Employees' Entrance
Employees' Entrance
NR | 11 February 1933 (USA)
Employees' Entrance Trailers

Kurt Anderson is the tyrannical manager of a New York department store in financial straits. He thinks nothing of firing an employee of more than 20 years or of toying with the affections of every woman he meets. One such victim is Madeline, a beautiful young woman in need of a job. Anderson hires her as a salesgirl, but not before the two spend the night together. Madeline is ashamed, especially after she falls for Martin West, a rising young star at the store. Her biggest fear is that Martin finds out the truth about her "career move."

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
MissSimonetta Employees' Entrance (1933) is a film with manifold virtues, but the greatest of all of them is Warren William as the villainous Kurt Anderson. For this cinephile, old Kurt ranks up there with Darth Vader and the Wicked Witch of the West as one of the greatest bad guys in American film.William's villain is truly nuanced. He's a heartless, lecherous monster, yet there is also something admirable about his respect for those willing to stand up to him. The scene where one of Kurt's embittered employees tells him he plans to claw his way to the top of the business world and take vengeance on him ends with Kurt impressed and ready to fund the fellow's future business!Loretta Young gives the other standout performance as the working girl Kurt continually takes advantage of and whose marriage he unwittingly sabotages. Young makes her pain and distress all too poignant.This is an amazing film all around. The cinematography is solid and the screenplay sizzles. One can imagine how closely the Depression-era audience must have related to its working-class heroes.
MartinHafer If you are looking for a subtle film about the corporate world, then this is NOT the film for you! Instead, Warren William plays an over-the-top caricature of a businessman that is highly reminiscent of Hitler--and as a result is highly reminiscent of some of Williams' other films, SKYSCRAPER SOULS and THE MATCH KING! Despite this all being a bit silly and hard to believe, in an odd way, the film is still very entertaining and is sleazy fun. I especially like how again and again, the writers chose NOT to take the subtle path but chose to make the story a trashy soap opera. For example, when William forces yet another employee off the job after years of service, one jumps to his death from the 9th floor. Later, when he gets in an argument with a floozy in his employ, she tosses her Pomeranian at him--at which point he stares at it and then tosses the poor pooch into the trash can! With such silly scenes abounding, it's obvious that the film makers did NOT take themselves too seriously and Williams' character is so awful, you probably will laugh at some of his hysterics.By the way, after seeing this film, didn't you also get strong gay vibes from Williams' character? He did everything he could to separate his #2 man from his wife because he wanted him all to himself! Considering this is a so-called "Pre-Code" film, I seriously think they intended many in the audience to pick up on this undercurrent.
gzorro40 I saw this film recently on Turner Classics. It was a beautiful part of the wonderful past of Hollywood. Warren's great voice still haunts me. It was, as they say "mello as a cello". Real good stuff!! I have become a Warren William fan. I looked up his bio on your WEB. He made a ton of movies with all the top stars of Tinsel Town. He also made some not so good movies, but that's par for the Hollywood story. I have ordered about ten of his movie efforts and look forward with great anticipation in seeing them. Because I was not familial with him till TCM came along and presented some of his work. Sadley he died quite young at 54. Fortunattly we still have him to enjoy with the Hollwood Classics.
chipe This has to be one of the best B movies. Don't miss it. While it is no Citizen Kane, I found it to be a flawless 1 hour, 14 minute joy -- great satire, comedy, social and economic commentary and a fast-paced, well written, interwoven and witty screenplay . There is not a dull or wasted moment in the movie. It moves along and builds as it goes. All the loose ends are tied together and resolved in the exciting conclusion as Warren William juggles a frantic attempt to get a last minute voting proxy, a number of romances, some personnel changes and alliances and even some gunplay. Wow! And there is a huge number of situations and strategy about department store management and sales promotions. It is also an unusual movie in that it is gloriously politically INcorrect: the "bad guy" triumphs for a change. It is quite risque; a good example of a pre-code movie. Warren William gives an "over the top" bravura performance. Albert Gran and Alice White shine. Wallace Ford and Loretta Young do fine. I see that most users gave it an 8 out of 10. I gave it a 9.