R | 24 September 2004 (USA)
Eternal Trailers

Detective Raymond Pope is a detective of questionable morals, searching for his missing wife. His investigation leads him to the wealthy estate of the enigmatic Elizabeth Kane and her young maid Irina. Under Elizabeth's fascinating looks and aristocratic manners hides a terrifying secret,shared by her companion Irina. As Detective Pope finds himself perversely drawn to the powerful Elizabeth, bodies begin to surface, his inquiries only deepening the mystery surrounding Elizabeth's past. Pope's obsession grows so intense that he completely fails to anticipate Elizabeth's reaction to his intrusion into her dark world, a fatal mistake that might cost him his life and the lives of those close to him.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
ken-bld Normally I avoid vampire and werewolf type films. They've been done to death. If you're looking for the classic stake through the heart run from the sun and hide from the garlic vampire films this is not for you. This is a very new twist on the classic vampire film. It is inspired by modern true events. In most vampire films the women are usually little more than blood banks. But the two key actresses play their parts very well. They are beautiful and seductive. The plot is good the acting is good and the directing is good. One review noted that if you want to see kinky this film is no good to search the web. I agree. This is not your average vampire film. But if you want to see a vampire type film that requires an IQ over 50 and a film you may actually think about afterward it is definitely worth a rental.
ghoulieguru This is a pretty good pseudo-vampire thriller along the lines of the Hunger. It takes historical fact, sex parties and obsession with the taboo and blends them all into fairly decent thriller. The basic storyline is about a cop who's wife goes missing. As he attempts to find out what happened to her, he gets drawn deeper and deeper into the fetishistic world of a dangerous woman who turns out to be Elizabeth Bathory, the famed countess who bathed in human blood to keep her youth. Eternal combines elements of the Hunger, Eyes Wide Shut and Basic Instinct into one movie. Strangely enough, the combination is not entirely unpalatable.Acting is fairly solid throughout and the movie has some strong cinematography. The director makes some interesting choices and I think the only thing that I hold against him is the fact that he seems to have the same girl-on-girl fixation that so many other guys have. As a result, I had to watch a few more lesbian sex scenes than I would have liked, but they weren't too graphic and most of them ended quickly. I don't know if I would classify this as a horror movie, but if you're looking for a sexy thriller with a little bit of a bite to it, you might enjoy ETERNAL.
HEFILM For a "sexy" movie this features almost no nudity (one pair of smallish breasts) and all the characters are weirdos. It's all a bit dull and though some of the travelogue footage of buildings and interiors is nice actual dialog scenes fluctuate from shot to shot with grain and video scan lines showing up and distracting you from fairly mediocre dialog. Oh, and for a movie that's supposed to be sexy really none of the male or female characters are very attractive or sexy. The filmmakers have seen Eyes Wide Shut too many times as is obvious from the costumes and masks and perhps the sluggish pacing. This is also a movie where every character must be a multimillionaire due to the cars and houses they all live in. The film is loaded with product type of shots and never convinces you of being in a real world or any kind.The best thing in the movie is Conrad Pla as the detective, he's funny and makes his character more engaging than should be possible given that he's really basically a "shit" character for reasons I won't give away.Acting overall is uneven and has the feel of a lot of Canadians and Europeans pretending to be American--which is pretty much the case. There is no character to really relate to so it's all kind of a den of sin, but it's pretty slow moving and obvious. Each, new twist you will see coming and the story is really straight forward and protracted. The film doesn't really know how to get from scene to scene and momentary confusion as to where you are and what is going on is the only excitement it generates.Music is by "Mysterious Art" which is not bad, but may give a hint and the pretensions of those involved. Blood letting, like the nudity, is pretty sparse and totally mundane.A dull no fangs vampire film sparked by Conrad Pla's ability. If you're too sleepy to hit eject or fast forward and get it on a two for one day you won't be disappointed, but there are so many other films with this same plot.
Deemah Sokoloff I've read some previous posts where people are speaking about "sensuality", "sexiness"... come on peeps! If you want lesbian sensuality - watch some of Andrew Blake films! You'll get an hour-and-a-half non-stop lesbian sexuality action without some pseudo-vampiric stuff! The movie is booooooring! I've stopped the playback on 40th minute and I am not sure if I want to continue watching it. It seems like the producers and directors were not sure what they wanted to film - a horror, a vampiric movie, a BSDM or lesbian hardcore. Therefore they've decided to take a little piece of each and mix them altogether. It's like mixing eggs, bacon, strawberry jam, mustard and chocolate sauce. I like only two things about this movie - camera work and the house where the policeman lives :) By the way - what's this "inspired by true events" thing?