| 20 January 2012 (USA)
Ethel Trailers

Filmmaker Rory Kennedy interviews her mother, Ethel Kennedy, who discusses family, marriage and politics.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
SeriousJest The first half of this film is a very in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the Kennedys...great if you're related to them by blood or friendship, or if you're a Kennedyphile...I am not. I felt like I could not relate to these rich, privileged white people, and I was flat-out bored. However, the second half focused heavily on RFK's accomplishments and sacrifices, and what made him tick. Certain anecdotes about lessons he taught his kids and his reasons for running for office made me wish more of our leaders were like him. Ethel's strength and contribution to the family were also striking, but this documentary is really much more compelling as an insider's view of RFK. I concluded that this film was worth watching because I don't think you'll be able to find this perspective and unique knowledge about RFK and his family in any other film. If you can suffer through the first half, the second half will be worth it.For more reviews and a kickass podcast, check out
GoldmundX An amazing documentary, intimate, legendary and inspirational. The Kennedy family's history is truly without comparison: the hope, the tragedies, the passion, the idealism, the hard clashes with reality, the bonds of tragedy and love, I dare say that it is impossible to experience life more intensely than this family has. And then Ethel stands tall through it all, an amazing woman, wife and (grand- )mother, with her unfaltering smile. If it wasn't for their passion for politics and the family fortune, the Kennedies could have made a fortune in toothpaste commercials. Apparently Ethel sat behind Obama in 2008 at a funeral, whispering in his ear: "the torch has been passed to you". How about them goose bumps?
Irpollock A first rate documentary about Ethel Kennedy and her wonderful family. There were so many photos and videos of the family that helped to show the family at home and on the campaign trail besides historical footage of news reports that showed that time period. While I was a student at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ in 1968, I worked on the Bobby Kennedy campaign and had the most wonderful time and was able to attend Bobby's speech in Camden, NJ along with other campaign workers where we were also able to see Ethel. Rory did a wonderful job of showing how loving and supportive her Mom was of her husband and what a wonderful mother she was and continues to be. Thank you for giving us an insider's view of your family.
rbsteury I just saw this at the Traverse City Film Festival. I am not a Kennedy aficionado, having some reservation about the morals of the family. But what I learned about Ethel made me admire her as possibly one of the great political wives of my time. Directed by her youngest child, Rory, the film primarily consists of an interview of Ethel and input in similar fashion from her remaining children. Ethel is a delight; funny and insightful. Supplemented with a great deal of historical footage, it is obvious how much she loved Robert and how she influenced first him and then, after his assassination, their children. Her life was devoted to her husband, her family, her strong faith and her feeling that she had an obligation to give back to her country for her high-born status. But in addition to this, she could be acerbic, comedic and at times outrageous resulting in several political embarrassments for Robert when he was yet living. She makes few apologies. She is a real national treasure and this film gives a great appreciation for her life of quiet dignity and service. Don't miss it.