all jump at the chance to spend a free weekend in the country, in the middle of nowhere. Miriam's friends are totally in the mood for a big time party weekend. They're also anxious to escape the dark and gloomy concrete jungle known as Manhattan. Miriam, Cassy and Tanya bring the food. Mark brings the beer and Leo, the aspiring filmmaker, brings his new video camera. Leo hopes to produce a short movie by documenting every amazing moment of this weekend getaway...

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Brent (JerkyPuck) Here's the deal. The biggest reason a lot of people hate round footage is it relies on gimmicks to push the narrative. Horror fans obviously have no issue with every other single horror movie relying on these same tropes. The difference is they most often show you everything. If you can suspect your disbelief and opem your mind found footage can be a fun experience! Such is the case with this film. No, you won't see blood or gore or really even any violence. Everything in this film is done through the art of suggestion, leaving the viewer to do a little imagination work. I actually prefer these kinds of films over seeing a baby lifted from a crib by an unseen entity. Don't show me...scare me. The actors here do a credible job and for the most part they are quite likeable. Once the action really begins to kick in you may find yourself caring about them other than groaning that, of course their cell phones don't work. You may be entertained if you would stop complaining that they are still filming. Just go with it and enjoy it for what it is. Plus homegirl had on a Wicked shirt. That's boss.
nightwatch4773 After watching the calamity which was V/H/S, I thought I would never watch another "found footage" horror film again. A week later I find myself in front of the TV watching Evil things that I ordered on Ebay and I have to say I was engaged from the get go. The film was shot nicely too, nestled tightly in the snow covered woods. Creepy creepy stuff here that has been done before but this one had a eerie sort of charm to it. The acting was top notch for the shoe string budget they had and the overall direction of the film was great. I thought it could've been 10 minutes shorter from the already short running time but life goes on. If your sick of found footage horror films, don't despair give Evil Things a shot.
David Nguyen Rented from RedBox, I have no clue why RedBox is getting more indie films now, and they are all horrible. This one had to be the worst of them all! People that write good reviews either gets scared VERY easily or contributed to the movie's franchise. 1Hr into the movie and it was just them GOING to the location. The next few minutes of the movie before it ended showed Mark in the other room and a "spirit" closed the door on him. I'm pretty sure this is an evil spirit that knows how to drive a van. All in all, the suspense build up of 80% of the movie was not at all worth it. Please don't watch this, waste of time, if you do watch it just don't expect much.
mdnobles19 Evil Things villain had evil plans and the setup and premise was unsettling and not forced but took its time delivering a pinch of jolts and the fact that it doesn't ever show these twisted psychopath or psychopaths was unnerving. The movie's downfall is that nothing much happens to make it as a whole terrifying or deliver any true scares but just a bunch of confused and scared young adults running and driving helplessly until they meet their demise with no payoff or explanation which is a all too common theme with the found footage horror movies and this one just doesn't have any action at all or much of a concrete script or story but just an chilling idea that could of resolved in a more effective way, it didn't come off as authentic at all. The acting wasn't bad per say and they have believable chemistry among each other but they had nothing to work with at all but just walk and drive around and small talk and act scared and the fact that none of the characters had much of a backstory didn't help matters either. The filming of the raw atmosphere is what helped the film lose a lower rating from me but everything else just didn't gel together in an interesting way and most of the time it's like watching some strangers boring home videos. Overall it's like Five Across The Eyes meets Them in the most ho hum way. Skip it!